We all understand the risks involved in investing in a future technology. You are articulating your fear of a worst case scenario. The probability of your scenario materialising is greater than zero but all of us who are invested clearly think it is less than the other end of the spectrum being a steady move towards commercial success with revenue building over time. I do agree that we have been caught up in an unfortunate combination of events leading to a less than efficient distribution of news flow. NDA's and ASX regulations are a minefield to navigate but nonetheless they are bumps in the road, not the reason we will be a success or not. We are currently in a downswing in the share price for reasons most likely related to the capital raise. I believe the post March period will see the sentiment shift and SP recover. Short term sellers and in particular the actively short investors will cover their positions during this phase or just before.Imagine if you will that in 2027 you're still holding and there's no concrete info from the company that indicates the likely source or quantum of future revenue. And that the SP is being blatantly manipulated without any commentary or action from the company.
I am still a HUGE believer in the technology. I'm not so enamoured with the various commercialisation attempts and the lack of information being made available to shareholders...........