The podcast isn't a therapy session for holders, it has always discussed the tech.
If you haven't found anything new in it, I'm not sure what you listened to tbh.
We didn't even know Akida10 was possible let alone a goal likely to be achieved by 2030.
Considering we are just around the tape out phase for AKD1500 I thought PVDM's statement about AKD10 by 2030 was astounding.
Although, given Peter's age and with some idea of his ambition and hopes, I guess he needs to get a wriggle on.

Good news for us older investors and a brave new world coming for you youngsters out there.
I wonder if "nature will find a way" ala Jurassic Park when it comes to the idea of keeping AGI constrained to beneficial (for humankind) purposes?
I truly doubt it can be contained forever, but it doesn't necessarily have to lead to a dystopia.
Perhaps it can evolve into a partnership of sorts and probably leads through, and to, more or less a melding.
Really is sci fi coming to's exciting.