AVZ Discussion 2022


SCOOTA! don't you mention snacks around here mate! We're very sensitive to that word!! 🤣
They were very good though! 😂

@BEISHA and I got to spend a small amount of time with Nigel afterwards (not long though) and I can certainly understand the "dog with a bone" description previously provided. There was also a comment along the lines of "don't believe any of that stuff on social media".

I'm much more comfortable with my holding now and I understand everyone is in different positions and some require access to their holdings now but I believe we have the right BoD leading the charge. (Yes I drank the kool-aid)

As @tonster66 said, this is a bottom drawer trick (if you're lucky enough to have your holdings sit there) because even once the ML is sorted, the real rewards come in production. Personally, I will be spending less time clicking on and reading DRC "journalist" articles regarding anything to do with % or DATHCOM as we have to assume it's BS.

I am in this for the long haul and won't be selling 1 share providing we get the ML and retain all of 13359.
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True but it’s not like we have anything to be efficient about after the poxy RS & AGM… 😱

If you said ok babe ML due in a few mins so quickly cause I dont want to miss that announcement & AVZ are trading again then sure 😂 Take your time now….FFS Nige is becoming the best Can Kicker going IMO….

Nigel is vying for a spot on the US federal reserve me thinks


I don't recommend looking at WA1 this morning! Unless you enjoy throwing up. They must be on cloud 9! Good on em
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I don't recommend looking at WA1 this morning! Unless you enjoy throwing up. They must be on cloud 9! Good on em

That's what happens when the drill hits stuff I can't even pronounce...
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Hi All

Well i went to the AGM today , ably assisted by @tonster66 & @Scoota30

Had a great chat and catch up with those 2 lads , then headed to the AGM " ball room "

Nice professional look, all the BOD were wearing their best bathing suits, even John clark ...;)

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I dressed like a bogan, brown shorts with no belt, (fallling and exposing butt crack from time to time.....:eek: ), grey shirt and thongs......:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

The attendance was full, some folk were standing, unbeknown to me at the time ,I can confirm DEBOSS was there and i had a good chat with him after the meeting..........will tell more of that chat later.

AGM started with ALL resolutions PASSED with a big majority in the................YAH.

John Clark then highlighted the achievements of AVZ, then finished with the aggrievements ......as in the corruption and subsequent suspension , holding AVZ back.

After John finished his intial address, Nigel explained that chinese entities in cohorts with corrupt DRC officials enacted a massive misinformation / smear campaign about AVZ to FT whilst the initial stages of COVID was playing out, with Nigel & Co out of country and no other BOD member close to the " pulse "

Nigel then mentioned that alot of work is being done behind the scenes righting the wrongs of the smear camaign thru clear and concise documentation , which is slowly working thru the system , giving Felix more insight as to whats really going on.......👍

Apparently after the ML decree was announced , the BOD sensed a massive shorting campaign going on with the SP , so decided that was the TRIGGER to go in to VS.

Also mentioned the disinformation regards to Hot crapper and other sites ( not sure BOATMAN was mentioned ) as other catalyst to the deteriotation of the AVZ SP.............so if you think BODS dont read social media.........you know now !

I could sense the frustration / anger leaking out of Nigel and the BODS veins at this time.

Then a glossy slide show proceeded, in BOLD was AVZ HAVE GOOD LEGAL TITLE to 75%.......unequivocal

PRE ML AVZ 75%.........................COM / DRC 25%

PPOST ML AVZ 51% CATH 24%...................COM 15%.........DRC 10%

MOU with DRC Govt regards to refurbishment of MPIANA MWANGE plant..............safe & secure.

Cash at hand.........$48m

They were the key take aways from that.


I am not going to lie, i controlled the floor, yes , my REAL name is JASON for those wondering whether it was BEISHA or JAG asking the questions.......:unsure:

So here is my update.

1 ) What is the core reason why the ML has not been received ?.............Dathomir / Zijin ICC or CAMI ?

Answer.................CAMI..............illegally holding back surface rights docs etc

AVZ will only release the suspension once, ML is awarded, this does not depend on out comes regards to DATHOMIR / ZIJIN ICC................NIGEL super confident neither has a case ( spurios with no legal effect )

Mentioned that ICC arbitration / deliberations will be " open door "...........not closed, giving the impression that ZIJIN will eat humble pie with a wide audience...........🤜🖕🖕

2 ) I then followed up with the ANNEXURE of northern CDL on Cami website

Apparently, because AVZ had not drilled any holes in the northern section, then this was the reason it was excluded as the only drill holes executed were done in the southern section.

Did AVZ drop the ball there ? I didnt ask that unfortunately..........it is what it is.

Nigel mentioned he is fighting hard to get a 5 yr exploration renewal on the northern section , but that is not guaranteed .

