Mark, I'm totally with on this.... I am a very patient person .. But this is really starting to grind on me now!!! we are now heading back to the 50's again!!! I didn't think we would see this again
ever!! (Not bothered with the "time to top up" !!) completely gob smacked at the prospect of this happening
I know we have had an explanation regarding announcements but I have been reading MANY 'other' company announcements on the ASX for a comparison on releasing
company updates/news, and the taping out of AKD1500 should have been put to the ASX whether Non or price sensitive, It doesn't have to be $$$$$ sensitive it's just updated information on a platform that ties in your investments and company information in 'One place" It's informing current shareholders and prospective shareholders what the company is doing with their plans/business model moving forward...I know I will not be very popular with my 'one off rant' but that is just the way I feel at the moment ....
If we all know there will be
NO ASX announcements then so do
others!! and they will continue to play their games almost risk free!
I hope I get totally proven wrong with a HUGE announcement soon! Here's hoping
Over and out from a very Grumpy long term holder