BRN Discussion Ongoing


Hi Tech,

I have always been an admirer of your comments, you speak seldom but when you do, it is always
relative, pertinent & insightful.
I would be very interested if you would comment further on your earlier post and perhaps elaborate
on your thoughts.
Thank you in advance & kindest Regards
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Dang Son

My 2 cents is, perhaps we can create an anonymous register of our collective holdings as a "Club membership" Maybe using initials and stock holdings. Then perhaps just some sincronicity in movements regarding voting etc. Working as a collective. This allows individuals the freedom to trade at will, stay anonymous, but give our "Akida Ballista members" some strength as a collective. I dunno... all other suggestions have sincere motives but are too intrusive financially I feel.
Regarding the citicorp holdings... I think it is reflective of corporate individuals and their friends in "the know", secretly accumulating personal holdings. It maybe be coincidence that the majority are using citicorp as an instrument, as it is one of the larger entities used for this purpose...
For me it is to date, the largest indicator of validation of future potential of our litter ripper...
What do I know? Just a thought.
It's terrific validation that someone is accumulating via institutions.
Not terrific is the bots they use to manipulate price from 2.30 to hold it down at 80c with all the advantage of algorithms and visible stop losses etc..
For retail it's like poker at a casino that has cards stacked against us.
In any other industry these kind of transactions would be criminal but for financial institutions it is condoned. 😠
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Maybe FF is becoming a member of the board????
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Good morning....

After our AGM concluded in late May I contacted the company (an individual) with my concern that or more to the point a question directly, squarely at, why the CEO threw in the line that the company was intending to employ a further 4 Non-Executive directors before this year was out, and "possibly" a soon as that comment was made, my mind started cherning, why would we want to double the Board size, it seemed to me to be a little premature...Had another company or potential large investor put the word on the Board that if something were to play out over the next 6/12 months that this alleged company or large investor wanted or demanded a number of seats on the Board moving foward.

Anyway, the shutters went up (as predicted) and very recently I followed up with two specific questions to the company to see if they were prepared to elaborate on what clearly has been a change in direction, for example, no longer a chip company, as such, but solely an IP company.

In my opinion this business direction, that is, casually mentioning a plan surrounding the massive Board expansion, and I mean, pretty casually just throwing it out there at the AGM with really no foundation, well, I'm 100% convinced that something rather major is on the near horizon, as it's definitely 100% sensitive, whatever is going down, the Citicorp Nominees holding of over 174 Million that was recently exposed, surpassing our great Founder and long time No.1 stakeholder Peter Van, without even a whisper, tells me the roller coaster ride many of us have been on over the last 7 plus years, is about to become more curvier, hang on..somethings definitely at play, what I don't know, but my personal trust in both Peter and Anil leads me to think, great things are fast approaching.

From a wet & cold Sunday morning in Perth.....Tech x
Hi Tech,

I see it as normal organic growth as BRN moves into commercialisation. The board will need more commercial experience to help guide the company from being an R&D enterprise. Management must see a bright positive future of rapid expansion to contemplate such a move. Bodes well.

I'm not buying into the Citicorp Nominees conspiracy theory until a see a Form 603 - Notice of Initial Substantial Holder as per the Corporations law, Section 671B. As you know, if Citicorp own the shares and not their clients, they have passed the 5% threshold and are fully aware of the Corporations Law.

May have already been posted

20% acquisition limit​

Section 606 prohibits the acquisition of a relevant interest in voting shares if, because of that transaction, a person's voting power in the company:

  • increases from under 20% to over 20% or
  • increases from a starting point that is above 20% and below 90%.
The concept of "relevant interest" is defined in ss608 and 609. Generally, a person will have a relevant interest in securities if they are the holder of the securities, they have the power to exercise, or control the exercise of, a right to vote attached to the securities or they have the power to dispose of, or control the exercise of a power to dispose of, the securities.

A person's "voting power" in a body is determined in accordance with s610. A person's voting power includes the total number of votes attached to all of the voting shares in the company in which that person or an associate has a relevant interest. The concept of "associates" is complex. It will include (a) a person with whom the other person is acting, or proposing to act in concert in relation to the company's affairs and (b) persons with whom they have entered or propose to enter into an agreement for the purpose of controlling or influencing the composition of the company's board or the conduct of the company's affairs. It will also include companies that the person controls or that control the person.