3) Well then i followed up and mentioned there was alot of conjecture regards to AJN claiming the northern section of CDL but before i could elude to POTENTIAL CONFLICT of INTEREST pertaining to Nigel still owning a heap of shares in AJN, Nigel must of anticipated that coming and cut to the chase..........

NIGEL was a director and owned shares in AJN when they were a GOLD play, no interest in any lithium play previously.

Once Nigel found out that AJN were potentially seeking a lithium acquisition ,he resigned as director immediately, but maintains his share holding in AJN is NOT a conflict of interest because he bought them ages ago.......:unsure:

Hmmmmmmmmmm......take that as you will.

4) I asked the BOD if SEZ , UPDATED DFS , FID etc has been delayed by Dathomir / Zijin / corruption , not sure i got a clear answer to that, Nigel mention SEZ is still some way off being complete, so nothing to announce yet, the updated DFS is still being collated apparently, will the current infill drill program at RD be included with an updated price ?

Not sure, but he did mention the current drill program is 2/3 complete , with assay results due Q1 2023 some time.

5) I asked if AVZ had a plan B , ( if for some reason AVZ loses its court battles with DATHOMIR / ZIJIN ) regards to CATH 24%...........

Plain answer was...............NO

AVZ very confident in their legal rights regards to Dathomir / Zijin............AVZ has good relations with CATH, they just want supply, according to Scoota / Tonster, there was mention of some flexibility with percentage, but what blew me away, was that Nigel was talking about a potential $400m contribution from CATH in its entirety, so dont think CATH is a issue here.

6 ) I didnt get to ask CONTINUOUS DISCLOSURE question, but i was reliably informed from some big hitters after the meeting , that " rumblings " , "inuendo ", " conjecture " dont fall into the category of continuous disclosure.

It must be official news.

7) SCOOTA asked a @Chilla question..........

Directors insurance has risen from $90k in 2021 to $513k in 2022......why ?

Has there been any claims against this policy in the last 2 yrs ?

ANSWER...........NO claims being made against the policy, price increase due to the elevated status of AVZ going from explorer to construction / production...............price of doing business.

BTW, all that conjecture about MR G Johnson 3Yr jail term / $500, 000 fine ( forgery ) is a load of BS, that was part of the SMEAR campaign via Dathomir 15% transfer to AVZ / DATHCOM.

He mentioned his name / reputation has been dragged thru the mud, but no case to answer.

8) I asked about a potential time line regards to production of RD.............Nigel mentioned that its about a 2 yr build for the processing plant, suggested mid 2024.

There were a couple of questions i didnt get to ask, but overall Nigel was very accomodating to folks asking questions, couldnt offer exact details due to the litigious nature of what he is dealing with......but i got the distinct impression that AVZ BOD have got their ducks in line due to strong documentation leading to the correct path way.

A couple of extra bits of info......

a) AVZ plan to build a 10m/tpa processing plant straight up, not just a 4.5m/tpa build

b) TANTALEX cant be offered a mining licence for the tailings of RD, only the main operator can be granted that which is of course AVZ / DATHCOM...........albeit , still waiting.

As mentioned before, after the meeting , caught up with DEBOSS.

Talk about not judging a picture frame, small dude, bald, gold chain , open shirt, ripped denims but hasnt sold a single one of his purported 40 million shares.:eek::eek::eek:..........he is super confident of a good result.

Spoke to another heavy hitter, a chiropractor with 35 chiro centres all around Australia that he owns, collectively he and a couple of his mates hold 100m shares.:eek::eek::eek::eek:..........he is super confident of a good result too!

Both nudged, nudged , winked, winked about the ML being awarded mid November..............take that as you will.

Unfortunately they also shared a sobering thought too.......on release of suspension, (with AVZ obtaining ML ) could take a decent tumble due to certain rules instos must do once a coy enters / exits the ASX 200..........there was chatter about a dump to possibly 40c.........

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But then they added, once that initial shock was over, instos would then start buying again, then the SP should rocket there after............food for thought

I mentioned to DEBOSS & CHIRO dude, what happens if AVZ announce ML plus some more sugar ?

They had a wry smile.

Thats all i have guys and girls, i am fucking tired, my mind is blown, all this info came from my head, not from Scootas illegible writings :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:, but confident that AVZ will come out the other side in the
AFFIRMATIVE, hopefully some time in December.

Thats just a gut feel, nothing more.

As said before, talk is cheap with AGMs / roadshows, my confidence will only be galvanised via the golden bell ASX announcement !!

