buena suerte :-)
BOB Bank of Brainchip
WOW!!!! great post @Evermont I'm getting a 'very warm (hotGood presentation.
A few notes below based on my interpretation and understanding only. These are not intended as advice, guidance, recipe instructions etc. Recommend waiting for the recording and tuning in for yourself.
- Edge AI – The Right compute model
- Customer Driven. Market Driven. Generations Ahead.
- Akida - in the market now, real customers and gaining traction.
- Chips, boards & systems available which people can try.
- New chip available late Summer, early Fall
- Market likes what they did with the first chip, have put additional technology into the second.
- Sean has brought on board a number of high-level industry leaders.
- Closed a set of licences already (assume MegaChips and Renesas).
- Can’t build a product without an ecosystem.
- Auto industry has a lot of interest in AI, and a lot of interest in BrainChip.
- BrainChip seeing a lot of interest from healthcare as well.
- Power consumption from data centres is unsustainable. Must move to edge market.
- Market getting stronger every single day.
- BrainChip seeing absolute interest in all markets – industrial, auto, health, home/consumer.
- Fully digital and event based is critical – allows customers to move/deploy to any technology.
- Easy to convert existing models to Akida IP.
- Gen 1 product focused on grey boxes (ie. Akida-E)
- Gen 2 product focuses on addressing orange and blue boxes (ie. Akida-S & P). This results in more functions and more Customers.
- Tech partners – lubricates the sales cycle.
- Customers want to know that varying foundries can be used.
- Selling some chips as a secondary revenue stream.
- MegaChips can build chips on behalf of other Customers.
- Renesas releasing chip in coming months.
- Neuromorphic standard will emerge over coming years - BrainChip intend to be part of that standard.
- Primary revenue is IP licensing.
- Royalties are powerful revenue streams.
- Big market, favourable trend in the edge.
- Gen 2 - Very strong positive reviews from analysts, very strong interest from Customers.
- Working with marquee brands.
- Strong team.
- Real product, real market, real Customers. Attractive business model.
- Gen 2 – On pace for Q3 release, maybe earlier - development going well. BrainChip developing hardware and software at same time. Too early to sign customers but seeing high interest level from new prospects and existing customers.
- Future earnings guidance – not at this time. IP licensing model is lumpy and includes a long sales cycle. Hard to predict but as BrainChip matures they will provide forecasts. Complex evaluation cycles ongoing, all going well but can’t time exactly when these will land.
- When will break even be achieved – Similar to above, BrainChip is not forward projecting. Sean has a multi-year board approved plan.
- Akida 1500 – expected to sell some of these to integrators. AKD1000 chip is essentially a demo chip. Never intended to be a revenue stream itself.