Great quality post Fastback6666, always love your workThe value of a company is about the market cap value of the entire stock based on the shares on issue and not the actual dollar price of a stock that you would need to compare companies equally.
Personally I would not compare any stock with Afterpay as that company was on purpose a hype machine with reports skewed to the positive and then sold off quickly at its highs as it massively overpriced and yet to post a profit. The SP for it had priced in massive profits for basically the next 5 to 10 years which were yet to even eventuate, it was always going to be sold down and square who owns it now has been smashed down in price a lot even with it consolidated into their business. Others may argue it wasn’t but it was in a bnpl tech bull run for all those stocks in the bnpl.
Brainchip is not an Afterpay, Brainchip is better as it is definitely far from hyping anything announcements or financial reports...this is clear. They have tight locks on those NDA’s. So when real big news comes with the bigger dollars attached to it will be serious and not hyped and it will fun to watch. Over time who knows where the Market Cap could be but first serious goal for me to see is a 10 Billion Market Cap - just over $6 SP. Then after that it will be all just pure fun to watch it all play out.

Agree with the market cap thing, which a lot of people miss.
When Afterpay had an $104 share price, their market cap was around 33 billion dollars, which would equate to a BRN share price of around $18.
I've often used that as a comparison, purely to show what is possible and more. Considering, that Afterpay had a very poor business model and was running at a 50 million dollar loss at the time, while having around 500 million in revenue.
So the business was obviously well developed, but still loss making, which is never a good sign..
I didn't really follow the Afterpay story that closely, but a lot of the hype around the sector, was the "This is the Future!" potential and the fact Afterpay was the "Market Darling" of it.
Brainchip, will have a similar kind of hype and also be a Market Darling, the big difference is, that we are the Real Deal.
In my opinion, when BrainChip and AKIDAs really get going, we will have a Market Capitalisation, that will seem "Too Big" for our shoes (as it does now, to the "Whats A Neuromorphic Chip Anyway" crowd).
But this is the same as any Major Tech Company, that has far reaching, disruptive, or just desirable technology, in the World.
I believe the excitement and desire around and to own BRN stock, will be immense.
A large part of any Company valuation, is always based around the sentiment on that stock and other outside factors.
That's just how, we as humans, value things.
If this heads down the path, that everything is showing it will, then BrainChip as a Company, will have everything going for it.