There is a webinar with linked hardware on their homepage with this date.The Renesas update progress video is out. The video got interesting for me when the presenter showed full systems solutions at 14:30. No idea if Akida is included in these.
Sep 28, 2022:
I don't know whether we are involved or not or I can't find any clues. I have too little knowledge to identify us in the mountain of infos.
Another webinar deals with the topic Renesas Voice UI Hands‑On Lab:
Voice & Face Recognition page.
No Internet Connection for that Smart Device Design? Not a Problem with Easy-to-Deploy VUI Solutions |
"Learning at the Edge: Building Intelligence into the Industrial IoT Endpoint"
Sailesh Chittipeddi: That is evolving as designers incorporate more advanced MCUs, MPUs and Neural Processing Units (NPUs) capable of running artificial intelligence algorithms and complex compute functions. Even so, these single-core processors were only able to perform jobs sequentially, first sensing the data, and then processing it before sending an instruction to the actuator. The future of IIoT will evolve into multi-core CPUs, multi-threaded neural processing units, and even low-power, cost-efficient FPGAs driving parallel operations to multiple sensors and actuators. This is the intelligence that’s moving toward the IIoT endpoint. This is what will enable automated systems to locally handle most AI-centric workloads below 10 Tera Operations Per Second (TOPS).
But here, too, I lack the background knowledge to clearly identify us. For me it's like a rabbit hole. Another link and another branch and there again a link and the next article.

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