There are a number of exceptions to the prohibition in s606, including:

  • an acquisition that results from an acceptance of an offer under a takeover bid (item 1 of s611)
  • an acquisition approved by a resolution of the company in which the acquisition is made (item 7 of s611)
  • acquisitions of no more than 3% in every 6 months (the 3% "creep" exception in item 9 of s611)
  • an acquisition that results from a rights issue (item 10 of s611)
  • a downstream acquisition resulting from an acquisition of relevant interests in another listed entity (item 14 of s611) and
  • acquisitions resulting from a scheme of arrangement (item 17 of s611).
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Thanks for sharing Tech.
That is good news even if you don’t what is coming.
If you speculate what would come to mind what possibly could be on the horizon?
INTEL stepping in?
ARM stepping in?
Or even Musk ?
What has the disappearance of FF to do with this. Or has it something to do with this.
FF stopping on this site is rather abrupt.
I wonder what can happen in the coming weeks.
I have some euro’s in an old sock somewhere, I will spend it Monday and buy some more BRN

Regards Gies

Gidday Gies,

Why would the CEO make that comment, we know that we are in an expansion phase, with talk of reaching maybe 100 employees towards years end or beyond, but I believe that the company has hit the same roadblock as all the other companies worldwide, with regards to, finding the talented individuals to fill all the spots that are currently being advertised, worldwide.

The space in which we play is getting closer and closer to exploding, growth wise, BUT where is all this new talent going to come from ?

Peter, Anil and the Executive team have really done a marvellous job in recuiting top talent, people whom measure up the the standards that our Founder & Co-Founder have maintained for years, and believe me, it's a high bar to reach, but the staff are rewarded both financially and are blessed with a great team spirit, some might say, with the Holy Spirit !

So the number of mergers and acquisitions are only going to increase over the next 3 years, in my opinion, staff will be poached, enticed with increasingly higher salaries etc, luckily for us, we have the most experienced team in this field to date and they know that they are all treated with the utmost respect by our leaders, end of story.

Why double the Board size, suggested to be within the next 5 months ??

Why not make a comment to the shareholders, as in, on what basis does this business strategy warrant a doubling in Board size ?

To me, it indicates something bigger is at play here, and as hard as I have tried, I'm not privy to anymore information, but my gut experience tells me that, I'm on the right track.

For the posters whom have liked my previous post, please just remember one key point, it's all my own opinion, it's certainly not fact, but in saying that, it's not right or wrong at this point in time, ok...and it's certainly not advice to go out and buy up big, be careful please.

There's only a small number of companies worldwide whom would be in the position to make some sort of move, so to answer your question, I think that you're on the right track.

Kind regards..........Tech :geek:
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Howdy All,

I was thinking there may be more dots to connect BrainChip with Volkswagen and Bosch after reading the article below which was only published yesterday describing how the Volkswagen Group has had to delay the launch of crucial electric models at Audi, Porsche, and Bentley because software subsidiary Cariad was unable to complete the software.

The article goes on to suggest the software issues are what lead to "the surprising partnership with Bosch".

Anyway to cut a long story short, it reminded me that Rob Telson has liked quite a number of Cariad and BMW stuff on Linkedin which you can see here on @MC 's post #16,552 .

So, now I am inclined to think that we are involved in some way (with Bosch) in helping Volkswagen get "back on track".

Opinions are like buttons, we all have them and that was one of mine. 🥳

Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 2.09.47 pm.png
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Move on, nothing to see.
Yep which defeats the purpose. I’d like to retire when funds allows me, not the government 😂🤣

Thank you
I am reminded of a quote I read on twitter earlier.


My word of warning is: be careful NOT to base your retirement plans on hope!

So if you are truly interested in buying a stake in BrainChip based on a sound understanding of the business case of BrainChip and not pure speculation that its price will go up—you could consider investing half outside of super. Then let the half in super be your nest egg when retirement age is achieved, and hopefully live off the portion outside of super. It will still take a few years to grow though.

Different tax implications but hey, if you earn enough to live off, paying tax on that income is a good thing right. And this has the bonus that you control how much you can take out and when.

What you are talking about is what the FIRE movement is all about (Financial Independence, Retire Early). You don’t need to be driven by an age barrier, what you do need to work out is what income constitutes “enough” for you and invest with the goal of being able to generate that income. Enough is what you need rather than what you want!

