AVZ Discussion 2022


In hindsight I thought the roadshow was a bit sobering and that's why many holders who attended have gone a bit quiet. There was a lot to process with regard to managements perspective on things.
We know what's been going on and there'll be no compromise from the official company position on these matters.
You can forget about takeover and caving in to any of the detractors or bad actors and paying any large sum of money. As such any more talk of this on the forums can be taken as noise imo. It is difficult to understand why some have come out of the roadshows still peddling this rubbish.
Whatever happens it'll likely take more time imo, more navigating of the disinformation campaign and evasion of the tactics of the corrupt. Everything is hinging in the mining licence, without it we're dead in the water.
The company is in a very difficult position and the peddling of various narratives on social media has not been helpful to the cause.
Yep that's what I got out of it. thank christ you wrote the above. I was beginning to think I'd completely lost the plot. Not that I think it's a good plan.
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I think it helps to have the occasional laugh on this forum, though it’s not always easy to pick the appropriate time.

Right now shareholders who haven’t been able to attend a Roadshow are still somewhat in the dark, whilst those who have been able to attend have left with a renewed sense of confidence.

The reason for this is because the forums are being monitored by those in the DRC (and elsewhere) who would try and unlawfully steal this project from us, and use anything said on the forums against us, even after AVZ have spent millions of dollars progressing the project and contributing to the local communities. Any comments to the contrary are outright lies.

Recently there has been a media campaign by Adele Kayinda (DRC Minister of Portfolio) trying to undermine the DRC President and AVZ (the company) in regards to the Dathcom - Manono project.

Jules Alingete (The Inspector General of Finance) released a report earlier this year stating

The sale of the 15% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining was carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the withdrawal of the State from the companies in the Portfolio and caused, with regard to the assessments made in the study of feasibility, a significant shortfall for the Public Treasury estimated at US$116,560,000. It was a real sale of the State's mining heritage, for which you are responsible.

Would the US$6,800,000 be kickbacks ?

Out of the total amount of proceeds from the sale of 15% of the shares, which amounts to US$33,440,000, you have already used approximately US$6,800,000 for operating needs to the detriment of productive investments, including USD 5,438,198 $US for commissions, collations, fees, exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation.

On the sale of 5% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM to MMS

The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHOMIR Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE.

The IGF considers in particular that there was a violation in the sale of 15% of the shares of COMINIERE to the Chinese of ZIJIN Mining Ldt

The IGF (who was brought in by the President of the DRC to rectify the corruption and stealing of funds from the Government and people of the DRC) also acknowledges that Adele Kayinda (MoP), who oversaw Cominiere’s actions, was complicit in the illegal sale of the mining assets held by Cominiere to Chinese mining giant Zigin.

In addition to this, there is evidence that suggests that the current DRC Prime Minister (Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge) had full knowledge of the actions taken by Adele Kayinda to undermine our company.

I understand the frustration as much as anyone here, no matter how hard, a little more patience, humour, and having faith that Nigel is making progress is our best method of moving forward.
I don't see why we aren't engaging more in the media - our silence is deafening and may be perceived locally as a admission of culpability. Why are we letting the Chinese set the narrative? Like any politician, FT is responsive to the winds of public sentiment, and were one in DRC to read the news or engage on social media, you would largely think that AVZ is the bad guy! Look at all the politicians online supporting our enemies, and yet nothing from our management or anybody in power supporting our position. Haven't we learned from the Covid experience that we can't allow others to poison the chalice of our local perception? Like they did with FT?
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I agree, however the only explanation must be there is a plan … in the meantime we wait for justice to be delivered 🤔
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Unbelievable that the Minister of Mines cannot control CAMI and Green Princess Hyena (Kyenjy)
Is she waiting on IGF trial before she uses her legal skills
Surely she would know the hold up is effecting international perception of doing business in DRC.
Hopefully the storm throws are few lightning bolts in the direction of CAMI and minister of portfolio and others blocking the Manono Project

I think @schusselfussel answered that when he posted this:

“When the president and the prime minister are in different alliances than this happen:”

“When the President is from one party while another party controls the National Assembly the Prime Minister's importance is enhanced, because the President possesses little power to be exercised without the consent of the Prime Minister”

“The prime minister appointed the minister’s”

“It’s fucking lukonde, he controls the minister not the president. So no wonder nothing happen, the prime minister is in the opposition of the president”

“Because lukonde have the power over minister of mines. This is the reason why the president is traveling around to represent the country”
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I think @schusselfussel answered that when he posted this:

When the president and the prime minister are in different alliances than this happen:

When the President is from one party while another party controls the National Assembly the Prime Minister's importance is enhanced, because the President possesses little power to be exercised without the consent of the Prime Minister.

