BRN Discussion Ongoing


@Dolci raised a good point on the crapper regarding Sean Hehirs share selling.

Yes he did it to fund the tax obligation that was triggered by the RSU's vesting, I get it and understand.

In saying that, if he truly believes that we are undervalued (as he has mentioned previously) and if he truly believes that he is steering the ship in the right direction and guiding Brainchip down the path of huge profits, then this was his opportunity to keep as many of the shares as possible and not run the risk of insider trading/buying. It was his opportunity to find a few hundred thousand dollars to invest in the company that he is heading up and to instil confidence in us investors that he believes in both the product and the direction of the company.

No, I don't know his personal financial situation but I have made the assumption that he is not skint and likely has a bit of money lying around in investments or cash here and there that he could have dipped into.

End rant.
Damn it, made me go to the crapper and have a look.

Dolci is a trader and a good one. Some of LTH's will remember her down ramping of the company at around the 4 cent mark followed by her up-ramping there after.

One smart cookie........knows upside is coming.

Plays the other side of the street to maximize profits.

Love Melissa Etheridge


I got a two dollar stare
Midas in my touch and Delilah in my hair
I got bad intentions on the soles of my shoes

With this red hot fever and these chromium blues
And I will feel another lovers wheel
And drive for miles and not look back

And the love is real as the day is long
And the night is black
As black as night
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Enough if this character assassination of @Dolci. I haven't seen any of her posts for several months, but I never saw any downramping on her part. Over at the other place, Dolci predicted a couple of large drops from short term rises and cashed in on them big time by using the charts, and she shared the information before the fall. If, like me, you failed to take her advice, that's hard cheese.
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Australian investors who are not familiar with the US taxation system, would generally not understand tax liability there.
I have (in the distant past) traded options in the US, so do have familiarity with obligations imposed by the Internal Revenue Dept,
it was the main reason I ceased trading options in the US.

Under IR law Sean has tax liability on a percentage of those "Restricted Stock Units " each year, so executives who are offered
this type of incentive (quite often in leiu of salary) in US, do exactly what Sean has done here - sell to cover tax liability/exposure. Australian tax law is somewhat different, and investors here are only looking at crystallizing Capital Gains tax liability (a different kind of tax) when they sell shares - it is simply a different system in the US.

The story about Sean lacking faith in the company, based on the recent sale of some of his incentive shares - is simply a non story.
Sean has to deal with US tax law, so give the guy a break on that one.

So FF while I agree with most of what you have said here, I have a different view re motivation and constant criticism. You are correct
in saying that if a person has read these threads, read the Brainchip website, watched all the presentations by Brainchip and partners and otherwise done their own research, then this would enable them to make an informed decision to buy or not, based off of good due diligence.
That IMO makes perfect sense, and I truly appreciate your endeavours here, as well as the great research presented by so many other posters here.

However it's my belief that BRN are open to criticism with regard to the brevity and format of their Quarterly Reports: View attachment 23531

The above is a screenshot of the June Qtrly, the Sept Qtrly was 1 paragraph longer, but 1 of those paragraphs was virtually
a verbatim rehash of part of the June report. IMO it is slim pickings, and the fact is, that BRN had made significant strides in both
of those Qtrs, and as you allude the info is all on the ASX, the BRN website or on these pages. But very little in the Qtrlys. Why would you bother?

However I would contend that BRN is doing itself, and SHrs a disservice, by not providing a broader compilation of what has taken
place during the Qtr in those reports. I would like to see info for instance regarding how many staff have been employed and what it is that they
are being tasked with. I would like to see how many new sales engagements were undertaken, and how those engagements are progressing, I don't want any breaches of confidetiality, but NDA's do not preclude BRN from providing an overview of progress. What progress is being made with the research area - what is the vision going forward. What the staff have to say about the company, some photos of the office or a diligently applied staff member. Other companies do this in Qtrlys - I regularly read many Qtrlys and IMO what we are getting served up is not good enough, the paucity of information provided. Take a look at Qtrly from WBT in Sept - at least they make an effort.

