It's a pity, I've been with you in this forum for well over a year now and WHY? Because all the other forums annoyed me!
I love speculating here and reading different ways of thinking from different users, thinking about it myself and looking for it! I also love the humor in this forum!
What I like most here is that I'm among complete Brainchip fans and I think that was the basic idea with you founders!
a) I decided to buy my BRN shares myself
b) nobody here has made me buy or sell more (I also decided that on my own)
c) the company did not force me to buy shares, either.
I made that decision on my own! Here, in this forum, it's nice to read how many others there are who are just as enthusiastic!
There really are enough other forums for doubters.
I don't want all the positive writers and wild speculators to leave this forum just because there are more and more doubters floating around!
Yes, the stock is very low, BUT you have to endure something like that! If not, you should stay away from stocks!
@ Bravo I stand by you, if it should be, I'll go with you in the corner. Common sorrow half a sorrow!
NO, that's no fun!
View attachment 34671
Stellar post Bravo. Surely zeeb0t would recognise any malicious reporting of posts from both yourself and Fact Finder, see them for what they are, dismiss them and rid the forum of the perpetrators. Both of you are wonderful researchers, contributors and long term holders. I realise there’s this Dred thing that seems to be prone to error. Regrettably there certainly appears to be an element of negativity and whinging permeating TSE.Hi @Sirod,
Thanks so much for offering to keep me company in the naughty corner. That's such a lovely thing to say! How about you bring the milk and I'll bring the cat food and scratchy pole?
Miraculously I haven't been ejector-seated out of here just yet. It isn't that I want to go, it's just that someone keeps reporting my posts, which I think is not very kosher and an abuse of the reporting system itself IMO. And I believe this may have also happened to @Fact Finder.
I can't help but feel very suspicious about the motivations of some of these posters who are doing nothing but complaining. I have never begrudged anyone for having an opinion, but there's a difference between expressing legitimate concerns as opposed to completely saturating the thread with negative sentiment, over and over, rehashing the same complaints for no material purpose. They are not actually seeking to have any of their concerns addressed, as others have pointed out there are avenues for them to go down if they wish to do so without chocking up the thread unnecessarily. I can't help but call out that kind of behaviour and they don't seem to like it, which speaks volumes I think.
View attachment 34678
This may be my last post before being consigned to the naughty corner for a wee bit because I got about 5 dreadbotts in a row. Hopefully it’ll only be a temporary ban.
Anyways, it’s a great ecosystem we’re building, a bit like a “funky town“ of collaborative partners like Arm, Si-Five, MegaChips,etc.
No doubt this post will be reported too, for being off topic or profane or something. Never mind, it’s a groovy song!
To All
Sean did say at one of the April presentations that Gen2 is on track for 3rd Q possibly earlier.Good morning, I totally agree with Deena's excellently worded, well balanced post.
Maybe we should consider starting a long term holders forum, membership requirement minimum of 5 years, balanced opinions, or facts that can be 100% backed up, Not promoting a fanboy club, rather one that encourages, mature, educated, well-researched open discussion.
Markets worldwide are volatile on a day to day basis, if you truly believe in what you have invested in, as I do, well time will take care of everything and ultimately smooth things over the journey, I feel the frustration of many, but personally my review date still sits very comfortably in my mind.
Whether we are 3 years or 5 years ahead of the mob, being out in front means we are the ones clearing the path for the rest, we are the ones
whom are feeling the most headwinds, "perceived resistance" to change.
As I thought, AKD 1500 is/will be released to our integrators, Renesas products in a few months, AKD 2000 in late summer early fall, meaning,
August/September 2023.
AKD 3000 being developed as we speak, things are moving but because everyone of us is different, as in, time lines, expectations, money pressures, anxiety, life pressures in general, we cope in different ways, I understand all that, but ultimately you make that decision, and it all comes back to that magic word:
Tech from sunny Perth![]()
Hi Damo , this is a perfect example of why Ai in its early iterations may not be well received by the practical human.Rookie numbers my guy, DreddBot has me in the naughty corner as we speak.
Let me tell you it sucks. Not sure if you will even see this message hahah
@zeeb0t , plz help
View attachment 34687
"analog-mixed signal computing architecture" is bad. Akida's pure digital approach the way to go for cheap, billions of IP orders inside billions of MCUs. We're in the box seat. We just need someone to spill the beans and tell us they just pre-ordered some Akida 2000'sDoes anyone know what Edge Impulse relationship is with Innatera? _
It seems to me like our direct competition.
Innatera’s ultra-efficient neuromorphic processors mimic the brain’s mechanisms for processing sensory data. Based on a proprietary analog-mixed signal computing architecture, Innatera’s processors leverage the computing capabilities of spiking neural networks to deliver ground-breaking cognition performance within a narrow power envelope. With an unprecedented combination of ultra-low power consumption and short response latency, these devices enable high-performance always-on pattern recognition capabilities in applications at the sensor-edge.
than conventional microprocessors and digital accelerators
Always-on pattern recognition within an extremely narrow power envelope
Blazingly fast recognition of spatial and temporal patterns in complex sensor data
Simple to program and deploy with Innatera’s powerful SDK
Thanks for the link I totally forgot about watching this one when it was released.I just took a look at this vid link, which Walhik Joe put up over at HC.
It's an interview with Nandan Nayampally, I don't believe I have seen it here, what I liked was the way Nandan articulates what AIoT is and a bit of an exploration of AI market.
I like the well considered way Nandan comes across.
Something I would like BRN executives focus upon more in their various interviews, is the one or two shot on chip learning capability of the various Akida iterations i.e. would have been good to see Sean slip the one shot learning thing somewhere in the conversation he had with Zach Shelby the other day.
One shot learning is a major differentiator, Akida is way more than an accelerator.
The link:
Can you please share the evidence of your digital claim? I have done some reading myself and emailed Tony to ask Peter about why we are implementing digital and not analog after getting some feedback from the slasher in the other site"analog-mixed signal computing architecture" is bad. Akida's pure digital approach the way to go for cheap, billions of IP orders inside billions of MCUs. We're in the box seat. We just need someone to spill the beans and tell us they just pre-ordered some Akida 2000's
Thanks Iseki, I'm none too technical but they seem to use all they same terms as Brainchip."analog-mixed signal computing architecture" is bad. Akida's pure digital approach the way to go for cheap, billions of IP orders inside billions of MCUs. We're in the box seat. We just need someone to spill the beans and tell us they just pre-ordered some Akida 2000's
Well, we need @Diogenese , a free thinker who has suffered penury all these centuries whose tide is about to turn.Thanks Iseki, I'm none too technical but they seem to use all they same terms as Brainchip.
Maybe they're just faking it.