Your paragraph starting with "seriously" basically somes up the rs. And you didn't have to sit through it. So your well in front of cheers.Well there you have it
Pretty much overall we don't have any more of a fucking clue than we did prior to any of these roadshows
I for one am really questioning WTF these roadshows are for????
I don't think Nige is a wizard at all...
I think he's a drug dealer 'cause whatever shit he's providing seems to make everyone just kick back, relax and think everything's fine........and then slip into a fucking cone of silence
Seriously haven't heard one thing we didn't already know and everything we know so far has amounted to absolutely fucking nothing
No ML (ummm...big fucking Elephant in the room dudes....fucking HUUUUUGE)
No progress or support despite constant claims of discussions at the highest level of Govt in the DRC
FT hasn't said a fucking word.....a fucking word.....a SINGLE FUCKING WORD in support or defence or affirmation of the situation we face with the ML not being issued or the reasons behind HIS government's inability to manage simple due legal process....his fucking hot air comments while globe trotting have added more to global warming than you can poke a burning fucking stick at
We ALL fucking know Princess Bitchface in the Green Dress of Death is blocking us and apparently working against AVZ with a big fucking brown handbag stuffed with Chinese and Klaus's cash
We ALL fucking know Mupande is sitting in a position he still shouldn't be in and for some reason "no-one"......and I mean "no-one" seems to have the fucking political capacity to remove his fucking corrupt arse from that role ...GO FIGURE!!
How many bullshit nothing roadshows until the AGM???
It's well and fucking truly beyond a joke now