The prime minister appointed the minister’s.

It’s fucking lukonde, he controls the minister not the president. So no wonder nothing happen, the prime minister is in the opposition of the president.

Because lukonde have the power over minister of mines. This is the reason why the president is traveling around to represent the country
Guy Loando is Minister of Regional Planning doesnt help either........i believe he is also Cong's lawyer and probably well fed with Cong snacks😡
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Guy Loando is Minister of Regional Planning doesnt help either........i believe he is also Cong's lawyer and probably well fed with Cong snacks😡

Thanks Chilla, I see where Dathomir nominated him to AVZ’s BOD. Slimy bastard is like a woman scorned


Oh, and Chilla, when talking about Cong’s snacks, it just reminds me of his lunch boy and short trader of AVZ shares…. I just struggle to remember his name since he was restricted on this forum

Doesn’t matter really, he had so many aliases anyway
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I think @schusselfussel answered that when he posted this:

“When the president and the prime minister are in different alliances than this happen:”

“When the President is from one party while another party controls the National Assembly the Prime Minister's importance is enhanced, because the President possesses little power to be exercised without the consent of the Prime Minister”

“The prime minister appointed the minister’s”

“It’s fucking lukonde, he controls the minister not the president. So no wonder nothing happen, the prime minister is in the opposition of the president”

“Because lukonde have the power over minister of mines. This is the reason why the president is traveling around

I think @schusselfussel answered that when he posted this:

“When the president and the prime minister are in different alliances than this happen:”

“When the President is from one party while another party controls the National Assembly the Prime Minister's importance is enhanced, because the President possesses little power to be exercised without the consent of the Prime Minister”

“The prime minister appointed the minister’s”

“It’s fucking lukonde, he controls the minister not the president. So no wonder nothing happen, the prime minister is in the opposition of the president”

“Because lukonde have the power over minister of mines. This is the reason why the president is traveling around to represent the country”
Things do not add up .
Minister of Mines issues decree to award mining licence .Remaining box to be ticked is surface rights that she oversees department of CAMI.
IF she is controlled by Priime Minister then only way this mess can be resolved is IGF court session that FT acts on results.
Apparently their is a scheduled court session for Comminiere but do not have details .
I think Solo may have posted details
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Thanks Chilla, I see where Dathomir nominated him to AVZ’s BOD

Slimy bastard is like a woman scorned

View attachment 21654
That was all done by slimy Klaus....

Cong + Loando + Klaus = Dathomir
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Things do not add up .
Minister of Mines issues decree to award mining licence .Remaining box to be ticked is surface rights that she oversees department of CAMI.
IF she is controlled by Priime Minister then only way this mess can be resolved is IGF court session that FT acts on results.
Apparently their is a scheduled court session for Comminiere but do not have details .
I think Solo may have posted details
Klaus gets minister access to princess bitchface through Loando and Cong
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I don't see why we aren't engaging more in the media - our silence is deafening and may be perceived locally as a admission of culpability. Why are we letting the Chinese set the narrative? Like any politician, FT is responsive to the winds of public sentiment, and were one in DRC to read the news or engage on social media, you would largely think that AVZ is the bad guy! Look at all the politicians online supporting our enemies, and yet nothing from our management or anybody in power supporting our position. Haven't we learned from the Covid experience that we can't allow others to poison the chalice of our local perception? Like they did with FT?
Exactly and thats where the '$5M for local media campaign' comment came but got lost in " kids working and shit" and didn't quiet get the response needed from NF.

Right now, we are playing catching/reactive game whereas we should be more aggressive than Chinese mafia, if thats the game they want to play, then at least we should come out of the crease and hit the damn ball outside the boundary by publishing real ground facts and let Chinese fetch that ball.

The thing that baffles me, maybe I dont truly understand the legal aspects, is that if the narrative of the Chinese can fly without any accountability why we are worried about disclosing the facts. If the president is unaware of all the work AVZ has done, whose fault is it? When Elon Musk brings a sink when he walks in Twitter's HQ, he makes sure everyone in the world knows about it let alone him helping Ukraine with SpaceX. And here we are, hiding in the shadows so much so that the top dog of DRC is unaware of our work with the local community? Its as if we are running the show with crime proceeds, white washing it by keeping it under the covers, thats a worry.

