This article is in my opinion so important I have used an emboldened heading.
Put very simply this article points to why Brainchip’s AKIDA technology is critical to Prophesee and the adoption of event based vision sensors.
Reading the whole article is essential but I have extracted the following paragraph which sets out the problem AKIDA solves and the fact that apart from Prophesee the rest of this industry is floundering absent the AKIDA technology solution:
“To paraphrase: there’s no point in having a highly energy-efficient sensor if the meaning can only be extracted by a power-hungry processor. This gets us back to the problem of
benchmarking. Essentially, Delbruck says that researchers show lots of nice results at influential events such as the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference (CVPR), but it hasn’t (yet) become standard to present any kind of power budget.”
IF you have not taken the time to listen to the Prophesee CEO Luca Verre Brainchip podcast with Rob Telson you are failing in your duty to yourself to understand your investment and being a fool to yourself.
My opinion only DYOR