I've been inside Chinese factory workers accommodation in China.LOL that was worth the 3 minutes get WREKT chinese woman in the video.
I highly recommend watching that with subtitles on if you guys haven't. The guy on the phone in the freeze before you play is saying "its like the 17th century" in the DRC I imagine thats fucking medieval.![]()
Looks exactly like what's in this vid.
The sleeping arrangements with a sheet or a blanket hanging up for privacy.
The ones I went to typically had about 8-16 people/beds to each room
The fucking toilets in the floor with the foot positions on the side where you have to squat ......fucking nearly shit in my pants everytime I used one of those.....and they're always filthy.
To this day I can't fathom how you're supposed to use the fucking things.
So that accomodation there just looks like a replica of workers accommodation in mainland China.
That's probably why it's set up like that.....the Chinese believe it to be acceptable accommodation for workers
If the DRC could just issue the fucking ML and let AVZ get on with the job the accommodation and conditions for the workers we would bring by Australian standards would be like chalk and fucking cheese compared to the Chinese
It would be the simplest, lowest hanging fruit you could ever pick in positive worker/management relations in bloody industrialised history