As an example: With no other sources of income (that’s a critical point in the following calculation), and assuming you sell shares that you held for more than 12 months, you could sell about $50k per year and pay next to no tax (about $1,500). And that’s per-person if you are a couple. That will give you $1000 per week ($2000 for a couple), in your hand. That’s about the same as it being in a super fund and you being above retirement age and in retirement mode pulling out the same amount from CGT-free investments. And when you do reach retirement mode, you can let the rest, outside of super, ride, and start living off your super.

Assuming your investment grows by more than $50k per year, this will continue into perpetuity.

Some achieve this same goal by investing in dividend bearing investments. $1m invested in companies yielding greater than 5% dividends is all you need. And many ASX listed companies yield much more than that. But the problem with that is you need to generate that $1m of investments And then not touch them.

It’s a great plan. Isn’t it the plan we all want? I hope it plays out for you.
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I'm Spartacus!
Thanks for sharing Tech.
That is good news even if you don’t what is coming.
If you speculate what would come to mind what possibly could be on the horizon?
INTEL stepping in?
ARM stepping in?
Or even Musk ?
What has the disappearance of FF to do with this. Or has it something to do with this.
FF stopping on this site is rather abrupt.
I wonder what can happen in the coming weeks.
I have some euro’s in an old sock somewhere, I will spend it Monday and buy some more BRN

Regards Gies
FF took a break, with notice, once before, although as I recall it turned out only to be for a few days.
I guess the investigative nature of this group leans it towards conspiracy theories and we all thrive on that, but I think we should just take
Fact Finder at his word. He was not one for wild supposition and as far as I am aware only ever stated what he believed to be the truth at any given moment in time. The volume and quality of his posts were unmatched by anyone here and he kept it up for years.
Thats what lent him the great credibility and respect the vast majority here hold him in.
If anyone deserves a break, for however long, it's him.
Obviously everyone wants and expects big things from Brainchip and it has a habit of throwing up marvellous surprises, often out of left field.
We know our guys are working on it, we know they want it probably almost as much as we do. :ROFLMAO:
Pardon me if I slightly mangle our bus analogy, but............ "I hear that train a'comin'"........

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Anyone know where I can purchase a flux capacitor

Doc Brown GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy
I’ve got one in the shed but the dimensional transfunctioners on the blink also got a broken rotator splint🤣🤣🤣
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I am reminded of a quote I read on twitter earlier.

View attachment 11607

My word of warning is: be careful NOT to base your retirement plans on hope!

So if you are truly interested in buying a stake in BrainChip based on a sound understanding of the business case of BrainChip and not pure speculation that its price will go up—you could consider investing half outside of super. Then let the half in super be your nest egg when retirement age is achieved, and hopefully live off the portion outside of super. It will still take a few years to grow though.

Different tax implications but hey, if you earn enough to live off, paying tax on that income is a good thing right. And this has the bonus that you control how much you can take out and when.

What you are talking about is what the FIRE movement is all about (Financial Independence, Retire Early). You don’t need to be driven by an age barrier, what you do need to work out is what income constitutes “enough” for you and invest with the goal of being able to generate that income. Enough is what you need rather than what you want!

As an example: With no other sources of income (that’s a critical point in the following calculation), and assuming you sell shares that you held for more than 12 months, you could sell about $50k per year and pay next to no tax (about $1,500). And that’s per-person if you are a couple. That will give you $1000 per week ($2000 for a couple), in your hand. That’s about the same as it being in a super fund and you being above retirement age and in retirement mode pulling out the same amount from CGT-free investments. And when you do reach retirement mode, you can let the rest, outside of super, ride, and start living off your super.

Assuming your investment grows by more than $50k per year, this will continue into perpetuity.

Some achieve this same goal by investing in dividend bearing investments. $1m invested in companies yielding greater than 5% dividends is all you need. And many ASX listed companies yield much more than that. But the problem with that is you need to generate that $1m of investments And then not touch them.

It’s a great plan. Isn’t it the plan we all want? I hope it plays out for you.
Thanks Slymeat.

Firstly, my nestegg (current super) is already way way more than the 20-30k that i'd like to "gamble" with and that is nowhere near half. I just figure its a sum that I wouldn't miss (yes yes having it is better than not).

