Has any conclusion been reached by the group on who might be the Hearing Aid company? Syntiant yes/no/maybe? The fact that Brainchip still lists Hearing Aids as part of the job solution is interesting. This would be a product with a much quicker "go to market" time frame. There is a lot of info when searching in google for "auditory sensor spiking neural network".Anything of any interest here especially with the recent job opening regarding hearing aids. Patent assigned to Syntiant
Microcontroller interface for audio signal processing
U.S. Patent Number 11270198 for Microcontroller interface for audio signal
Seems like the perfect low power SNN solution. From what I read; it is the Spike Timing that can be used to filtering out the background noise. Called a Biological Neural Network, Fascinating. Go Brainchip Team!
Anything of any interest here especially with the recent job opening regarding hearing aids. Patent assigned to Syntiant
Microcontroller interface for audio signal processing
U.S. Patent Number 11270198 for Microcontroller interface for audio signal