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hyper-efficient Ai
Same peeps I was telling it was a screaming buy at 3c-10c eventually they caved and bought @ 17.5 -18 c
All of them including friends only concentrate on the share price and have basically zero regard how it got there.
LoL I'm a sucker for punishment. One day they might open their eyes.
I know what you mean, I am of the opinion that a very high proportion of fellow aussies are way to frigging lazy to do any form of investigative research, this includes my own family and friends.
Even if they just did some half arsed study, they will invariably come to an educated conclusion that the current Von Neuman architecture is nearing a much well-deserved retirement, and the new kid on the block, neuromorphic computing is emerging to meet the current and future requirements of power efficiency and compute innovation, in which Akida in all its raw naked beauty is front and centre of the world stage with at least a 3 year buffer too boot.

Some people that I know will readily throw 100 dollars at a pony they have never heard of, on the tip of someone equally unknown to them without doing an ounce of research and of course lose, and not batter an eyelid, but the moment the share price drops a couple of cents is on the phone to you complaining about an under preforming stock.

Anyway in the immortal words of the T800

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Brainchip gets a good mention here: (Edge Industry Review ( is a news, analysis and industry resource website documenting the changes taking place on the edge of the internet infrastructure market – the present and the future of Edge Computing.)

"2022 saw several significant acquisitions, awards and announcements in the edge computing space, including Google’s acquisition of MobiledgeX and BrainChip’s roll-out of AI chips. Industry experts are also discussing issues like a crisis in edge real estate and how to rectify the centralized networking model.

Keep reading to learn more about the top 10 edge computing stories on Edge Industry Review in 2022, ranked by page views."

Great to see the Brainchip article was ranked 4th by page views for 2022. Here is their brief description and a link to the Brainchip article:

"BrainChip to start 2022 by shipping edge AI chips in volume: The manufacturer announced the beginning of the full commercialization of its Akida AKD1000 AI chip through the availability of mini PCIe boards. BrainChip said its solution is a viable product to unlock increased functionalities for Smart City applications as well as digital consumer health and smart home devices."

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This DOE cybersecurity doc is in the reference list:

[11] Zahm, W., T. Stern, M. Bal, A. Sengupta, A. Jose, S. Chelian, and S. Vasan (2022). Cyber-Neuro RT: Real-time Neuromorphic Cybersecurity. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture (BICA 2022), Guadalajara, Mexico.


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There has been something nagging at me since I first read these numbers before Christmas and of course it took the Boxing Day Sales to realise where Nvidia has it over Brainchip.

At $US30,000.00 Nvidia can offer really substantial cash backs to customers of hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Brainchip on the other hand if it gave a cash back of a $US100.00 at their $US50.00 AKIDA USB price they would go broke.

Just don’t see how Brainchip can compete.🤡🤡🤡🤣😂🤡🤡🤡


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This DOE cybersecurity doc is in the reference list:

[11] Zahm, W., T. Stern, M. Bal, A. Sengupta, A. Jose, S. Chelian, and S. Vasan (2022). Cyber-Neuro RT: Real-time Neuromorphic Cybersecurity. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture (BICA 2022), Guadalajara, Mexico.
Browsing through this is extremely affirming...

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Thanks heaps, Rise!

Martial Arts GIF
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Cheers mate. I'll have to work out how to post those darn things. I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't click that ugly link. LoL their loss though 😂
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Yes a beautiful sight. Hey you think you could post the other pdf please.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
There has been something nagging at me since I first read these numbers before Christmas and of course it took the Boxing Day Sales to realise where Nvidia has it over Brainchip.

At $US30,000.00 Nvidia can offer really substantial cash backs to customers of hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Brainchip on the other hand if it gave a cash back of a $US100.00 at their $US50.00 AKIDA USB price they would go broke.

Just don’t see how Brainchip can compete.🤡🤡🤡🤣😂🤡🤡🤡


Remember Steve Jobs 1000 songs in your pocket ipod ad

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On LinkedIn for ease of access - no PDF download required

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One of the authors

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Thanks, not sure how many here would have known that. But no excuses now.😄🍻
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Cheers mate. I'll have to work out how to post those darn things. I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't click that ugly link. LoL their loss though 😂
Can't wait to see results from hardware. Thanks again, Rise; Love your work!

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Can't wait to see results from hardware. Thanks again, Rise; Love your work!

View attachment 25436
Hahaha. Got to make some noise when it's something significant. And I didn't find it can't remember who did but I thought this needed to be highlighted again
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The other author




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Stumbled upon this - pretty freaky



War is on the brink of reformation, and the role and function of the warfighter is changing in order to remain integral to combat and compete with the speed of technology.1

In a future battlefield dominated by robotic systems, warfighters will necessarily integrate their capabilities with machines by using computer chips that interface their thoughts with the movements of robotic systems.2

This brain-computer interface (BCI) technology enables instant communication between human and machine and would bridge the “capability gap” between technological innovation and human involvement in combat.3

BCIs also have the potential to shift from being mere facilitators to being “collaborative” or “co-adaptive” partners due to a unique form of technology known as neuromorphic computing—an advanced form of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning that independently analyzes and adapts to dynamic situations similar to how a human would.4

Because this technology computes, or ‘thinks’, like a human, a neuromorphic BCI (nBCI) would not only interact with the brain, but it would also study and exploit it.5


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Lith galor

Haven’t been reading posts for some time, so apologies if already mentioned.
Talking about weapons of war, just finished watching a short video on the latest ammo used by, or to be used, by snipers .
Fire at a target and regardless of wind or the target moving, the bullet will follow.
This technology has been in development for a few years by DARPA.
And no, I’m not dot joining or suggesting anything because DARPA are also working with other similar companies.
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