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Mea culpa

Hillman's - they came in black. During a night time car rally on the back roads (dirt) the driver realized we were approaching the check-point from the wring direction (alright - blame the navigator), so he turned off the lights and floored it (you can imagine the G-forces generated by a 1950's Hillman on full throttle). We sailed through the check-point at peak revs. Have you ever driven over a cattle grid at 45 mph?

During the same rally, a beautifully restored Holden ute flipped, no seatbelts, no injuries - Michelin tyres anre't so good on dirth roads.

I did that too, but I didn't remember doing it.
This is too coincidental to let it pass. @Diogenese a mate I'll name Ray had a grey 1954 Hillman Minx and we participated in a couple of loosely arranged rally's through the Otway Ranges. There would be a keg of beer at the finish to allow participants to refresh themselves and enjoy the fellowship. I do recall an incident when we also missed a checkpoint, in daylight. The brakes on the Hillman were similar to the electronics. Useless. This Hillman met its demise when it inexplicably wobbled into a ditch returning from a function on a beach near Port Campbell held to celebrate the completion of first-year tertiary studies. I have a small scar on my right index finger to remind me of the injury received from this plummet and the occasion. The Hillman found its final resting place on a nearby dairy farm.

Ray acquired a blue 1953 Hillman Minx shortly after. This one required considerable time and funds to achieve roadworthiness and before that step, to work. Eventually, it did. However not long after Ray was gifted a Humber Hawk. Black. He was quite an imperturbable lad but was pleased with his acquisition. When asked why, he coyly replied, "More backseat legroom."

(I have left some detail out to hopefully spare me from further embarrassment).
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Germany seems to like the reports. 24Y.F shows the equivalent of $1.35
My avatar certainly likes it!
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Bit of a Valeo / Mercedes link here via Motherston Automotive Systems Group BV

Went way down the rabbit hole to find Shishir




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$1.33 equivalent on the dax tonight big ship starting to turn,topped up on open$1.17,go you good thing
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Bit of a Valeo / Mercedes link here via Motherston Automotive Systems Group BV

Went way down the rabbit hole to find Shishir

View attachment 1683

View attachment 1684

View attachment 1685

I started engineering when lasers and optical fibres were in their infancy, and then PCs came along, and then the internet. Exciting times, but AI will trump all that. They are just the supporting cast in a play written and directed by PvdM.

Just imagine how blokes like Kris Carlson must feel every day they go to work!
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Staff member
Apologies folks, there should have been notifications sent when the announcements arrived. That bit was broken. It is fixed now and you'll have received a (late) notice. Next time it should arrive on time!
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Deleted member 118

Apologies folks, there should have been notifications sent when the announcements arrived. That bit was broken. It is fixed now and you'll have received a (late) notice. Next time it should arrive on time!

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I started engineering when lasers and optical fibres were in their infancy, and then PCs came along, and then the internet. Exciting times, but AI will trump all that. They are just the supporting cast in a play written and directed by PvdM.

Just imagine how blokes like Kris Carlson must feel every day they go to work!

Further down in the article


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Founding Member
I started engineering when lasers and optical fibres were in their infancy, and then PCs came along, and then the internet. Exciting times, but AI will trump all that. They are just the supporting cast in a play written and directed by PvdM.

Just imagine how blokes like Kris Carlson must feel every day they go to work!
“ … lasers and optical fibres were in their infancy, and then PCs came along, and then the internet. Exciting times, but AI will trump all that. They are just the supporting cast in a play written and directed by PvdM”.

Dio, that is beautifully written, poetic. It is so wonderful to read words that can so eloquently pay the respect to PVDM that he deserves.
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"on 18th Feb 2022 the capital call notice was settled resulting in the company receiving A$22,397,636.00"
$22,397,636 received for 15M shares equates to $1.49 per share!
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Germany seems to like the reports. 24Y.F shows the equivalent of $1.35
My avatar certainly likes it!
She certainly does. Nice.
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Hey everyone! Firstly thanks for always allowing great discussion and information, what a great platform for insight!

I’m a ‘reader’ and have never posted before however after skimming through the annual report I’m interested to see if what I keep thinking about has just a simple answer, and something I may be embarrassed after replies for asking 🤣

Page 64 - Revenue from external customers shows substantial growth in North America (1.3mil) my excited Brainchip mind is pondering on this, should I tell it to calm down!? Excuse the potential amateur question - and if it is in fact just this I promise to go back to my previous ‘reader’ views 🙊


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And Renesas and NASA were announced on the same day back in December 2020. Renesas are going to really explode in sales which in turn will be explosive sales for Brainchip thanks to Akida!

I honestly believe once Renesas have the first market ready products with neuromorphic Ai processors in them it’ll really shine a light on Brainchip!
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Somehow I took a look over at the other forum that shall not be named. It’s like as former NZ Prime Minister Piggy Muldoon once famously said, “ every time a NZ citizen emigrates to Australia the average IQ of both nations rises”
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And Renesas and NASA were announced on the same day back in December 2020. Renesas are going to really explode in sales which in turn will be explosive sales for Brainchip thanks to Akida!

I honestly believe once Renesas have the first market ready products with neuromorphic Ai processors in them it’ll really shine a light on Brainchip!
View attachment 1694
@chapman89 it will be, but wouldn't it be great to see our BRN name in between somewhere there. I mean this NDA is just so harsh but understandable right. I wish some solid news coming out of NASA, and few more logo popping up :)
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Hey everyone! Firstly thanks for always allowing great discussion and information, what a great platform for insight!

I’m a ‘reader’ and have never posted before however after skimming through the annual report I’m interested to see if what I keep thinking about has just a simple answer, and something I may be embarrassed after replies for asking 🤣

Page 64 - Revenue from external customers shows substantial growth in North America (1.3mil) my excited Brainchip mind is pondering on this, should I tell it to calm down!? Excuse the potential amateur question - and if it is in fact just this I promise to go back to my previous ‘reader’ views 🙊
Thanks Kylie11,

Another coup for the 1000 eyes.

Now that's interesting. We have an agreement with Renesas US. So product and development services revenue could, in large part, be related to Renesas US as we are expecting Renesas to start commercializing under the Akida IP licence this year.

So taking a ballpark figure of $500 per hour (impeccably sourced from FF) the $1M equates to about 2000 hours, or 1 year of full time engineering support. That may be spread over 2 or more engineers/customers as it's unlikely that the support engineers would work for a whole year with a single customer.
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Mad Scientist
Annual Report for last year has just been dropped.

1217% increase in revenue from the previous year.
YEEEEAAAAHH MHHAAATTTE at last -:)(y)(y)(y)(y)
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Hey question…do renasas make end user products or do they make SOC, chips and microcontrollers to go into products… therefor once they have their ‘chip’ using BRN IP will it still be years away from being in a final product? Or are we expecting renesas to come out with a complete product by end of year?
I think the royalties for the Akida IP licence depend on the number of items produced rather than th sales, but I'm not entirely sure about this.
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