BRN Discussion Ongoing


I wish I could paint like Vincent
I've been waiting for a follow up to this research:

High-speed particle detection and tracking in microfluidic devices using event-based sensing


Visualising fluids and particles within channels is a key element of microfluidic work. Current imaging methods for particle image velocimetry often require expensive high-speed cameras with powerful illuminating sources, thus potentially limiting accessibility. This study explores for the first time the potential of an event-based camera for particle and fluid behaviour characterisation in a microfluidic system. Event-based cameras have the unique capacity to detect light intensity changes asynchronously and to record spatial and temporal information with low latency, low power and high dynamic range. Event-based cameras could consequently be relevant for detecting light intensity changes due to moving particles, chemical reactions or intake of fluorescent dyes by cells to mention a few. As a proof-of-principle, event-based sensing was tested in this work to detect 1 μm and 10 μm diameter particles flowing in a microfluidic channel for average fluid velocities of up to 1.54 m s−1. Importantly, experiments were performed by directly connecting the camera to a standard fluorescence microscope, only relying on the microscope arc lamp for illumination. We present a data processing strategy that allows particle detection and tracking in both bright-field and fluorescence imaging. Detection was achieved up to a fluid velocity of 1.54 m s−1 and tracking up to 0.4 m s−1 suggesting that event-based cameras could be a new paradigm shift in microscopic imaging.
Hi @uiux

do you think a Prophesee Brainchip combo could pull this off?

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Move on, nothing to see.
A long time ago, before online broking, I was in a broker's office, (Bridges if I remember correctly). I was buying some St George Bank shares. I looked at his computer at the quotes and asked what is all these things on the screen and he said it is how many shares people want yo buy or sell at what price. I asked him if there are so many people wanting to sell their shares, why should I buy it now? He said those who show their hands on the table are not the real big players. You will see the real players when lines got wiped from the board.

Now that everyone and his dog can see the quotes sitting at home or in the office or even on a bus, I think the large sell orders are there to encourage uninformed people to sell lower than the large order. If there are already 10 million shares offered at say, $1, you are not likely to join the end of the queue trying to sell your 5000 shares. Perhaps the large seller is trying to close his shorts at a lower price.

The other way around when the big boys want to short, they will put in large buy orders to encourage punters to buy their shorts at a higher price.

These days, I take the quotes on the table with a grain of salt. When the real players come in to buy, either the 750K will be pulled or wiped before you can say WTF.
That is brilliant insight into market psychology that I, in 37+ years of investing, had not yet noticed. Thanks for this serendipitous piece of information.

I also abide by the rule of “if it is time to sell or buy, just pull the trigger, be satisfied with your decision, and don’t look back”. I no longer squabble over cents when entering or exiting positions. But now I know,how,to,correctly interpret these larger than normal ‘fake’ trades.

’Could of’ or ‘Should of’ are absolutely meaningless in investing.

Yoda had it so right.

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Hi @uiux

do you think a Prophesee Brainchip combo could pull this off?


They are using a prophesee cam in the study

And yes, Prophesee and BrainChip are like hand and glove
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bavarian girl ;-)
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
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Move on, nothing to see.
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Prophesee had this a year ago - particle counter.

They even have a particle sizer.

What I think would be interesting to see would be Akidas ability to learn autonomously. There used to be a video using DVS data from inilabs, where Akida would learn to recognise cars on a highway and start to "count" them

I wonder if this could be applied to things in the blood to identify new things that shouldn't be there
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Me again !

I forgot to mention that our Research Institute here in Perth is "finally" going to be moving into the company's new offices this
month, that is, bigger premises and at a cheaper lease !...I was of the understanding that the move was taking place in late May
or early June, but never-the-less, I'm looking forward to visiting, taking some photos of Tony and the team, I think Peter is out of
the country in the US helping Anil and the team, my timing maybe off on that point, anyway I'm having an operation on my hand
in the next month, so once I can operate my EQXX properly, I'll or Akida will drive me into town to Brainchip HQ !!

