"We are here for one reason - life changing gains on our investment and continued speculation on progress will only become more and more frustrating"Uiux and all, we wouldn't be having this conversation (argument) if BRN was more forthcoming with information.
NDA's aside, we are placing an immense trust in management during this commercialisation period and I for one can't afford to lose what I have invested . We are here for one reason - life changing gains on our investment and continued speculation on progress will only become more and more frustrating.
Its ok for Sean to say 'follow the revenue' but it's a bit of an ask when each 4C is 12 weeks apart and doesn't update on actual progress with partners.....
Hey Foxdog, true the strong hands, are here for life changing gains, but you're asking for the Company, to reassure its investors, that they are onto "The Sure Thing" and there is no sure thing in investing, even if, everything we know, is pointing in that direction..
Every company forum I've been involved with, always complains about lack of information and updates..
Then they get one and a week later, they are back to the same..
Everything takes time..
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