8.6 Sensor Module Algorithm and Firmware
To operate the ZMOD4410, the software and libraries provided by Renesas should be used. The algorithm for the user’s microprocessor always
uses the raw output signals from the ZMOD4410, which are resistances, to determine the level of gases present. Depending on the
microprocessor and compiler used, the firmware and its algorithms require 10 to 30 kB flash size.
All algorithms feature an automated baseline
correction function, ensuring that the module can learn from its environment and distinguish elevated levels of gases under all conditions. The
proprietary metal oxide (MOx) used in the sensor ensures that the sensor module can respond effectively to changing TVOC during long-term
operation. Therefore, the user focus should always be on the relevant output parameters: The IAQ level according to UBA, the TVOC
concentration (available in mg/m3 and as Ethanol equivalent in ppm), and/or the estimation of carbon dioxide (eCO2).
For implementing the sensor module in a customer-specific application, detailed information on the programming is available.
More information
and guidance on the firmware integration, architecture, and supported platforms are available in the ZMOD4410 Programming Manual – Read
Me. Code Examples in C and additional firmware descriptions for API, HAL, libraries, etc., are included at no cost in the downloadable firmware
package from the ZMOD4410 product page
@butcherano @Diogenese @Stable Genius