BRN Discussion Ongoing


Nothing changes if nothing changes
46,000 calls later can I speak to Susan Kennedy please sorry she’s left. 😂🤣🤡
Hahaha I was just thinking the same thing😂
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What FF is saying is:

"You need a long spoon to sup with the devil."
Hi @Diogenese
I have just been to HC and I am pleased to report back that your cunning plan has worked @alwaysgreen was under your mind control inspired to post about the Brainchip ARM partnership.

Impressive work. Take care everyone superior engineering intellect at work here. 😂🤡🤣

My opinion only DYOR

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Hi everyone

I would just like to point out that @Diogenese is not actually pointing out an historical reference here but what he is doing is using suggestion to remind everyone about Brainchip and ARM(istice). He does this sort of thing frequently to control weaker minds than his so be careful.🤣😂🤣

You see the correct interpretation of history would not support his proposition because what the allies did after the 1st World War was savage the German economy and people and did not give two hoots about the poverty and unemployment left in Germany after they lost the war which led to the rise of Hitler on the back of a desperate populous without hope. If the Allies had helped Germany rebuild after World War 1 Hitler would most likely have never got a look in. Then Chamberlain and others once Hitler was in power engaged in appeasement which played perfectly into the psychopaths hands.

China while riding a wave of economic and social success has on the other hand decided to be the aggressor with Tiger Diplomacy, imposing trade sanctions, ignoring Patents, supporting corrupt, dictatorial regimes in developing countries such in the Pacific Island nations, sanctioning and engaging in industrial espionage and IP theft, then where they cannot steal IP they engage in State sponsored bribery and death threats, they persecute minority groups within their own nation, they kill or imprison any person engaging in free speech, they have invaded the South China Sea, they have pillaged and over fished the oceans and ignored other countries economic zones for this purpose, they have been a nation state in the worst image of the CIA and this is before we get to how they have around the world attempted to threaten and coerce any person with any sort of Chinese heritage to support their endeavours. This type of behaviour where persons of Chinese heritage is concerned was also something which the Nazi regime in Germany practiced with those of German heritage in other countries around the world.

Then lets look at how they are funding groups both at the political and societal level in other countries in Universities and political parties to promote agendas that enhance China's economic advantage by driving the adoption of alternatives to fossil fuels at great cost to those countries economies while at the same time accelerating the rate of building coal fired power stations throughout China in a blazon attempt to out compete these other countries with complete disregard to the future of the world at large.

The CCP is evil. You only needed to have watched them weld up the doors of blocks of units in Wuhan during the early stages of the Covid-19 out break to realise that if this is how they are prepared to treat their own citizens is there anything off the table as far as the rest of the world is concerned. The CCP even promotes the speaking of a dialect of the Chinese language that was until its rise under Ping considered to be a dying language. A special language for the elite is a very scary idea. The initial support of Puto's Ukrainian adventure was a sign of how Ping proposes to proceed and what he thinks of others territorial sovereignty. The Nazi party maintained the idea that they were the super Arian race born of pure blood.

Appeasement did not work with Hitler and the Nazi's and will not work with the CCP.

My crazy opinion only DYOR

FF, I agree with everything you have said. For years Western governments on both sides of politics have held the belief that China and Russia would slowly integrate into the West through trade engagement and gradually become democratic like us. We now know that to be a false assumption and everyone has woken up to the rather more menacing agenda of these countries. Fortunately, BRN has made some really smart decisions where China is concerned and with the direction of its business. I'm not sure to what extent Akida can be reverse engineered but I'm satisfied the company has made all the right decisions to protect itself and its IP as best it can.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Here's something that was only published about an hour ago on the Oculus Observatory and the Astrosite neuromorphic imaging sensor from Western Sydney University.

It's interesting when you think of Prophesee's involvement in this.

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Hi everyone

I would just like to point out that @Diogenese is not actually pointing out an historical reference here but what he is doing is using suggestion to remind everyone about Brainchip and ARM(istice). He does this sort of thing frequently to control weaker minds than his so be careful.🤣😂🤣

You see the correct interpretation of history would not support his proposition because what the allies did after the 1st World War was savage the German economy and people and did not give two hoots about the poverty and unemployment left in Germany after they lost the war which led to the rise of Hitler on the back of a desperate populous without hope. If the Allies had helped Germany rebuild after World War 1 Hitler would most likely have never got a look in. Then Chamberlain and others once Hitler was in power engaged in appeasement which played perfectly into the psychopaths hands.

