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Probably for me a great deal more on paper. Used to that by now as perfectly comfortable holding. The SP is a number until you buy or sell. My fat reserves are however very tangible.
Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.
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Dang Son

Absolutely. I don’t understand how you can say you’re seeing the greatest amount of sales activity when the sales are non existent
Yeah but such a large sales dept , a lot of back slapping , high fives , long and expensive business lunches, to achieve no sale , does not bode well for the CEO, the sales team or AKIDA for that matter.
IMO Engineers should be constantly developing newer and more professional use case demonstrations to assist as marketing tools, and bring on development of new AKIDA iterations with greater attributes for renewed market interest.
It's a great lifestyle at Brainchip but could somebody please sell something for fuck sake !!!😤
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
I'm not going to sugar-coat it because, it kinda sucks ass-balls, but lets face it, things could be a lot worse. I mean Marcus Schaefer from Mercedes is going to be writing about neuromorphic computing any drop of the hat. This is presuming we're still iin the lead on the vote on LinkedIn.

If you haven't done so already, jump on LinkedIn and vote for neuromorphic computing!

View attachment 20338
Voting finished earlier this week .... aaannnnnddddd ... Neuromorphic computing won 🏅 so something sooon hopefully 🤞
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PS. why did they use a red full stop after the word calm???
One for the Tin foil hat brigade me thinks! 🤣🤣🤣
a red full-stop (is an) investors' choc-top
... a well known incantation used to bring on good news from over seas clients.
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I’m not conflating anything. The report is shit - let’s not beat about the bush. There’s was always a 90 days ago…
not really. eg what would you sooner have
. $3mill cash in OR
. Fujitsu signs deal to put an akida chip in it's air-conditioners, and only $0.1mill cash?

Depending on your answer, what do you want to see the BRN staff working on?
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Founding Member
Yeah but such a large sales dept , a lot of back slapping , high fives , long and expensive business lunches, to achieve no sale , does not bode well for the CEO, the sales team or AKIDA for that matter.
IMO Engineers should be constantly developing newer and more professional use case demonstrations to assist as marketing tools, and bring on development of new AKIDA iterations with greater attributes for renewed market interest.
It's a great lifestyle at Brainchip but could somebody please sell something for fuck sake !!!😤
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There's a big Sunday roast cooking in the kitchen and mum took your bag of potatoe chips away so as not to spoil your appetite... don't cry children.... I'm sitting patiently at the table. Napkin nicely tucked into my shirt, KNIFE AND FORK cluching tightly in each hand...can you smell the wonderful aroma? I can.... nearly there.. 10 more minutes she says....
I hope you packed a snickers bar cause you’ll be waiting another 12 weeks at the table by yourself and the smell of the chips are gonna be mighty enticing 😆
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To me technology wise is has been validated by some big companies, revenue wise it is still at its infancy stage, so it is still a good bet that Brainchip will be successful.
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Nothing changes if nothing changes
Expect a negative 10-15% tomorrow, the US futures also look red. Lucky my emotions are already broken. However, I must say, nearly every company did not make much revenue or profit this quarterly so it is to be expected. There statement

“However, the current global technology market has created economic dynamics that have extended evaluations, decreased budgets, and delayed introduction of new technology. These conditions have created a headwind for our prospective and current customers.”

Is believable
Neck minute tomorrow is green day up 5%😂
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I’m going to the Casino and putting everything I have on red.
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There you go, will be interesting to see how it goes when market opens. Bit disappointing to see 4c. Been patient for so long....
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Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.
So I should stay fat and under the radar?

How about:
Doth yonder MF pin heads wail,
For sooth ain't truth from greedy fail,
Yet gleely wonder their toothless grin,
For all their crap is in the bin.

I have no idea if any of that makes sense but it sounds good. Shakespearian limerick?
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not really. eg what would you sooner have
. $3mill cash in OR
. Fujitsu signs deal to put an akida chip in it's air-conditioners, and only $0.1mill cash?

Depending on your answer, what do you want to see the BRN staff working on?
But Fugitsu hasn’t signed have they? Or maybe they have? Who knows… the company doesn’t tell us anything. There’s literally a team of people asleep at the helm when it comes to shareholder engagement, and because of that our SP is slipping.

That that’s despite the fact that we’re 2+ years into commercialisation and we don’t make any money.

See I told you all a tantrum was brewing 🤣
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It will get slaughtered no doubt tomorrow..

Surprised no new IP deals in qtr. Thought this was the best disruptive technology since the internet..

Amazing how well it’s valuation is still well over a $billion in this infinite PE slaughterhouse environment..

Sorry, too much use of the word slaughter..
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Buy Fugitsu hasn’t signed have they? Or maybe they have? Who knows… the company doesn’t tell us anything. There’s literally a team of people asleep at the help when it comes to shareholder engagement, and because of that out SP is slipping.
You are absolutely right. Untill there is an announcement it is all just thoughts and possibilities but not an actual contract or partnership.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
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“However, the current global technology market has created economic dynamics that have extended evaluations, decreased budgets, and delayed introduction of new technology. These conditions have created a headwind for our prospective and current customers.”

As much as I thought Brainchip seemed to be immune to the current crisis affecting the world sadly we are not. Not directly as it's situation normal at BRN Headquarters but EAPs are no doubt battening down the hatches to weather the storm.

Calm waters will come again and there at the end of the rainbow will be BRN.

As you were team. In you I trust.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
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Founding Member
It will get slaughtered no doubt tomorrow..

Surprised no new IP deals in qtr. Thought this was the best disruptive technology since the internet..

Amazing how well it’s valuation is still well over a $billion in this infinite PE slaughterhouse environment..

Sorry, too much use of the word slaughter..

Gotta get those negative sentiment points up to meet your quota?
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On reflection, and in the cold hard reality of today's 4C, I believe the continued dot joining and the fervent belief that we have collectively demonstrated the bold certainty that we are invincible, has hit many of us hard.

Perhaps light is at the end of the tunnel. There must be significant truth in what has been uncovered by ourselves. But right now, today, the tide has gone out and not many of us have our bathers on.

But I, and I'm sure most of us, will hold on. Perhaps with slightly less visible fervor.

On the other hand, an announcement by Ford..........there I go again. Shut up Dhm.
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