BRN Discussion Ongoing


Although I will continue holding it, I don't understand how people are still extremely happy with the management and agree with the comment "share proce does what share price does" (or whatever they said) ... if we are well established company with proper revenue stream to support MC, yes, it probably gets more impacted by macro factors which management cant control. But given BrainChip is a relatively small company with considerable market cap with no revenue / revenue stream, share price does depend on management's performance...

Yes it takes years to roll out new tech... was that the expectation the management set from the start? They kept saying one thing and made it sounds like its gonna generate revenue real soon but it never came through and just continues to roll out new targets/products...

Yes they did a great job joining eco systems and forming partnership but they haven't landed any material contract for over 12 months... Where is explosive sales or things to watch in the financials?

Just read posts back in 2015, 2016, 2017 ... 2022 ... we always had massive potential, always had potential links to big companies, future revenues, etc. Yet share price dipped to 0.0x c at one point... Brain studio, accelerator fpga...

What we didn't have back then and still don't have is the massive revenue to support our MC...

But I am glad so many people r happy with our management...
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
That is a strange comment. If you need those things, why did you buy shares without them? Just asking?

Deleted Member 1269. 😝

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Although I am still positive about Brainchip, if you look at the share price prediction posts from 2015 - 2022... I am very worried but still hopeful... lol

Hopefully we will soon know whether this ship will sink to near 0 like before (not get adopted) or sail to moon (becomes industry standard)...

I can't stress this enough but being best solution doesn't mean it will be chosen... but luckily our management has joined multiple eco systems and formed partnerships and we r ready to shoot to the moon, hopefully it will be followed by multiple IP contracts & revenue... if it gets further delayed other inferior tech by bigger company might get adopted and I will be saaaaaddddddd like when I realised BrainStudio was a failure after all those promises vanished...
Although I will continue holding it, I don't understand how people are still extremely happy with the management and agree with the comment "share proce does what share price does" (or whatever they said) ... if we are well established company with proper revenue stream to support MC, yes, it probably gets more impacted by macro factors which management cant control. But given BrainChip is a relatively small company with considerable market cap with no revenue / revenue stream, share price does depend on management's performance...

Yes it takes years to roll out new tech... was that the expectation the management set from the start? They kept saying one thing and made it sounds like its gonna generate revenue real soon but it never came through and just continues to roll out new targets/products...

Yes they did a great job joining eco systems and forming partnership but they haven't landed any material contract for over 12 months... Where is explosive sales or things to watch in the financials?

Just read posts back in 2015, 2016, 2017 ... 2022 ... we always had massive potential, always had potential links to big companies, future revenues, etc. Yet share price dipped to 0.0x c at one point... Brain studio, accelerator fpga...

What we didn't have back then and still don't have is the massive revenue to support our MC...

But I am glad so many people r happy with our management...
You seem to be on repeat
You seem to be on repeat
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I'm Spartacus!
IMO..... the reality and foregone conclusion is that the ~ Top 50 shareholders hold the deciding votes no matter what anyway ....... Accordingly, we some 40,000 plus shareholders, can only " send a signal " to the Co on what we actually think according to the way we individually vote on each resolution put forward.
Having witnessed the evils wrought by both unions and corporates when “in power” and been somewhat held in cultural thrall by both sides at various times in my life, I choose now to vote neither my mob nor narrow view.
I intend to vote my head rather than my gut as damaging the Company or it’s management by a show of diminution of confidence seems counterproductive to both mine and the greater goods interests at this point in time.
Certainly not being within the top 50 may render my votes moot, but hitherto unknown plays in the background such as occurred last year, make it, to me at least, imperative that my votes accurately reflect my deepest intention.
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Although I will continue holding it, I don't understand how people are still extremely happy with the management and agree with the comment "share proce does what share price does" (or whatever they said) ... if we are well established company with proper revenue stream to support MC, yes, it probably gets more impacted by macro factors which management cant control. But given BrainChip is a relatively small company with considerable market cap with no revenue / revenue stream, share price does depend on management's performance...

Yes it takes years to roll out new tech... was that the expectation the management set from the start? They kept saying one thing and made it sounds like its gonna generate revenue real soon but it never came through and just continues to roll out new targets/products...

Yes they did a great job joining eco systems and forming partnership but they haven't landed any material contract for over 12 months... Where is explosive sales or things to watch in the financials?

Just read posts back in 2015, 2016, 2017 ... 2022 ... we always had massive potential, always had potential links to big companies, future revenues, etc. Yet share price dipped to 0.0x c at one point... Brain studio, accelerator fpga...

What we didn't have back then and still don't have is the massive revenue to support our MC...