BRN have an Investor Relations person, and I have never contacted Tony Dawe to this point, however I will do so now, and convey my feelings on this subject.

Some of the above aside, as I said earlier, it is a fact that BRN has made significant strides this year, and on that front I am pleased, of course
I wanna see the money, in the main however the clear progress made gives me encouragement. Some amazing connections and partnerships being made. BRN unlike many of their peers in the tech sector have been putting on lots of staff, not terminating them - which in itself says a lot, and the quality of some of these hires certainly speaks to "something is happening here".

Back to the constant criticism and motivations, I don't see how it can be any other way, this an open forum of individual opinions. There are posters who obviously come here with bad or manipulative intent, and they are only here to further ulterior motives, and I think in some cases just to annoy regular posters or sow seeds of distrust or suspicion.

Then you get the fence sitters, some are regular contributors holding on in hope and not some small amount of uncertainty, who may seemingly bend with the ever changing winds, they want to believe but.....then everyone is entitled to a change of mind, and no deal is certain until you have the money in hand.

Some posters and holders are simply not that well informed or researched, I find myself being regularly impressed by the kindness of yourself FF, and many other posters here, in the way you share information and understanding of this investment. However some strangers to kindness won't get it, while others may be eternally grateful.

On the whole though this BRN forum is an inspiring place largely fired by the will, diligence, belief, knowledge and kindness of the other type of poster here - the true believers, but even amongst the most rusted on there may occasionally be a doubt, that's OK with me. Take what you want; I will reiterate though, the years concern me more than anything else, of course because of my advancing age, but mostly because of the growing headwinds Sean spoke to in that brief recent Qtrly. Most unfortunately we are not looking at a garden variety market correction here, big things afoot. GLTAH and go BRN
We all expect him to sell , it's there system tax first,

I hope this link works, it's an 8 min interview with Sailesh Chittipeddi of Renesas recorded about 10 days ago.

Cheers. Tech Laden :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::whistle:
Oh u ntg


Founding Member
Enough if this character assassination of @Dolci. I haven't seen any of her posts for several months, but I never saw any downramping on her part. Over at the other place, Dolci predicted a couple of large drops from short term rises and cashed in on them big time by using the charts, and she shared the information before the fall. If, like me, you failed to take her advice, that's hard cheese.

I don't for a second think that lolci's behaviour can be characterised as trivially as that... sorry.
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You are repeating yourself.
I was responding to the guy who also repeated himself. Clearly he needed to be told twice to understand.
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consent GIF


Enough if this character assassination of @Dolci. I haven't seen any of her posts for several months, but I never saw any downramping on her part. Over at the other place, Dolci predicted a couple of large drops from short term rises and cashed in on them big time by using the charts, and she shared the information before the fall. If, like me, you failed to take her advice, that's hard cheese.
Hi Dio,

No assassination, just observation. Dolci is a hell of a trader and more power to her. Knows her stuff, can read the markets and the tea leaves. Everyone has an agenda, surely you know that?
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Well Dolci it has been a long time since you gave your technical chart and your view on BRN.
I would love one.
Could you provide us (me) with some charts?
Exciting times and BRN about to Take Off.

Thanks Gies
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Only a matter of time before the nut cracked

Heaven forbid that someone raise a valid concern.

Also, you carry on like an incessant, petulant child.
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Heaven forbid that someone raise a valid concern.

Also, you carry on like an incessant, petulant child.

How is it a concern..?? Peter offloaded shares awhile back and people cracked the shits then, even though it was for a good cause. Now Sean did the same and people are acting like the world is falling over. Seriously unless there is a valid reason to be worried. Who gives a rats arse, he sold them to pay a tax bill.. Its clearly stated within the ANN.