AVZ twitter account is as good as tits on a bull, how hard is to plaster a picture of the camp site's progress on it, how difficult it is to show the crane actually doing something rather than being a showpony. By doing so, it serves as showing the SHs that work is being done even if we are suspended, funds used can be justified, and pictures talks louder than words and can be used as a slap to shut down boatman and 2cents tommy. But unfortunately, last tweet is from July showing the journalists that didn't even bother to write what they observed mainly because they forgot all about show & tell soon after the consumed the snacks.

I don't even know if I made any sense but, rant over, I repeat, rant over....
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Exactly and thats where the '$5M for local media campaign' comment came but got lost in " kids working and shit" and didn't quiet get the response needed from NF.

Right now, we are playing catching/reactive game whereas we should be more aggressive than Chinese mafia, if thats the game they want to play, then at least we should come out of the crease and hit the damn ball outside the boundary by publishing real ground facts and let Chinese fetch that ball.

The thing that baffles me, maybe I dont truly understand the legal aspects, is that if the narrative of the Chinese can fly without any accountability why we are worried about disclosing the facts. If the president is unaware of all the work AVZ has done, whose fault is it? When Elon Musk brings a sink when he walks in Twitter's HQ, he makes sure everyone in the world knows about it let alone him helping Ukraine with SpaceX. And here we are, hiding in the shadows so much so that the top dog of DRC is unaware of our work with the local community? Its as if we are running the show with crime proceeds, white washing it by keeping it under the covers, thats a worry.

AVZ twitter account is as good as tits on a bull, how hard is to plaster a picture of the camp site's progress on it, how difficult it is to show the crane actually doing something rather than being a showpony. By doing so, it serves as showing the SHs that work is being done even if we are suspended, funds used can be justified, and pictures talks louder than words and can be used as a slap to shut down boatman and 2cents tommy. But unfortunately, last tweet is from July showing the journalists that didn't even bother to write what they observed mainly because they forgot all about show & tell soon after the consumed the snacks.

I don't even know if I made any sense but, rant over, I repeat, rant over....
No you're making sense, a few times ive been wondering where our social media PR is, I'm surprised I've never made a post about it like you just have. Wouldn't cost too much, there's a lot of potential good news we can go with too, even interviews with the locals, showing locals employed, ect.
Would go a very long way.
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Biding my Time 1971
Guy Loando is Minister of Regional Planning doesnt help either........i believe he is also Cong's lawyer and probably well fed with Cong snacks😡
Ex AVZ Director too. Was issued 40m shares which got sold around same time as Kunt Kong

Oh sorry, catching up. Comments already up
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No you're making sense, a few times ive been wondering where our social media PR is, I'm surprised I've never made a post about it like you just have. Wouldn't cost too much, there's a lot of potential good news we can go with too, even interviews with the locals, showing locals employed, ect.
Would go a very long way.
Thank you 🙏

These pictures not being on AVZ twitter account is a crime, and punishable by public pineappling.

They need to show how AVZ is helping the community if they cant show the mining aspects, I am sure there is no legal blockage working with the community.

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No you're making sense, a few times ive been wondering where our social media PR is, I'm surprised I've never made a post about it like you just have. Wouldn't cost too much, there's a lot of potential good news we can go with too, even interviews with the locals, showing locals employed, ect.
Would go a very long way.
This is an example of Zijin's media PR page, not only the DRC, but the entire world, they don't fuck around! :rolleyes::eek::oops::ROFLMAO:

Zijin Mining Helps Alleviate Poverty Across the Globe
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If we can afford to pay the outragous salary of 500k for the boss of a non producing wannabe mining company that has yet to even get a mining licence, I'm sure we can afford to pay a local (probably a pittance) to conduct PR interviews and photos and stories, and a freelance Aussie copywriter to publish to an English speaking audience.
Again, there is so much in terms of positive future stories behind AVZ, other than just the excitement of an up an comming Aussie company.
The green EV future, ethical employment in the DRC, money injection into impoverished nations, you all know the drill.
There is SO much to pump and keep us all excited about.
I think it's a massive oversight that is isn't already happening.
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This is an example of Zijin's media PR page, not only the DRC, but the entire world, they don't fuck around! :rolleyes::eek::oops::ROFLMAO:

Zijin Mining Helps Alleviate Poverty Across the Globe
They forgot to include the wanna be Mr Miyagi on that site 🤔


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3D model is good, but to make it more spicier

AVZ Tweet should be...

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Anyone speak French?
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