Mad Scientist
Hi DingoBorat,It's the same old story Xhosa..
Shareholders can be like children, pestering their parents
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"..
Whatever the parents say, they will be asking again, in 5 minutes time.
The Company is busting its balls, to make BrainChip successful, while the shareholders, sit on their asses and complain.
But look at any company forum and you will find the same thing.
People need to grow up.
News will come, when news is available.
We will get there.
Enjoy the journey, instead of just thinking about the destination...
there are a lot of "are we there yet" 's expressing displeasure on BRN /Shareprice/Communication/ Announcements - etc .
So as a bit of a ROADMAP- to help everyone understand -How and When will we get there.
1) Edge /Brainchip will be having the Zoom Tech Webinar - on 24th August 2022- USA time
Learn How to Develop Neuromorphic ML Models Running BrainChip Akida
Join Edge Impulse and BrainChip to learn about the the power of neuromorphic computing

2) The 1st Half 2022 Financials must be released - Tentativly by end of August 2022.
3) Patent Reveals -due soon- possibly giving BRAINCHIP - ASX Announcements.
4) The Edgeimpulse Embedded ML Event of the Year World Wide Webinar - 22-28 Sept 2022.

Imagine 2024 - The conference for edge AI
Join us for the premier edge AI event for the real world, with presentations and demonstrations from top technology leaders and innovators.

So - maybe the TSE form members should start a thread - and write down the questions that should be asked, during these free access webinars that are coming up - so as to get the answers that they /everyone wants.
So this sets the perfect opportunity for the scene for reveals- ie- AKIDA additions -1500 or 2000,
Perfect opportunity to -a)ASK deep and hard questions for the zoom BRN representative from participants.
b) wring out the BRN representative to get the answers that you want.