Like it or not its already done... So lets move on. Nothing is going to change the fact it has already happened. MOVE ON!
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How is it a concern..?? Peter offloaded shares awhile back and people cracked the shits then, even though it was for a good cause. Now Sean did the same and people are acting like the world is falling over. Seriously unless there is a valid reason to be worried. Who gives a rats arse, he sold them to pay a tax bill.. Its clearly stated within the ANN.

Like it or not its already done... So lets move on. Nothing is going to change the fact it has already happened. MOVE ON!

How about, don't tell me what to do?

I never "cracked the shits" at Peter selling. I haven't cracked the shits now.

I raised MY concern a few days back.

FF said management can't buy because it would be considered insider trading but Sean had a loophole here which would have allowed him to increase his holdings without breaking any rules and he chose not to.
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Here is a thought which in my opinion should be given weight.

The two million shares received by the CEO are part of his salary.

Ignoring that he sold 972,000 odd shares to pay his tax I would like to draw attention to the fact that the CEO has actually spent close to $800,000 of his salary to acquire 1,083,000 Brainchip shares.

Before you dismiss this consider the situation where instead of agreeing to take cash and shares the CEO insisted on receiving an all cash salary.

The cash would have been taxed as occurred with the share based payment. The tax paid would be the same.

If the CEO then took $800,000.00 of his cash salary and bought 1,083,000 shares according to some here this would be a sign of faith in Brainchip.

If it is why is the CEOs retention of 1,083,000 shares instead of selling all two million shares to convert them all to a cash salary less worthy???

Those who are ignoring the retention of these shares as proof of the CEO having faith in BRAINCHIP need to stand back and look again at his actions. He could have very easily chosen to have all 2 million shares sold and the $800,000 odd dollars handed to him and then bought Tesla, Nvidia, Amazon or Google shares or even Berkshire Hathaway but no he chose to buy/keep 1,083,000 Brainchip shares.

My opinion only DYOR

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This is how Lolci refers to our CEO. Her words, who is character assassinating who: “it's plain as day that he is not willing to put one dollar into the Co..... hmmm... can't even pay the tax bill what a lot of bull”
It gets worse but what happens on the crapper should stay on the crapper.
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Founding Member. It's ok to say No to Dot Joining
Enough if this character assassination of @Dolci. I haven't seen any of her posts for several months, but I never saw any downramping on her part. Over at the other place, Dolci predicted a couple of large drops from short term rises and cashed in on them big time by using the charts, and she shared the information before the fall. If, like me, you failed to take her advice, that's hard cheese.
While I kind of agree with the general point of your post Dio. The only person to character assassinate(for want of a better word) Dolci was Dolci herself.

Congratulations to her and her big wins in trading BRN down the years.

As soon as she sold out of Brainchip earlier this year she came straight onto HC to shit on the company and in doing so shit on herself and subsequently played the victim as she couldn't see why people were pissed.

Time to move on from the Dolci conversation.
Far better chartists on here than her anyway imo.

Akida Ballista 🔥
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This is how Lolci refers to our CEO. Her words, who is character assassinating who: “it's plain as day that he is not willing to put one dollar into the Co..... hmmm... can't even pay the tax bill what a lot of bull”
It gets worse but what happens on the crapper should stay on the crapper.

Yeah like her words carry any weight.. Good for a graph or two. But the rest is just spitting poison. No wonder she hangs out with the negative mob still.
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While I kind of agree with the general point of your post Dio. The only person to assassinate(for want of a better word) Dolci was Dolci herself.

Congratulations to her and her big wins in trading BRN down the years.

As soon as she sold out of Brainchip earlier this year she came straight onto HC to shit on the company and in doing so shit on herself and subsequently played the victim as she couldn't see why people were pissed.

Time to move on from the Dolci conversation.
Far better chartists on here than her anyway imo.

Akida Ballista 🔥
Exactly... move on.
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Agree. I’ve moved on.
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