I have been unable to get out of my head the Phd candidate’s description of AKIDA as a BEAST.
This is truly an amazing adjective to use for this technology. It is so unexpected from my perspective.
It’s use cannot be because of its size as it is smaller than a $AU2.00 coin.
It’s use cannot be due to its minuscule power consumption.
It’s use cannot be because of massive heat generation because there is basically none to speak of.
So it’s use can only be related to its processing power.
Who would have thought to use this term?
A data scientist studying for a PhD that is who?
My opinion only DYOR
FF wrote,...."It’s use cannot be due to its minuscule power consumption. It’s use cannot be because of massive heat generation because there is basically none to speak of."
Thinking about these two attributes of Akida technology, I was musing about if Brainchip might one day corral some professional association endorsements because of "just" these two attributes? Our website could perhaps boast with the likes of some of the following organizations for example, endorsing Akida for it's proven environmental low impact, or lending their association logo to our website because they are proud to.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Yale School of the Environment
National Association for EHS&S Management (NAEM)
American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
Audio Engineering Society
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
The Society of Military Engineers (SAME)
World Wildlife Federation (WWF)
Or, maybe join a few groups and just throw in some association name dropping like Apple does here,....
"We work with a wide range of nonprofit, industry, government, and business partners around the world. We collaborate with other best-in-class companies across all our environmental initiatives through our memberships in organizations like Ceres and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). On our climate change efforts, we work with organizations including Advanced Energy Economy (AEE), RE100, the Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership, and We Mean Business. Our work on creating circular material supply chains is supported by our membership with the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative and the Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE). We’re also members of Green America’s Clean Electronics Production Network (CEPN) and the Green Chemistry and Commerce Council (GC3). For more information on our partnerships, read the 2022 Environmental Progress Report (PDF)."
Maybe my musing is putting the cart before the horse and in due time these "associations" will be seen. It's just that these attributes or benefits of Akida technology available NOW are such gold I only wish we could leverage them more, and more quickly.
The above musings are my opinion only