China while riding a wave of economic and social success has on the other hand decided to be the aggressor with Tiger Diplomacy, imposing trade sanctions, ignoring Patents, supporting corrupt, dictatorial regimes in developing countries such in the Pacific Island nations, sanctioning and engaging in industrial espionage and IP theft, then where they cannot steal IP they engage in State sponsored bribery and death threats, they persecute minority groups within their own nation, they kill or imprison any person engaging in free speech, they have invaded the South China Sea, they have pillaged and over fished the oceans and ignored other countries economic zones for this purpose, they have been a nation state in the worst image of the CIA and this is before we get to how they have around the world attempted to threaten and coerce any person with any sort of Chinese heritage to support their endeavours. This type of behaviour where persons of Chinese heritage is concerned was also something which the Nazi regime in Germany practiced with those of German heritage in other countries around the world.

Then lets look at how they are funding groups both at the political and societal level in other countries in Universities and political parties to promote agendas that enhance China's economic advantage by driving the adoption of alternatives to fossil fuels at great cost to those countries economies while at the same time accelerating the rate of building coal fired power stations throughout China in a blazon attempt to out compete these other countries with complete disregard to the future of the world at large.

The CCP is evil. You only needed to have watched them weld up the doors of blocks of units in Wuhan during the early stages of the Covid-19 out break to realise that if this is how they are prepared to treat their own citizens is there anything off the table as far as the rest of the world is concerned. The CCP even promotes the speaking of a dialect of the Chinese language that was until its rise under Ping considered to be a dying language. A special language for the elite is a very scary idea. The initial support of Puto's Ukrainian adventure was a sign of how Ping proposes to proceed and what he thinks of others territorial sovereignty. The Nazi party maintained the idea that they were the super Arian race born of pure blood.

Appeasement did not work with Hitler and the Nazi's and will not work with the CCP.

My crazy opinion only DYOR

Great post FF, and do you know what also gets stuck in my craw, is the fact that China is classed as a emerging third world country! Go figure. Being a third world country also qualifies them for climate effect help from the rest of the established 1st world countries. That includes you, me and the rest of us!
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Dang Son

Good morning,

Approximately 3 months prior to our AGM in May this year our company took what many would consider to be, a rather major change in
direction, completely shelving the idea of being a chip company and focusing on becoming a major supplier of IP.

With that change now well and truly established, the patent electric fences have been reinforced, to make way for at least another 27 in the
short term. Seeing two fulltime patent lawyers working side by side at the Perth offices just goes to show how highly important and valuable the company's patents are moving forward, for your information I asked Peter about the patents, and he told me it would take him at least a month
of solid writing to offload the information from this brain to paper, hopefully more and more shareholders will start to realize the true value of Peters et al patent work and appreciate how they secure your investment as we no doubt will face more challenges in the near future.

The change in direction freed up finance moving forward, just imagine this scenario for a minute or two.

We have 3 clear revenue streams:

The IP Licensing Fees
The Engineering Service Fees
The Royality Fees

Crudely put, it's like a Pyramid Structure.

We don't have any of the following Business Expenses Annually:

Foundry Production
Warehouse Leasing
Chip Inventory
Product Design Engineers
Third Parties
Worldwide Sales Teams
Distribution and Logistics

Our network (current and future) supply at their own expense.

Foundry Production
Warehouse Leasing
Chip/Product/s Inventory
Product Design Engineers
Third Parties
Worldwide Sales Teams
Distribution and Logistics

We simply "piggy-back" behind the scenes enjoying ALL their hard work over years and years of relationship building, the
mutually trusted clients "automatically" all become OURS through having our IP embedded within their new range of Edge AI

Now link that with this.

All of the new Brainchip employees come with huge backgrounds, we ALL gain because of their years of relationship building,
years of mutually built-up trust within the technology industry, no matter which company they have been attached to in the
past, they can ALL guide Brainchip towards the correct individuals within potential corporations, not ONLY saving us time, but
completely short circuiting the road to years of royalty streams.

How can we as a company fail.... this whole ARM Business Model, is not only proven but it's a win-win for us and our future partners.

Most of you already knew what I have just mentioned, but sometimes certain things need to be reinforced, just saying :geek:

Tech x
The next time your in touch with Peter or Patent Attorney's , could you ask if the China Patent Granted to some fellow by the name of Peter Van Der Mead has been corrected yet?
Cheers, DS
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seeds have the potential to become trees.

I’m a little bit confused as to why Edge impulse is promoting this article as it claims to be the first company to solve Neuromorphic technology in small chips. It’s an anolog Chip and is claiming to be 1000x more power efficient using RRam.

I’m not advanced enough to tell if this is competition to Akida or yet another try hard, claim it all but really just another ORGE?

Maybe @Diogenese could clarify?
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NASA firm list for contract negotiations posted couple days ago.

Confirms Ph I for Intellisense ADORBL and Numem which we had good idea were goers.

ADORBL not mention Akida specifically but is neuromorphic COTS which I think is safe bet as given they did mention working with Akida in NECR and Numem do mention us as we know.

Intellisense already previously confirmed Ph II on NECR.

