Shorters are a part of the market and can keep share prices of companies, from getting over inflated unnecessarily.
Like on good news or results, while not having strong fundamentals, like income or revenue.
The thing with Brainchip is, we have very little revenue, for our share price and market capitalisation.
This is based on what we are doing, where we are going, our potential future market share and the strength of our Intellectual Property.
Market Analysts in Australia, are geared towards mining companies.
They understand "gold in the ground" as a way of valuing a company, but not the potential billions of issuances of IP royalties.
Just as gold in the ground, isn't certain until you actually dig it out, the IP royalties aren't certain, until they've arrived.
(except IP royalties, are like gold that magically moves from the ground to the vault, there is no "cost" in extracting them).
And yet mining companies and technology companies are valued very differently in Australia.
Most people in the investment World, still don't know what a neuromorphic chip is, or what we have here, in being first to market with Neuromorphic Chip technology, as IP, at a time when almost every company in the World, is chasing the "Holy Grail" of what we have.
The shorters below 90 cents, will most likely burn.
But there will always be shorters on BRN, even when we are hugely successful, taking advantage of any decent rise in prices.
The difference here, now, is that this rise has been largely
caused by the shorters.
And probably a bit of Smart Money, playing the game on the up.
It really is a bit of a twisted web, don't think about it too much, I don't.
The ASX needs to realise, that Brainchip, is a Global Company!