I look forward to sharing some photos, with the company's permission of course !! this space Brainchip lovers :giggle: Tech x
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What I think would be interesting to see would be Akidas ability to learn autonomously. There used to be a video using DVS data from inilabs, where Akida would learn to recognise cars on a highway and start to "count" them

I wonder if this could be applied to things in the blood to identify new things that shouldn't be there

DVS + Brainchip: Unsupervised learning for highway monitoring​

A DAVIS240B monitoring a highway is input to Brainchip’s spiking learning neural network emulator, performing unsupervised learning. Video credit: Brainchip
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Diaper Odour Detector - WTF, not needed, the old human nose picks that shit up real quick (excuse the pun) and nappies are already attached to their own alarm system 😆👌
Hi Foxdog,

There are many use cases where this is needed for example Diaper monitoring fits with a series of other products that can improve the health and safety of dementia patients and severely intellectually handicapped who are kept in institutions that are under funded and under staffed.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
After watching that video it gave me an idea. I am a wool broker and it would be fantastic to have a hand held device that could measure the Micron (average) of a fleece at shearing time. The wool classer could put it in the appropriate bin as micron is the main driver of eventual price at auction.
Endless possibilities
Its good to be a shareholder. Who said that?😁😁
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What I think would be interesting to see would be Akidas ability to learn autonomously. There used to be a video using DVS data from inilabs, where Akida would learn to recognise cars on a highway and start to "count" them

I wonder if this could be applied to things in the blood to identify new things that shouldn't be there
Hi Ui,

I think you've hit the nail on the head.

Event cameras are good at spotting events, ie, detecting moving objects. They can do this without Akida. Where Akida comes in is in identifying/classifying the events (or groups of events), and in learning from the events.

So if the job is just counting unidentified objects, there is no need for Akida, but if the job requires identification of objects, Akida is your man.
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Operation of the latest touch pad for Genesis (which is the posh version of Hyundai)
Looks a little cumbersome and surely voice recognition could do a much better job. Interesting but they need AKIDA/Nviso.

Just Wow!
Now obviously tracing the characters with your fingers, is going to be faster than just typing or saying them? 🤣

What a piece of Crappola technology!..
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Just Wow!
Now obviously tracing the characters with your fingers, is going to be faster than just typing or saying them? 🤣

What a piece of Crappola technology..
You said it. I live 35k from town on a gravel road that needs grading, and no, there is no cell phone service.
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Japan loves Tech, Just look at their toilets ( I vouch for them). Smart Diapers will sell

It's not like you couldn't see it walking around Tokyo or the countryside. But one of the biggest indicators of this shift is that, with declining birthrates and over 25% of the population aged over 65, there are now more diapers produced for adults than for babies.”
Would still be a huge market, but I'm guessing this might be some kind of clip or stick on affair, instead of something that's disposable?

Certainly better for the environment anyway..
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Hi Foxdog,

There are many use cases where this is needed for example Diaper monitoring fits with a series of other products that can improve the health and safety of dementia patients and severely intellectually handicapped who are kept in institutions that are under funded and under staffed.
Totally agree, I was just having a bit of fun at parenthood.
I have family who work in aged care and also disability support so I'm aware of the valuable advantages of this technology here. Unlike the Japanese, who revere their aged population we fall far behind. Lack of staff is a huge problem - it's unconscionable that someone packing a supermarket shelf (been there, done that) can be paid more than an aged care worker......but I digress. Yes AKIDA in all of its uses is very, very good 🙏
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Founding Member
Credit to @chapman89

Kathrin works in mercedes benz just replied to jesse's comment on linkedin.

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I recall 50 cents per chip being thrown around a while back. Pretty sure it came from management but take this with a grain of salt as I can't be certain. I think it was at the same time they mentioned that royalties will also be dependant on the final cost or quantity of the product it is being utilised in. I'll try and dig up the comments.
I and a few other were throwing it around last week in our revenue model discussions
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