obe wan
I don't think the messenger has intentionally been led up the garden path fwiw ; I reckon much of what's been shared in good faith here, (not so much now) ( not worth it ) , has genuinely been, how management saw their position at that time..unfortunately too many snipers in the DRC bushes, who constantly take potshots to disrupt .When the messenger is being led up the garden path those that listen may become weary and sceptical .
Nellis last post was pretty ‘snap snap’ fwiw, will a pot shot be taken that will disrupt that...who knows, but likely genuine at the time. Being weary and sceptical is fine....pineapple post every 20 mines of 24 hour is pretty boring ; I attended the brissy Roadshow ; two things of interest.....Nigel was pretty claim and comfortable until two Chinese women come in after about 10-15 mins after the RS started ; he went straight into rigor mortis mode and any traction I though he was making in moving towards those extra slides etc , it was lost from that point .
Other point of interest and received the same feedback from other road shows ; was that despite all the fire spitting and pineapple throwing on TSE and how the RS / AGM was going to be heated..... It was all crickets ; apart from Beisha’s questions ; there was nothing which resembled any of the table tossing in here....seemed a bit like the chihuahua going mental through the garden fence until the gate is open...gate gets closed and off they go again ; just sayin