Next Thursday after close and prior to the opening on Friday, will we have been removed for the ASX200.Next Thursday after close and prior to the opening on Friday, will we have been removed for the ASX200.
Will institutions sell out or will they hold, or will the shorts once again take command of our stock and force us south to 49c?
Makes no difference to me, by January 2025 if we aren't sitting very stable between $2 and $3, I'd be rather disappointed, there you
go, I've shown you my hand, care to bet against me.
By the way, in late February 2023 the "Annual Report" will be on our doorstep, NOT the half-yearly as someone posted earlier in the day.
We close out like a lot of companies on 31 December annually, get with it!
My monies on Prophesee to deliver our first real revenue, happy to be totally wrong.
If you wish to read a fantastic book that Peter mentioned to me recently, that he had read and was starting to read it for a second time,
well, this is it.
"CULTURE WON" The story of ARM Holdings Ltd.
I'm only just finishing the 1st Chapter, but there are already similarities between ARMs early days and ours, if the founder recommends it,
I'd read it, it will give you much more of an understanding of where we as a company are attempting to travel moving forward.
All of the above is based on fact and my own opinion, too blurry, I don't think so
Love Brainchip.......Tech x
Cmon Tech, GET wit IT !

I think your posts are becoming LESS relevant. YOU need to revert back to using CAPITALS and BOLD letters again to ensure YOU emphasise your POINT you want to get ACROSSS to US ALL here.
By the way, my money is on Megachips for first revenue, which I think you’ll find is already in the bag. Get with it.
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