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Could be interesting

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Of course they are....who isn't trying to tag along with the cool kids at present...

There's AI and there's AI and then there's AI :D....Google are usually damn good at that they go after, so it will be interesting.

My concern is companies touting they are doing something in AI...then it is actually just some watered down dumb programming or algo.

If the general public and press work out that a lot of AI talk from companies is marketing hype(bullpoo) - it does make me worried about that tarnishing the AI industry in general in the long...I guess we will wait and see.
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Deleted member 118

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Deleted member 1270

Belkin, you have been saying EXACTLY the same thing since the 14th of October last year. Why are you still invested if you continue to feel this way (and repeat yourself ad nauseum)?
You're wrong, I've be saying it for longer than that and I'll continue to if i want. Thanks for your concern though.
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Deleted member 1270

You are confusing the AKD1000 chip with the Akida 1000 architecture (the IP). The chip is mostly being sold to EAPs for prototyping their designs. Our Akida 1000 IP has always been a sales objective and will continue to be. On the other hand the AKD1500 is being sold to the customers driving its design - as a chip. The AKD1500 is based on the Akida 1000 architecture with some further modifications such as removing the ARM preprocessor. The Akida 2000 architecture (like Akida 1000) will have an associated reference chip created (by the 3rd quarter this year?). The Akida 1000 and Akida 2000 architectures will be our IP sales objectives going forward. This is summed up in the description of the 3 types of IP going forward for basic, advanced and highly complex use cases. Akida 1000 is still as important as it ever was in the basic and advanced use cases. Sean is talking about the AKD1000 reference chip in the presentation, not the architecture. AIMO.
Then why did he state what he did? And, why do I get more information (Correct or incorrect) from a forum site than I do from the company.

I wonder if we will ever see the day when the CEO takes his invisibility cloak off and starts communicating like a normal CEO does with shareholders.

Not holding my breath fro this though as its been a good 18 months and he doesn't seem to value shareholder communication.

Quite strange don't you think?
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
You're wrong, I've be saying it for longer than that and I'll continue to if i want. Thanks for your concern though.

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Deleted member 1270

We all know about our connections with NASA and Valeo.
But Todd refers to NASA and Valeo as customers!!
I do not remember them being referred as customers?
I don't believe they are customers. Maybe partners of some type but who knows what that entails?

See if you can get some clarity from Sean.
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Well all should become clearer over the next few weeks with 4C due soon followed by the AGM. Perhaps we should sit on our hands until the CEO uses the AGM as an opportunity to update us all on commercialisation progress.

How we interpret his words will be interesting, to say the least.....
I think that the AGM will be a rehash of Sean H most recent April presentation which imo was very well presented and articulated. It basically covered everything that I wanted to know as a s/holder and provided me with a sense of acknowledgement that the Co is moving in the right direction. Also, I would love to see this April presentation of Sean's included somehow as a Co ASX market update/announcement.

For Now .... I'm just waiting for and hoping that this 4C shows some signs of a material revenue stream progression and less $$$ lumpiness as we keep moving forward.
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Then why did he state what he did? And, why do I get more information (Correct or incorrect) from a forum site than I do from the company.

I wonder if we will ever see the day when the CEO takes his invisibility cloak off and starts communicating like a normal CEO does with shareholders.

Not holding my breath fro this though as its been a good 18 months and he doesn't seem to value shareholder communication.

Quite strange don't you think?

So your complaint is a lack of comms from Management and lots of info from TSEx instead.
Yet you post your complaints here ad nauseum , ruining the experience for those same members who have provided you with useful info.

Edit: missed the link post I meant to add:
"The second thing you can do—and only when you have something that is truly worth complaining about—is to engage in solution-oriented complaining. Think of it as complaining with a purpose. "
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Good news that we are 50% down from this time last year? How is that good news??
It’s only up from here
Look at the positive


So your complaint is a lack of comms from Management and lots of info from TSEx instead.
Yet you post your complaints here ad nauseum , ruining the experience for those same members who have provided you with useful info.