I have a strong enough understanding of the potential of BRN, have researched, read and gotten my head around it enough to know (imho only) that now is the time to jump on board... And yes some specualtion is always there of course, with anything. If not then everyone would do it ;)

Each month I top up regardles, this question was just on how I could furhter increase my holdings in this by making a small portion of my super jump aboard the Akida Bus ;)
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Deleted member 118

Thanks for sharing Tech.
That is good news even if you don’t what is coming.
If you speculate what would come to mind what possibly could be on the horizon?
INTEL stepping in?
ARM stepping in?
Or even Musk ?
What has the disappearance of FF to do with this. Or has it something to do with this.
FF stopping on this site is rather abrupt.
I wonder what can happen in the coming weeks.
I have some euro’s in an old sock somewhere, I will spend it Monday and buy some more BRN

Regards Gies
Maybe factfinder is soon to be a member of the board lol

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Good morning....

After our AGM concluded in late May I contacted the company (an individual) with my concern that or more to the point a question directly, squarely at, why the CEO threw in the line that the company was intending to employ a further 4 Non-Executive directors before this year was out, and "possibly" a soon as that comment was made, my mind started cherning, why would we want to double the Board size, it seemed to me to be a little premature...Had another company or potential large investor put the word on the Board that if something were to play out over the next 6/12 months that this alleged company or large investor wanted or demanded a number of seats on the Board moving foward.

Anyway, the shutters went up (as predicted) and very recently I followed up with two specific questions to the company to see if they were prepared to elaborate on what clearly has been a change in direction, for example, no longer a chip company, as such, but solely an IP company.

In my opinion this business direction, that is, casually mentioning a plan surrounding the massive Board expansion, and I mean, pretty casually just throwing it out there at the AGM with really no foundation, well, I'm 100% convinced that something rather major is on the near horizon, as it's definitely 100% sensitive, whatever is going down, the Citicorp Nominees holding of over 174 Million that was recently exposed, surpassing our great Founder and long time No.1 stakeholder Peter Van, without even a whisper, tells me the roller coaster ride many of us have been on over the last 7 plus years, is about to become more curvier, hang on..somethings definitely at play, what I don't know, but my personal trust in both Peter and Anil leads me to think, great things are fast approaching.

From a wet & cold Sunday morning in Perth.....Tech x

My opinion only. But I think they manoeuvring for a listing on the Nasdaq.

When looking at the rules in relation to Corporate Governance (5605b) and Audit Comittee you need a majority of independent directors. See below.


(look at 5605 a2 and 5605 b)
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I'm Spartacus!

My opinion only. But I think they manoeuvring for a listing on the Nasdaq.

When looking at the rules in relation to Corporate Governance (5605b) and Audit Comittee you need a majority of independent directors. See below.

View attachment 11622

(look at 5605 a2 and 5605 b)
I know that they are also looking to gender balance the board somewhat as well.
In 2022 and going forward needs a few more women.
They do after all, hold up half the sky.
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Dang Son

Who was it here that said they are a Director of one of the big 4 banks the other day?
I'm thinking perhaps they might have access to regular broker data to share that could help shine a light here on which insto' is buying and who's selling.
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Gidday Gies,

Why would the CEO make that comment, we know that we are in an expansion phase, with talk of reaching maybe 100 employees towards years end or beyond, but I believe that the company has hit the same roadblock as all the other companies worldwide, with regards to, finding the talented individuals to fill all the spots that are currently being advertised, worldwide.

The space in which we play is getting closer and closer to exploding, growth wise, BUT where is all this new talent going to come from ?

Peter, Anil and the Executive team have really done a marvellous job in recuiting top talent, people whom measure up the the standards that our Founder & Co-Founder have maintained for years, and believe me, it's a high bar to reach, but the staff are rewarded both financially and are blessed with a great team spirit, some might say, with the Holy Spirit !

So the number of mergers and acquisitions are only going to increase over the next 3 years, in my opinion, staff will be poached, enticed with increasingly higher salaries etc, luckily for us, we have the most experienced team in this field to date and they know that they are all treated with the utmost respect by our leaders, end of story.

Why double the Board size, suggested to be within the next 5 months ??

Why not make a comment to the shareholders, as in, on what basis does this business strategy warrant a doubling in Board size ?

To me, it indicates something bigger is at play here, and as hard as I have tried, I'm not privy to anymore information, but my gut experience tells me that, I'm on the right track.

