Get a feeling a lot of the sales this morning were planned from shorters hoping for bad news. Hopefully (not that it's a big deal as not selling anytime soon) when they run out of ammo then price will recover quickly. there is no bad news in this annoucement we are stronger for this quarter and heading fast in the right direction.
The Bastardo's have a lot of ammo and are seasoned hands in getting their way so they will spin the shit out of any of this that they can colour in any way negative. That's how they make their grubby money.
Our Companies style and retail presence atm is low key,
on purpose.
They are not screaming for attention as some here are advocating.
They are concentrating on communicating with the people that
actually matter.
The people who's decisions count, when they contract with us, after we have proven our integrity and maturity, will do the screaming when they are ready with
their "go to market" campaigns.
In the meantime BRN is just quietly getting on with the job, doing it professionally, establishing our big boy credentials in the big ponds of the world.
This is what we are paying our people the big bucks for.
Our people who actually move in these circles, have done this stuff before, and been successful.
Frankly, they don't need anymore advice from Monday morning quarterback's.
It just takes as long as it takes.