Hates a beer
This shit makes my blood boil…
368 drill holes is an expensive program to come up with that tiny tonnage and piss poor grade. No wonder tailings are discards.
This shit makes my blood boil…
Swallow is good alwaysCATL just going to swallow us up once ML issued? (in a good way)
Hi all, I'd just like to take a moment and thank the regular posters. Frank, Jag, Beisha, Winenut, Charbella, Fox, Cruiser, Money Bags, Xerof, Disco Dan, Sammuel, DoubleA, the list is long and distinguished (like my johnson, Top Gun). I hope you all have a great Christmas and a fantastic New Year. The time and effort you all put into the discussion is greatly appreciated.
Cominière: Adèle Kanyinda still and always caught in the bag
Selling off mining assets: after being caught hand in the bag in a report published by the IGF, Minister of Portfolio ADELE KAHINDA hires hungry journalists to defend her financial predation with her clan of financial predators.
Cominière file: His Chief of Staff sheds more light on the involvement of the Minister of Portfolio Adele Kahinda
Sell-off of mining assets: Deaconess Adele Kahinda circumvented min. of mines and the technical organ of the govt. to proceed with the sale of COMINIERE's shares. Mrs. Adele Kahinda nailed by her own Dircab who confirms the sale of COMINIERE's assets.
368 drill holes is an expensive program to come up with that tiny tonnage and piss poor grade. No wonder tailings are discards.
The White House is silently preparing Prsdt Joe Biden's state trip to the DRC, the solution country which will build with the USA and Zambia the largest electric battery factory in Katanga before the general elections of 2023. This would be the first visit.
Most of the 4.5 mtpa is under contract but if US want to help in a 10mtpa with CATH at 9 % it is a win win as CATH through its link with CATL will be supplying car majors I'm the USA.What you need to realise is that CATH is the biggest Li Battery Manufacturer in the world…. If the US want to manufacture Li batteries in Africa it will be compromised by the fact that CATH have offtake agreements in place for our SC6 (whether it be in raw or processed form??)…. And if the the US want it to manufacture Li batteries, then that might compromise the CATH TIA.
It’s all well and good as long as the US provides our financing (including the $20mil we will lose if we break the CATH TIA)…. I also don’t know how much of our product the US can contract in offtake when most of it is already under contract.
Though the news sounds positive overall, the above are just a few things to weigh up when considering our position
DG of CAMI and the Green Grub are Chinese puppets . The Chinese want the ML . Read the Zijin report from May this year.Most of the 4.5 mtpa is under contract but if US want to help in a 10mtpa with CATH at 9 % it is a win win as CATH through its link with CATL will be supplying car majors I'm the USA.
Why and how the DG of CAMI can hold up the surface rights is the issue IMO.
Unless parts of CDL remains unclear as management have never specifically said that CDL conflict is resolved.
Most of the 4.5 mtpa is under contract but if US want to help in a 10mtpa with CATH at 9 % it is a win win as CATH through its link with CATL will be supplying car majors I'm the USA.
Why and how the DG of CAMI can hold up the surface rights is the issue IMO.
Unless parts of CDL remains unclear as management have never specifically said that CDL conflict is resolved.