Edit: missed the link post I meant to add:
"The second thing you can do—and only when you have something that is truly worth complaining about—is to engage in solution-oriented complaining. Think of it as complaining with a purpose. "

Actually didn't realise how much data there is on the negative health affects of complaining and negativity.

From the page:

No one likes to hang around someone who constantly whines and moans. It may seem harmless to vent your frustrations, but if vocalizing your negative sentiments becomes a habit, it can have some pretty harmful consequences.

It turns out that constant complaining will not only turn off others, but it can actually wreak havoc in other ways, too. Although it’s quite obvious that complaining can bring down your mood and the happiness of others around you, it can also have a large impact on your brain functioning, and it can even take a toll on your body as well.

As if you needed any other reason to stop complaining, consider these five ways that constant negativity can harm your health.

1. It Makes You More Likely To Think Negatively​

The more you complain, the more likely you are to think negative thoughts later on. Neuroscientists commonly use the phrase “Synapses that fire wire together,” to explain this concept.

Every time you complain, your brain physically rewires itself to make it easier and more likely for that reaction — aka the type of thought — to occur again. Negative thinking ends up breeding more negative thinking.

2. It Can Damage Your Memory​

MRI scans show that constant complaining can lead to shrinking of the hippocampus, the region in your brain responsible for cognitive functioning.

A smaller hippocampus leads to a decline in memory and the ability to adapt to new situations, among other functions. This can occur from even just a few days of stressing out and lead to long-term damage.

3. It Increases Your Levels Of Cortisol (The Stress Hormone)​

When you complain, you increase your levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Chronically high levels of cortisol can lead to a variety of health problems, including increased risk of depression, digestive problems, sleep issues, higher blood pressure and even increased risk of heart disease.

4. It Can Shorten Your Lifespan​

Constant complaining is not only bad in the moment, but it can be detrimental in the long run. One study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found that optimists live longer than pessimists, with a 55 percent lower risk of death from all causes and a 23 percent lower risk of dying from heart failure.

5. It Makes The People Around You Negative Too​

No one wants to be around unpleasant people, but if you keep complaining, you might find your peers adapting these negative habits as well. Listening to someone complain makes you more likely to be negative as well, which can just perpetuate the desire to release all those unhappy thoughts.

As they say, birds of a feather tend to flock together, so if you want more positivity, look for people who keep their sour thoughts to themselves.

At the end of the day, sometimes it feels good to get your grievances off your chest, but if you’re going to express your negative sentiments, make sure you’re doing it in a productive way.

If something is bothering you, take the proper action to help eliminate or resolve the issue. And if you really have to express how you feel, just make sure you limit yourself to an allotted period of time for venting, and then move on.
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So your complaint is a lack of comms from Management and lots of info from TSEx instead.
Yet you post your complaints here ad nauseum , ruining the experience for those same members who have provided you with useful info.

Edit: missed the link post I meant to add:
"The second thing you can do—and only when you have something that is truly worth complaining about—is to engage in solution-oriented complaining. Think of it as complaining with a purpose. "
I wonder whether Akida 1000 has this/these traits ? I hope not, or perhaps it's developing them ?

Akida 2.0 would surely have solved this peculiar feature if it is evident in one shot, or maybe two quick smart ?

Akida Ballista >>>>> This complaining has to stop IMHO <<<<<

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Interesting news from Nordic Semiconductor .

Key takeaways ,
Global Foundries 22nm FDX ( same as Akida 1500 )
Arm Cortex M-33
RISC-V Co Processors
Ultra low power
A disruptive product
Wearables , Smart Home , Medical , Audio , Machine Learning
Supports Sensor Fusion at the Edge
State of the art Security , detects an attack in progress and takes appropriate action

( Apologies if already posted )
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