Time for some Elon musk now

Hope this info helps.


imo, imo
thanks for sharing harros111


Fair to say WA1 has made my morning, might go buy a bottle of single barrel whiskey.... :cool:
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That's what happens when the drill hits stuff I can't even pronounce...
Indeed! I believe they've hit the motherload of nebularaydiumy lucky bastards!!
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We are all in the same boat (some lucky ones are on a yacht ), we have to work together and get through this, so thank you
@Roon, @BEISHA , @JAG , @Scoota30, @tonster66, and other unsung heroes for representing us yesterday 🙏 .

Talking about boats/yacht and experiencing the Groundhog Day, there is a British movie, Triangle (2009) filmed in Gold Coast and it incorporates being on ship and stuck in a loop, a good watch as it represent our current situation.

Have a good weekend all of you, stay safe, I wont say "dont do what I wont be doing" thats means no drinking, so drink moderately, stay away from the powder of all sorts unless its AVZ's lithium.
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One thing that perks my ears during yesterday AGM was that NF mentioned one of the core reasons for the additional drilling is to get the Proved and Probable Reserve to increase to 300Mt (from 93Mt in the DFS and currently sitting at ~132Mt), which leads to LoM of 30 years at 10Mt/Pa.

Doing a back of the envelop calculation from this info indicates a potential EPS of $0.70-$1.0 (@75% ownership) and the SP of $7-$15 at 10-15 PE ratio. This assumes 20% SC6 being used to produce PLS per the DFS. However, NF also mentioned that the aim is to produce more PLS as it makes more economical sense from revenue and shipping cost perspective. Hence, the EPS could be even higher.

I know there's a lot of frustration, but for me the reward for being patient way exceed any stress endure.
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@BEISHA, thanks for asking all those questions on behalf of SHs. Much appreciated.

I congratulate you on the way you went about it too - it's not easy speaking in a situation like that. Questions asked with a respectful and measured tone, despite all the frustration.

Good job sir!
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Jason needs one of these to help carry the load after yesterday

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Mate my take is ML within 6 months, 50/50.
Hope to hell I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
They are making progress, but zero indication anything soon or even next 2 months is likely.
Bottom draw this otherwise its months of more pain.
Mate I don't have to put my shares in the bottom drawer . They have been in the bottom drawer 5 years and counting .
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How could i forget …28 Weeks today


But who’s counting
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Hi All

I am on site, typing this on my phone, look the overall message I am getting is alot of the info provided by the agm was provided to the dudes that went to the RS.

Common theme is everyone went home thoroughly more confident than when they went in, from big hitters to small, either the BOD are the best actors of all time aka Jason Brewer ( a disgrace to all Jason's) or they are super focussed on getting to production and are super confident that their processes via tight documentation will eventually win over the corrupt scum.

It takes time to weed out generations of bad seeds, this is just another take I got.

I found Nigel to be not arrogant, was very receptive to questions (even tho I must of been a pest to him with the constant questioning ), found him to be stoic, assured, eye of the tiger , deep down pissed off this corrupt shit has thwarted AVZ progress, he mentioned to me that a plot to screw over AVZ was probably plsnned some 4 years ago, when the nasties realised that AVZ was over delivering , " being too good " was his words if I remember, this plot was enacted during the crisis of Covid.....very convenient.

So my message to all posters who are financially squeezed, mentally drained, @Azzler , I can't confirm if suspension will be lifted in December, only the inner sanctum might know that, but what I can say once again, all the heavy hitters I spoke to were adament that good things are coming.

So hang in there, be strong !!!

One thing I also remember too before I finish this post, was the CHIRO dude knew alot of the NZ posters going to the RS and instructed them to 🤬🤬🤬

Hence the silence.

Never a dull moment in AVZ land, the plot thickens.

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Biding my Time 1971
NZ investment community is too small not to be respectful of information given in confidence.

Based on what you said Jason, (a collective, holding ~100Million shares between them) I wonder if the NZ attendees were all members of the ICA, or NZCA/ACA ;)
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NZ investment community is too small not to be respectful of information given in confidence.

Based on what you said Jason, (a collective, holding ~100Million shares between them) I wonder if the NZ attendees were all members of the ICA, or NZCA/ACA ;)
The Kiwi AVZ Mafia
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Biding my Time 1971
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Thought of the day, don't crucify me but I'm actually starting to wonder if we might have been better off to have continued trading through this ordeal. We're still in a position where we have the decree for the licence behind us and since many li stocks have reached new all time highs.
Management still confident of positive outcomes and despite rubbish from some bad actors the truth is also in circulation.
It's no riskier now than it's ever been.
I just wonder if seven months + in suspension isn't more damaging in the scheme of things. :unsure:
Who's to know what the share price would be? May have done more damage to ourselves and favours to the shorters by getting dumped from the indexes.
Guess time will tell.
Hopefully not too much time as this could be yet more damaging imo.
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