For the posters whom have liked my previous post, please just remember one key point, it's all my own opinion, it's certainly not fact, but in saying that, it's not right or wrong at this point in time, ok...and it's certainly not advice to go out and buy up big, be careful please.

There's only a small number of companies worldwide whom would be in the position to make some sort of move, so to answer your question, I think that you're on the right track.

Kind regards..........Tech :geek:
Hi Tech
I'm by no means the smartest in this amazing forum and have made my fair share of gaffes. At the risk of making another gaffe, I have a feeling that doubling the BRN board is in preparation for a NASDAQ listing. BRN needs to supersize all facets of its structure to cope with what may well be a deluge of new contacts and business by moving to NASDAQ.

I don't see any reason for BRN to remain on the ASX when the US clients, investors and partnerships would be most comfortable dealing with BRN in their own backyard.
The US$50 BILLION subsidies bill for Chip manufacturing companies is also an incentive to move faster than later to a NADDAQ listing.
Exciting times indeed.

Credit to MrRomper, he beat me to the same conclusion.
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Who was it here that said they are a Director of one of the big 4 banks the other day?
I'm thinking perhaps they might have access to regular broker data to share that could help shine a light here on which insto' is buying and who's selling.
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I have a question about this page on the ARM website thats been bugging me for a while:

Why isn't PVDM shown as Founder and CTO?

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Gidday Gies,

Why would the CEO make that comment, we know that we are in an expansion phase, with talk of reaching maybe 100 employees towards years end or beyond, but I believe that the company has hit the same roadblock as all the other companies worldwide, with regards to, finding the talented individuals to fill all the spots that are currently being advertised, worldwide.

The space in which we play is getting closer and closer to exploding, growth wise, BUT where is all this new talent going to come from ?

Peter, Anil and the Executive team have really done a marvellous job in recuiting top talent, people whom measure up the the standards that our Founder & Co-Founder have maintained for years, and believe me, it's a high bar to reach, but the staff are rewarded both financially and are blessed with a great team spirit, some might say, with the Holy Spirit !

So the number of mergers and acquisitions are only going to increase over the next 3 years, in my opinion, staff will be poached, enticed with increasingly higher salaries etc, luckily for us, we have the most experienced team in this field to date and they know that they are all treated with the utmost respect by our leaders, end of story.

Why double the Board size, suggested to be within the next 5 months ??

Why not make a comment to the shareholders, as in, on what basis does this business strategy warrant a doubling in Board size ?

To me, it indicates something bigger is at play here, and as hard as I have tried, I'm not privy to anymore information, but my gut experience tells me that, I'm on the right track.

For the posters whom have liked my previous post, please just remember one key point, it's all my own opinion, it's certainly not fact, but in saying that, it's not right or wrong at this point in time, ok...and it's certainly not advice to go out and buy up big, be careful please.

There's only a small number of companies worldwide whom would be in the position to make some sort of move, so to answer your question, I think that you're on the right track.

Kind regards..........Tech :geek:
Tech You certainly make a very interesting valid point regarding staffing, most chip and research IP companies are currently recruiting, and from what base? Some sort of shared staff and expertise arrangements with joint development arrangements and royalties would be one way of opening the bottleneck.
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Top 20
I have a question about this page on the ARM website thats been bugging me for a while:

Why isn't PVDM shown as Founder and CTO?

View attachment 11629
Here's wild speculation.

ARM is the new large shareholder.

They don't want Peter VDM associated with BRN anymore (no idea why but it's still part of my ridiculous theory) and are trying to push him out as he's the biggest hurdle to a takeover.

They voted against him at the AGM.
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Who was it here that said they are a Director of one of the big 4 banks the other day?
I'm thinking perhaps they might have access to regular broker data to share that could help shine a light here on which insto' is buying and who's selling.
I hope this sheds some light, this is broker data that goes back to 2015 when BRN was just listed on the ASX it shows a much different piture than the last broker data that I posted as that was only for 18 months it did not reflect the true picture

CMC are buying according to this, I am not sure how much Ma & Pa are buying, according to this, Citigroup is not buying ... they don't even hold shares acording to this , UBS accumelating & JP Morgan are becoming a big buyer ...

theses are all the shares that have been traded on the ASX when the Co got listed ... the only thing we dont know if someone is buying for someone that has a different intentions ...

so you all have a lovley evening in your conspiracy theory ...

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