+1 in my books for travelling there and doing the work.
+1 in my books for travelling there and doing the work.
AgreedI would personally like to hold them to account. If they say so, let it be. Regardless of tax issues.
Note: I think it is an amazing thing to commit to.
A decent article from the DRC
Whats happened to Nigel's face it's all contorted in a way I haven't seen before
The way things are going AVZ might be a big tax deduction for someAgreed
I like the idea of creating and supporting a charity to help in the general region of Manono
Sure I understand part of that is not entirely altruistic
Some of that is furthering what I see as the mutually beneficial work of AVZ in the region
At the end of the day though, one way or the other, I don't need a tax deduction to make that decision
A decent article from the DRC
You know John, for some inexplicable reason I'm feeling really positive at the moment. It might be the antidepressants talking but I've got an inkling that we might get some really good news this week!T
The way things are going AVZ might be a big tax deduction for some
So sorry @Remark if im bringing the jovial mood down …WILL try a bit harder …Will add MIGHT to Soon/Imminent plus Chance …upping my Prozac & Pristiq could bouy the mood tommorrow ..Tim will tellYou know John, for some inexplicable reason I'm feeling really positive at the moment. It might be the antidepressants talking but I've got an inkling that we might get some really good news this week!
No, wait, it's just Amitriptyline kicking in. Resume the doom & gloom.![]()
I have to google half the shit most AVZers are on now daysSo sorry @Remark if im bringing the jovial mood down …WILL try a bit harder …Will add MIGHT to Soon/Imminent plus Chance …upping my Prozac & Pristiq could bouy the mood tommorrow ..Tim will tell
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Tomorrows a new day Cash …whens Nige’s birthday ,thats what hes been waiting for ..a pressie for ALLI have to google half the shit most AVZers are on now days
FFS NIGE This isn’t healthy mate…..You really want name tags like PROZAC & PRISTIQ ETC at the next AGM ????
Hurry up already
Seems the tide is turning with regards to disinformation vs facts.DRC: La Cominière in the sights of 12 NGOs
A dozen national organizations accuse the public company Cominière SA of blocking the Manono Lithium project. Indeed, to launch the exploitation of this strategic mineral, there is a prerequisite, it is access to electrical energy. However, the discussions around the rehabilitation of the hydroelectric power stations of Mpyana Mwanga seem to skate.
In a press release published on November 20, 12 civil society organizations return to the chronology of the facts which illustrate this blockage. Since colonial times, the territory of Manono has been home to two hydroelectric dams belonging to this day to Cominière SA. These are Mpyana Mwanga I and II located 87 km from the center of Manono. However, these dams require rehabilitation as they were destroyed during the 1997-1998 war. Because the restoration of electrical energy in Manono is an imperative for the exploitation of Lithium by the company AVZ Mineral.
Stalled talks
As a result, AVZ POWER SAU, another Australian company, had in June 2019 expressed its interest in a hydroelectric development project for the Mpiana-Mwanga site. There followed not only several exchanges of correspondence with the Congolese State but also field missions. A technical coordination committee has even been created, one of whose members is the Cominière representative.
Read also: https://magazinelaguardia.info/2022...un-permis-dexploitation-du-lithium-de-manono/
Then, on January 13, 2020, the DRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the company AVZ POWER SAU. This concerned the rehabilitation of the hydroelectric power stations of Mpiana-Mwanga I and II. And in March 2020, AVZ POWER SAU transmitted to the Ministry of Hydraulic Resources the feasibility study of the Mpiana-Mwanga hydroelectric power plant. In addition, the company continued with studies and field visits which culminated in April 2021 with the approval of the feasibility study.
In addition, the file takes another turn during the year 2022. The company Cominiere SA, owner of the Mpyana Mwanga power plants, is launching a call for tenders. According to civil society organizations, this public company claims that the said power stations are abandoned. A Chinese company Zijin would even be selected to carry out rehabilitation work. A situation that creates confusion and blocks the progress of the Lithium mining project, deplore the NGOs. They therefore ask the government to restore order and respect its commitments to AVZ POWER.
RDC : La Cominière dans le viseur des 12 ONG
La Cominière s'oppose-t-elle à la réhabilitation des centrales hydroélectriques de Mpyana Mwanga par AVZ POWER ?magazinelaguardia.info
And to continue:"The DRC is on several projects including that of special economic zones that are already underway but also that of the precursor manufacturing of electric Batteries, we are pleased that these initiatives require the consent of all Africans and the model we presented here is to demonstrate that we have a Master Plan for industrialization that we have already quantified the estimated costs and that we still have the Bloomberg study that was African Renaissance in terms of industrialization, renewal of commitments because of summits, forums have been held but with that of Niger we must renew the commitments to reindustrialize our continent and cease to be the country where both come only to draw raw materials without a added value that we give, "said Julien Paluku in his speech.
