Good afternoon,
With our AGM fast approaching, many will have their opportunity to speak directly with the CEO and any other Board members who
are planning on attending in person, it's your once in a year opportunity to ask your questions directly, face to face in a respectful manner,
remembering to thank those attending for the last 12 months achievements, which there are many.
I do have my own question which revolves around the signing of an IP License agreement.
My take would be that this process would go through at least 4 stages of negotiation, with each individual company not knowing what
deal has been done with the other in regards to the License fees, Royalty fees and terms of payment etc.
So how many companies have actually progressed down this negotiation path and are currently sitting at stage 3 waiting to agree to
stage 4, as in, the final sign off ?
The CEO and Board must be fully aware of which companies are where on this scale, but because of all the confidentiality Sean can't say
what he'd like to share with us, which is where all this pent up frustration is stemming from, in my view.
When the brains behind this company tells me, with the release of 2nd Gen Akida, Sales and Marketing teams with a global presence have
now been established, he and the company are looking forward to an exciting year ahead, I for one 100% believe the narrative.
Sometimes in life, things can happen very quickly or totally unexpected, don't be fooled, we are certainly on the path to success, maybe
just maybe our time lines don't align this month, but they will cross.
My opinion......Tech (Perth)