Hi Y I'll have to say I'm with you on this, I also "feel" Intel lurking. Currently Loihi is so far off becoming commercial, Intel have to really think about their options to staying relevant.
What the loser fence sitters with their heads up their arses here DON"T GET is IF someone like INTEL is after BRN they will get it for a SONG!
And please forget about loyalty to management and professional office holders (they really dont give a shit about YOU) wake up this is about
MONEY & CONTROL of BILLIONS of dollars in the future!
Do you think you really count? Faceless people?
People will say & do anything, for example . Where is the TOP 20 list promised again and again? Think about what we might NOT like to see on it.
ALL I want is for people to be honest and acknowledgement that the SP was Shorted and dropped -10% in 15 mins.
Nothing more instead of coming in here and attacking and making bs excuses because they personally dont care.
great don't care? fine thats your business , but it does not mean others cannot have a different view and actually CARE about it.
Those that say "take a Chill pill" need to do it themselfs because they seem to be the ones freaking out that someone has made a post saying there is Shorting today!
This forum has gone the way of hotcrapper where you get attacked with no justification by fencesitters, school kids and those who are professionally working in Brokerages and the like.
listen to yourselfs now! SHORTING IS GOOD FOR US! Geezus h.