"I'm coming back from Indonesia, Indonesia has a gross domestic product of USD 3 trillion while the gross domestic product of the entire Africa area is USD 2.5 billion, this is even a contrast that a country can have a GDP higher than the GDP of an entire continent, this must challenge us as an African so that we now develop public policies that are able to locally transform our raw materials locally and
"We have competitive advantages that many continents do not have and all these resources are available, we only have to combine our efforts at the African level so that this inclusive industrialization we are talking about is a reality. It is no longer a choice for us but it is about our survival, the economic development of our countries must necessarily go through the industrialization of our continent, that is why we must ensure that our products, that our raw materials that we can develop them and Lee put them on international markets, that we ask our partners to come and establish the manufacturing plants at home, we have the necessary labor, Technology and financial resources we of course rely on our partners to bring them to us," she said.
SEZ zones being discussed at the AU conference being held 20-25 November - Julien Paluku a speaker at the event, which is a prelude to the extraordinary summit of Heads of State and Government.
(MSEZ to be announced soon?)
8. African Union Special Economic Zones Model Law Template and Guidelines
Special Economic Zones are a key source of industrial transformation and ecosystem development at the Member States and Regional Economic Communities levels, with a focus on attracting investment, promoting job creation, boosting manufacturing and export performance, increasing indirect economic benefit, and regional value chains development. Most Special Economic Zones laws rely on a set of policy instruments, such as investment incentives and administrative facilitation, to achieve their intended policy objectives, and require law and policy design with consideration of the respective country context as well as broader regional and global economic trends. In this context, an African Union Model Law on Special Economic Zones is proposed to support Member States, especially those at the commencement level of their Special Economic Zones programs. Such proposals consider structures to establish Special Economic Zones law to avoid common mistakes of Special Economic Zones development; provide a minimum baseline standard by which African states can evaluate their readiness to establish Special Economic Zones to attract investment; provide a standard outline on governance, development, and operation of Special Economic Zones; and align Special Economic Zones policy making to overarching industrial development policy within a given country, allowing coherence in policy approach and for regional value chain development.
Union Africaine : à Niamey, Julien Paluku partage l'expérience de la RDC sur les zones économiques spéciales
Le ministre de l’Industrie, Julien Paluku prend part du 20 au 25 novembre 2022 à la semaine d'industrialisation de l'union africaine en prélude du sommet extraordinaire des Chefs d'État et gouvernement.actualite.cd
African Union: in Niamey, Julien Paluku shares the DRC's experience on special economic zones
Monday, November 21, 2022 - 10:57
Illustration photo
Minister of Industry Julien Paluku takes part from 20 to 25 November 2022 in the industrialization week of the African Union as a prelude to the extraordinary summit of Heads of State and Government.
In the presence of several ministers including those of industry and economic development and technical and financial partners, Julien Paluku shared the DRC's experience on the development of Special Economic Zones (SES) and the installation process of a first factory for the manufacture of electric battery precursors in the province of Haut-Katanga.
And to continue:
The go of this week of Industrialization of the African Union was given at the same time as the first African Transformative Women's Summit by the Nigerian Minister of Industry and Youth Entrepreneurship, Gourouza Salamatou. On this occasion, the Nigerien Minister spoke in these terms and recalled the need for African states to really switch to the industrialization of their economies.
The theme of these meetings is "Transforming women entrepreneurs, an accelerator of Africa's industrialization process". They are held on the sidelines of the African Union Heads of State and Government summit on Industrialization and Economic Diversification and the AU special session on the ZLECAf.
Five days (from 20 to 25 November 2022) during the participants, from 26 African countries, will discuss several themes, namely: the creation of an instrument to support the organization or management of women at national, regional and continental levels as well as the financing and investment model focused on supporting women in transformation.
Participants will also discuss the creation of a favorable environment for women in transformation and also on the platform for dialogue and lobbying for women in treatment.
Clément Muamba
Seems the tide is turning with regards to disinformation vs facts.
Pro AVZ articles seem to be flowing thick and fast now.
Here’s hoping for that Merry Christmas…..finally