It certainly is a good dialogue to have as we try to unpick how the ecosystem will exactly work (and generate revenue).GOOD POINTS...........marsch85 and you might be correct.
YOU are the FIRST to post any info countering my posts and suggestions for which I thank you immensely. It was a totally honest post and not motivated by other considerations/objectives.
You suggest those companies are Partners and not Customers of ARM, which are like us (BRN-ARM Partner) may be the correct view point.
BUT I would also counter that as much as say EDGE IMPULSE are partners(?) of ARM as they are partners of us (BRN) separately, we (BRN) would also earn income from Lic fees from them (IMPULSE) when they use our product with their own Customers also.
This would also reflect the same with ARM surely?
The other companies listed also have popped up on our radar screens from time to time with Dot joining. Are they using Brainchip lic IP on ARM Cortex products with or to find their own Customers too? If so they owe us IP LIC Fees is quite possible.
Its complex looking from the outside trying to gain an understanding of how it all interlinks and is entwined with no 100% correct understanding possible at this time, but on face value it is certainly possible we could have some IP Lic fees within the next 4C which we ALL know must happen at some time soon.
Thanks for your post marsch85 and much appreciated!
I used to work for IBM quite a while ago. When we sold SAP software to a customer they would pay the licence fees, etc directly to SAP. We basically had a joint go-to-market and would involve SAP in the sales process. This model is quite standard, but I'm sure there are many other forms of partnerships as well. My assumption is that we partner with Edge Impulse and when they (or when we jointly) sell Brainchip IP to their customers, those customers will pay the license fee and royalties to Brainchip directly. Edge Impulse will likely get a cut and of course also receives $$$ for the services (e.g. design, implementation, etc) they deliver.