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This is as you say a massive find and as a consequence I sent it to Tony Dawe and this is his response.Massive find thanks!
Objective #5 Engage partner for Phase 2 design and fabrication of full rad-tolerant neuromorphic processor.
OGA, 8 SBIR companies, 2 large tech companies interested
“Thanks FF
I’m recovering from Covid at the moment and haven’t yet returned to work. It’s really kick me in the guts.
As you know, NASA does not typically communicate its intentions directly to us. In the past we have learned about our status on various NASA projects via their website.
I will defer to Ken to confirm the veracity of this information and determine whether it warrants any disclosure from BrainChip.
So as I have said before when communicating with Tony Dawe and other BRN employees remember they are people too but even from his Covid sick bed Tony responded within the hour.
Secondly I mentioned that at Brainchip US they have a NASA silo where what happens at NASA stays at NASA with only a select group with US security clearance at Brainchip having knowledge.
They work on the proper basis of ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ and so whenever one of the 1,000 Eyes in this case FMF finds something I flick it to this side of the ‘Chinese Wall’ at Brainchip because they do not get told the day to day details of what is happening at NASA.
Will something be released by Brainchip about this the odds are against from my past communications but I live in hope however I also experience the joy of knowing thanks to the 1,000 Eyes.
My opinion only DYOR