BRN Discussion Ongoing


Yeah, I remember this panel thing, with Simon and a few other people, debating the future effects of A.I. on society.

This woman said something like..
"We'll always have the arts and creativity"..

Simon, just had this look on his face of..
"You just don't get it do you?"

After Athens adopted slavery , more of the population were freed up to focus on intellectual pursuits, rather than agriculture, resulting in a golden age in philosophy/science and the arts.

I wonder if something similar would be possible once AI frees up portions of modern society from having to earn a living? And if, once freed, we’d be able to somehow outsmart the machines?

( haven’t read Simon’s paper or watched the debate yet, Dingo - so this is just a half-baked thought )
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Morning Rise from the ashes,

Highly unlikely we will receive a $0.60c Special Dividend today...but you never know.

Give it six months.

😃 .

I'll happily pay for a 💩 emoji to be added as a reaction to a post. So best I could do was give you a sad emoji reaction.😘
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I'm Spartacus!
Podcast up
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Like a bunch of stalkers
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Oooh enjoy everyone
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
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Holding onto what I've got
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I'm Spartacus!
"at 28:00 maybe we will see AGI by 2030 :D🤩 (edit: in some form / or close)"

Whats AGI? (sorry for asking, but I wont be able to listen to the podcast until tonight)
Artificial General Intelligence
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at 28:00 maybe we will see AGI by 2030 :D🤩 (edit: in some form / or close)

That's huge:

just so happens it's seven years from now we'll be at 20 30. wow uh let's talk
about 2030. so uh Peter when you when you think of 2030 you think of brain
chip and you think of brain chips Akita uh and the evolution of what we're doing uh for our listeners in a very short uh
amount of time uh what would you what would you want to convey to them yeah
um seven years from now um would be uh our targets for uh what we call Akita 10
um which is a device that doesn't just learn to recognize new objects or other
new faces or whatever but it learns uh to interact with the world the same way
as human being interacts and learning is a is a very interesting part of research
in the um it is the gateway to its intelligence
uh children are not born born with full knowledge they need a long time to learn
we are thinking of of future artificial
intelligence in the same way and that it's born with a sales a standard set of
knowledge but that it expands all that knowledge as it learns so a self-driving
car learns to drive better over time um machines in in in in this industry
learn to do that task better over time um
of artificial intelligence is what we're working towards is artificial general
intelligence so that's that's going to ask
uh Peter so are you predicting AGI by 2030 Peter do we have the singularity by
then we will I I don't like the word Singularity because humans are quite unique we are very creative we are
we dream um I don't think we build machines that that have the same capability by 2030.
I'm not sure if we want to build machines that can Envision different features for themselves uh what we want
is machines that are intelligent enough to learn how to drive a car or learn how to
operate the machine learn how to make pancakes for breakfast this is the sort of
um limitations that I would like to put on on
intelligent machines uh that we don't get into a like a Hollywood scenario of
uh robots taking over the world um I don't that's that's the reason why
I don't like the idea of a singularity um and um people who look Beyond saying the
single Legacy uh artificial super intelligence uh humans are quite unique
we have 86 billion neurons in our brain we um
we can combine things that that seem totally unrelated to come up with new
Solutions um we don't expect to be there by 2030
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"at 28:00 maybe we will see AGI by 2030 :D🤩 (edit: in some form / or close)"

Whats AGI? (sorry for asking, but I wont be able to listen to the podcast until tonight)

Artificial General Intelligence:

What is the difference between AGI and AI?

Agi is artificial general intelligence, while ai is artificial intelligence. Agi is a machine that has the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can, while ai is a machine that performs specific tasks well.
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Damn spolier alert warning would be nice 🤣
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Holding onto what I've got
"at 28:00 maybe we will see AGI by 2030 :D🤩 (edit: in some form / or close)"

Whats AGI? (sorry for asking, but I wont be able to listen to the podcast until tonight)

What Peter said at

"seven years from now would be our targets for what we call Akida 10"

"What we want is machines that are intelligent enough to learn how to drive a car or learn how to operate the machine learn how to make pancakes for breakfast"

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the ability of an intelligent agent to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human beings or other animals can.

So what I think is it can teach itself to some limited amount. ...My understanding
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OK, listened to the podcast. Interesting fireside chat but doesn't really tell me anything new. Feels like an attempt to reinforce the potential, something that most of us already know. Any comments??

The yearly (due out any day) had better contain some concrete progress or I think many shareholders (including long termers) may start to have second thoughts..........

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