Yes this is absolutely one side of it.
The other side is that people want to be rich yesterday. I understand, I do too! It’s nothing malicious, just classic age old impatience. Not having a go at anyone either, we’re all human (well most of us anyway) and guilty of it from time to time.
Absolutely correct and once someone allows impatience to rule they become vulnerable to suggestion.
You are waiting for someone to arrive. You have created a timeline of your own as to the latest they could possibly arrive. Someone suggests maybe something has happened. You allow yourself to consider a mechanical issue. Someone suggests they may have had an accident. You then begin to worry about will the Police know how to contact you. You get yourself into a state. They arrive. Turns out they left late, needed petrol and decided to pick up their dry-cleaning.
The evidence available to us as shareholders regarding share price increase catalysts of which I am aware is:
1. The price was 4 cents and is now 50 plus cents - Achieved off the back of little to no income simply company progress both technical and commercial;
2. The record share price of $2.34 - Achieved off a press release by Mercedes Benz not about income but trialling of AKIDA technology and its advantages;
3. Motley Fool and other equally well qualified commentators have published on numerous occasions that Brainchip is not an attractive investment as it does not yet produce income;
4. Anonymous posters on HC and TSEx have echoed the statements by Motley Fool and other equally well qualified commentators;
5. On the ASX mining companies and biotechs are constantly valued on potential of their discoveries;
Why is it when points 1., 2. & 5. are indisputable do ordinary retail investors without any agenda ignore the evidence that Brainchip's increasing share price is not totally dependent upon revenue?
Why is it that Motley Fool and other equally well qualified commentators and these retail investors do not set out what revenue numbers are required by them to confirm Brainchip as a solid investment?
Why do these groups not think that increasing revenue from $200,000 to over $5 million over the last two financial years indicates a positive road to commercialisation?
Why do these groups deny the existence of market manipulation involving social media and investment commentators?
I personally have absolutely no idea as everyone on TSEx and HC is anonymous and as such they do not have to submit their CV so I can weigh up whether they have a single clue with respect to the opinions they express or even if they are expressing paid opinions.
This is why I have said for years now do not believe a single word I say or anyone else says here until you have done your own research.
My opinion only DYOR