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Afternoon Labsy,

The only info I asked Boardroom for was my holding & total holders.

For those who wish to locate where thay are on the register.....

Susan Kennedy, Client Services Associate , handles brainchips registry
Ph 0292909609

Awesome 👌
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Top 20
Hi @Diogenese
I have just been to HC and I am pleased to report back that your cunning plan has worked @alwaysgreen was under your mind control inspired to post about the Brainchip ARM partnership.

Impressive work. Take care everyone superior engineering intellect at work here. 😂🤡🤣

My opinion only DYOR

Diogenese telepathy
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Hi everyone

I would just like to point out that @Diogenese is not actually pointing out an historical reference here but what he is doing is using suggestion to remind everyone about Brainchip and ARM(istice). He does this sort of thing frequently to control weaker minds than his so be careful.🤣😂🤣

You see the correct interpretation of history would not support his proposition because what the allies did after the 1st World War was savage the German economy and people and did not give two hoots about the poverty and unemployment left in Germany after they lost the war which led to the rise of Hitler on the back of a desperate populous without hope. If the Allies had helped Germany rebuild after World War 1 Hitler would most likely have never got a look in. Then Chamberlain and others once Hitler was in power engaged in appeasement which played perfectly into the psychopaths hands.

China while riding a wave of economic and social success has on the other hand decided to be the aggressor with Tiger Diplomacy, imposing trade sanctions, ignoring Patents, supporting corrupt, dictatorial regimes in developing countries such in the Pacific Island nations, sanctioning and engaging in industrial espionage and IP theft, then where they cannot steal IP they engage in State sponsored bribery and death threats, they persecute minority groups within their own nation, they kill or imprison any person engaging in free speech, they have invaded the South China Sea, they have pillaged and over fished the oceans and ignored other countries economic zones for this purpose, they have been a nation state in the worst image of the CIA and this is before we get to how they have around the world attempted to threaten and coerce any person with any sort of Chinese heritage to support their endeavours. This type of behaviour where persons of Chinese heritage is concerned was also something which the Nazi regime in Germany practiced with those of German heritage in other countries around the world.

Then lets look at how they are funding groups both at the political and societal level in other countries in Universities and political parties to promote agendas that enhance China's economic advantage by driving the adoption of alternatives to fossil fuels at great cost to those countries economies while at the same time accelerating the rate of building coal fired power stations throughout China in a blazon attempt to out compete these other countries with complete disregard to the future of the world at large.

The CCP is evil. You only needed to have watched them weld up the doors of blocks of units in Wuhan during the early stages of the Covid-19 out break to realise that if this is how they are prepared to treat their own citizens is there anything off the table as far as the rest of the world is concerned. The CCP even promotes the speaking of a dialect of the Chinese language that was until its rise under Ping considered to be a dying language. A special language for the elite is a very scary idea. The initial support of Puto's Ukrainian adventure was a sign of how Ping proposes to proceed and what he thinks of others territorial sovereignty. The Nazi party maintained the idea that they were the super Arian race born of pure blood.

Appeasement did not work with Hitler and the Nazi's and will not work with the CCP.

My crazy opinion only DYOR

A very well thought out and constructed post FF but way, way too verbose. Allow me to summarise what you have so eloquently posted. Here goes........'faaarck China'
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A very well thought out and constructed post FF but way, way too verbose. Allow me to summarise what you have so eloquently posted. Here goes........'fuck China'
Perfectly summarised FD lol 😂
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Top 20
Here's something that was only published about an hour ago on the Oculus Observatory and the Astrosite neuromorphic imaging sensor from Western Sydney University.

It's interesting when you think of Prophesee's involvement in this.

View attachment 21910 View attachment 21911

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View attachment 21915


50+ folded dipoles - Adding all their radiation patterns together would produce a highly directional beam. I suppose that they are in a steerable phased array to sweep from horizon to horizon.
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I’m a little bit confused as to why Edge impulse is promoting this article as it claims to be the first company to solve Neuromorphic technology in small chips. It’s an anolog Chip and is claiming to be 1000x more power efficient using RRam.

I’m not advanced enough to tell if this is competition to Akida or yet another try hard, claim it all but really just another ORGE?