But I am glad so many people r happy with our management...
I don't think there is any chance of us not generating revenue or share price going to zero (although if it does, does that mean I can have as many free shares as I want?). We already know Mercedes Benz is on board so there is a customer and revenue in the works. Have people really forgotten this already? Also, does anyone seriously believe that we are never going to pick up any customers at all in the whole world with all the positive feedback on Akida from partners and the unique, revolutionary nature of the technology? Yes, I agree that the success and money has not come as quickly as we all had hoped or according to the timeline management predicted but that does not mean that it will not come at all. And I for one certainly want to be here when it does. The reality is that for all the share price runs we've had in the past the underlying business has never been in a stronger position to launch and to me at least the likelihood that the product cannot be sold seems very remote and if the product can be sold then the share price will climb. That's just my opinion anyway but I'm not only continuing to hold I'm continuing to accumulate shares. Make your own decision but I don't want to be the one that sold only to see the company go on to do what we all know it is capable of and very likely will do for all the reasons we have identified on this forum many, many times before.
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Dr E Brown

If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time


Answered all the questions openly and honestly that people have been asking.

Well done.
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I'm Spartacus!
If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

We are being listened to.
This goes a long way towards answering those nagging questions.
Well done TD.
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If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

It is exactly how I felt the AGM is going to look like, a lot of words and positivity with 0 real information. I remind anyone that I don't think this is a negative in any way. I believe that if the management could give us more information they would. I also believe that revenue will come but by no means on the timeframe some here want.
It's nice that they are taking the time to podcast this, but really its just to try and keep SH happy. Hopefully this does but also gets people to understand that whining or complaining about what is going on will not change the SP in any manner. Sean has told you, market is down, companies are cautious with making chips and it'll happen when it happens. He can't make companies make chips or use the IP. It's ready to rock and roll when they decide they want to move forward.

This is not what some want to hear, but lets not let fairytales get in the way of reality. This stock is going to move on $$$ and other companies buying into what we are offering. I'm a strong hold, and sometimes a buy..... but that's my situation, I'm not here to get rich tomorrow, I'm here till 2025 minimum and a $5 share price. Then reassess when either of these come to reality. Good luck all.
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If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

Cheers Dr .
Great listen & a excellent point of reference for the nervous nellys
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If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

Shut the F up, just take my money
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Founding Member.
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Founding Member
Although I will continue holding it, I don't understand how people are still extremely happy with the management and agree with the comment "share proce does what share price does" (or whatever they said) ... if we are well established company with proper revenue stream to support MC, yes, it probably gets more impacted by macro factors which management cant control. But given BrainChip is a relatively small company with considerable market cap with no revenue / revenue stream, share price does depend on management's performance...

Yes it takes years to roll out new tech... was that the expectation the management set from the start? They kept saying one thing and made it sounds like its gonna generate revenue real soon but it never came through and just continues to roll out new targets/products...

Yes they did a great job joining eco systems and forming partnership but they haven't landed any material contract for over 12 months... Where is explosive sales or things to watch in the financials?

Just read posts back in 2015, 2016, 2017 ... 2022 ... we always had massive potential, always had potential links to big companies, future revenues, etc. Yet share price dipped to 0.0x c at one point... Brain studio, accelerator fpga...

What we didn't have back then and still don't have is the massive revenue to support our MC...

But I am glad so many people r happy with our management...
Amazing. Thank you. This is hands down the best analysis I have seen ever. 👏
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I am a holder for more than three years and the company had progressed from a concept to actual technology. Even we have great partnerships with arm, Intel and others.
Renasas and megachips are paying customers and we moved to second gen from gen 1.
So yes progress is happening but revenue is not coming. Reason for the same is because we want to sell the technology and not product. A product cycle is much faster but finishes fast while a technology cycle takes time in adaptation but if got adopted then the benefits will long last for a few decades.
You may have reasons to be upset but things take their own time to materialized.
Three years ago BrainChip’s technology was definitely more than a concept. At that stage the technology development was quite mature and commercialisation was just beginning. Sometimes how you describe the progress being made leaves me a little bewildered.
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I'm not upset. 🤣

I think the Company is financially stronger,
more professionally managed,
more sustainably positioned with both known and unknown commercial and educative partnerships,
and is pushing forward within a growing eco system of collaborative and complimentary allies.

We are also following a well thought out plan with a proven track record of success,
have capable and clever people executing said plan,
and oversight by an experienced, seasoned and hungry management team
who are aboard Brainchip looking for the ride of their life.

Peter and Anil whose minds and initiative seeded the Company are still with us, positioned now, just where they deserve to be, out on the cutting edge where thought is transmogrified into prototype, supported by a braintrust of distinguished thinkers who border on genius level contemplation.

And personally I have never owned as many share's as I currently do, having been accumulating since October 2015 with buy-in prices ranging from under 4 cents to 86 and a half.

Like I said, I'm not upset. 🤣

I too see relevant and promising progress and I understand that things take time to materialise,
I just wish it would hurry the F up. 🤣
If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

Cannot hear anything new. Other than usage and benefit of TENN.
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