Hopefully you and Chapman are both right..I may be fooling myself but the only IP in the known commercial world that could possibly be 100x more efficient than a GPU is AKIDA 2.0.
We all know Tech here and one thing he does very well is to send congratulations via email to the people at Brainchip who make things happen.
The podcast with Prophesee was one such happening and he sent Rob Telson a congratulations for all his hard work on behalf of shareholders and the company.
Rob Telson replied thanking Tech for his kind words. In the process he described AKIDA as ‘amazing technology’.
It is human nature to become familiar with what we see everyday and this familiarity normally removes the wonder.
As a result these words struck me as Rob Telson has been with Brainchip for quite some years now exposed every day to AKIDA technology and yet uses these words.
There is in my mind no doubt that the amazing technology IP that is said to have ended the Era of GPU4ML can be none other than AKIDA 2.0.
My very anonymous opinion only so as usual DYOR
The imagery of the post, of the brain hovering over the chip, does say it's BrainChip!
Well not specifically

But at the very least, it's implying the IP is neuromorphic