Maybe @Diogenese could clarify?
This company has been previously chopped up by @Diogenese and myself but even this article at the end confirms it’s not coming to a shop near you this decade:

“There are big challenges there,” said Tony Kenyon, a nanotechnology researcher at University College London. “But we still might want to move in that direction, because … chances are that you will have greater energy efficiency if you’re using very sparse spikes.” To run algorithms that spike on the current NeuRRAM chip would likely require a totally different architecture, though, Kenyon noted.
For now, the energy efficiency the team accomplished while running large AI algorithms on the NeuRRAM chip has created new hope that memory technologies may represent the future of computing with AI. Maybe one day we’ll even be able to match the human brain’s 86 billion neurons and the trillions of synapses that connect them without running out of power”

My opinion only DYOR

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seeds have the potential to become trees.
This company has been previously chopped up by @Diogenese and myself but even this article at the end confirms it’s not coming to a shop near year this decade:

“There are big challenges there,” said Tony Kenyon, a nanotechnology researcher at University College London. “But we still might want to move in that direction, because … chances are that you will have greater energy efficiency if you’re using very sparse spikes.” To run algorithms that spike on the current NeuRRAM chip would likely require a totally different architecture, though, Kenyon noted.
For now, the energy efficiency the team accomplished while running large AI algorithms on the NeuRRAM chip has created new hope that memory technologies may represent the future of computing with AI. Maybe one day we’ll even be able to match the human brain’s 86 billion neurons and the trillions of synapses that connect them without running out of power”

My opinion only DYOR

Sorry, that was me being lazy. I lost interest in the tech, but still curious how it measured up. I guess finishing the article would have been a good place to start lol 😂
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White Horse

Here's something that was only published about an hour ago on the Oculus Observatory and the Astrosite neuromorphic imaging sensor from Western Sydney University.

It's interesting when you think of Prophesee's involvement in this.

View attachment 21910 View attachment 21911

View attachment 21912
View attachment 21913
View attachment 21914
View attachment 21915

Hello Bravo,
Unfortunately they are not using "Akida"
I attended the seminar held at the WSU campus at Westmead last Wednesday week.
I spoke to the three male presenters on the occasion and they said they were aware of BrainChip but it was not being used.
When I came home I went through all the names of the people involved with the seminar and believe I found the answer.
This is a copy of the program.

10:00am: Attendee arrival + morning tea
10:15am: Welcome + Overview - ICNS Director Professor André Van Schaik - This is the interesting guy.
10:20am: From Biology to Silicon Cameras – Dr Alexandré Marcireau - Spoke with.
10:35am: From Silicon Cameras to Real World Solutions – Associate Professor Gregory Cohen - Spoke with.
10:50am: Building Neuromorphic Systems on Electronic Devices – Dr Ying Xu
11:05am: Applications of Neuromorphic Engineering – Dr Saeed Afshar - Spoke with.
11:20am: Q&A session (online + in-person)
11:45am: Close

Dr Alex Marcireau was talking to me about the Prophesee set up on the Int Nat Space Station. I informed him of the hook up between BrainChip and Prophesee, and availability of the latest podcast.
Then I spoke to Greg Cohen who gave me a demo of what is achievable with the camera on the Space Station. Mind blowing stuff.!!!
On the way out, I ran into Alex again and thanked him for a very interesting morning. He then asked me if Brainchip had any Chips for sale. I said absolutely. As well as Raspberry Pi, PCIe boards and Shuttle PC.

And yes I have dropped a line to Laguna Hills.
I also pointed out that WSU are starting a Master of Neuromorphic Engineering course next year.


  • ICNS_2022_WSU_Research_Week_OOP.pdf
    103.4 KB · Views: 160
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Sorry, that was me being lazy. I lost interest in the tech, but still curious how it measured up. I guess finishing the article would have been a good place to start lol 😂
I always start by reading the first and last paragraphs of articles and with scientific papers the Abstract and then the Conclusion or Discussion. If they still seem relevant I go on and read the rest.

Ninety-nine percent of the time I can move on and keep searching for the golden unicorn a mythical creature said by Shareman to be living on Earth and possessing all the advances and features of AKIDA 1.0 but at one tenth the price, one tenth the power consumption, five times faster processing speed than real-time and already implemented in over 1,000 products around the world and of course protected by 650,000 granted patents with World Wide application, with 10,000 researchers on staff over 5,000 of which have PhDs and 1,123 are Nobel Laureates supported by a cash runway worth over one trillion dollars and government tax and other rebates meaning that they will pay no tax for 100 years.

My opinion only DYOR

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Great post FF, and do you know what also gets stuck in my craw, is the fact that China is classed as a emerging third world country! Go figure. Being a third world country also qualifies them for climate effect help from the rest of the established 1st world countries. That includes you, me and the rest of us!


Top 20
Hi @Diogenese
I have just been to HC and I am pleased to report back that your cunning plan has worked @alwaysgreen was under your mind control inspired to post about the Brainchip ARM partnership.

Impressive work. Take care everyone superior engineering intellect at work here. 😂🤡🤣

My opinion only DYOR

It shut down all the haters too. I haven't seen a reply since. :cool:
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It shut down all the haters too. I haven't seen a reply since. :cool:
I did forget to say that @Diogenese only uses his powers for good.

My objection is just a personal choice thing I don’t like engineers in my head. 😂🤡🤣🤡😂🤣🤡😂

My opinion only DYOR

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