AVZ Discussion 2022

Anyone going to the Melbourne RS tonight catching up before for a beverage?
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There has to have been a point to these road shows? What good is fluffing shareholders countrywide, if once again we get an extention, remain suspended and can’t trade,,🤦‍♂️
I was thinking the same...
I would request at the RS, that someone will ask what the point of these road shows are?
If answers is "to inform shareholders of what's going on."
Then ask what has changed that we can now be informed, but in the last 6 months we couldnt be informed. What is different? Are we in fact about to be awarded ML?
If you get fluff, then that's all these RS are, just fluff. No progress, nothing close to be awarded, nothing...
Let's hope not.
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Qlders are soft @Doc , wait for the Melbourne crew to ask the hard questions tonight.😅

Azz…. Us Novacastrians think you blokes down south are pussy’s

But it’s ok, there’s still the Sydney RS after yours and if @Retrobyte and the boys aren’t too drunk, I’m hoping they will get the job done….

Although last year in Sydney, they were mostly pussy’s too 😂

You all need a bit of fucken this 👊💥😜

Now get a grip on yourselves and hopefully between all of us shareholders we’ll get the job done because I just want to get back to playing with Nigel the Beagle
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Are Momentum Lawyers still in the picture?
I'm getting the impression they are a bit timid in the face of continuous attacks by Zijin, Cong, Cami, AJN and her majesty Princess bitchface voodoo queen in a green dress. These flogs seem to be getting bolder and bolder, which can only happen if they are not afraid of the legal consequences of their actions.

Just shooting the breeze and thinking out aloud.

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Hates a beer
Azz…. Us Novacastrians think you blokes down south are pussy’s

But it’s ok, there’s still the Sydney RS after yours and if @Retrobyte and the boys aren’t too drunk, I’m hoping they will get the job done….

Although last year in Sydney, they were mostly pussy’s too 😂

You all need a bit of fucken this 👊💥😜

Hopefully between all of you shareholders we’ll get the job done because I just want to get back to playing with Nigel the Beagle

It's only two hours drive for you, MB - I assumed you'd be at the RS tomorrow night?
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To be fair though this aggressively demanding stance was the feeling expressed by SHs before the roadshows, who subsequently have walked away feeling in the most part largely convinced all is well after a regurgitation of another NF-presented slide pack with a few extra add-ons and some confident body language. We seem a forgiving bunch in person.
It's been traumatising having zero real updates in six months of suspensions.
Walking in to confidence, calm soothing words, great outlooks, would definately be very welcome and would make us feel good.
But honestly, I think after the good feelings are felt and shared, we're thinking it over and realising that it's just words, more words.
We got the same words over a year ago.
And all we have now are more words, and no progress to report.

What is one thing we can point to saying we have made progress to obtaining a mining licence?
We still have nothing but promises, after a long long LONG time of nothing but promises.

I want to be made to feel confident again too, because this feels terrible, it's a sort of torture. And a confident speech by our chief is like a halt to the torture.
But give it a while and I think people are realising it's just more talk.

Please let me be wrong, let the ML be awarded before the AGM, and it's happy days and none of this matters much.
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Azz…. Us Novacastrians think you blokes down south are pussy’s

But it’s ok, there’s still the Sydney RS after yours and if @Retrobyte and the boys aren’t too drunk, I’m hoping they will get the job done….

Although last year in Sydney, they were mostly pussy’s too 😂

You all need a bit of fucken this 👊💥😜

Now get a grip on yourselves and hopefully between all of us shareholders we’ll get the job done because I just want to get back to playing with Nigel the Beagle
Hah just teasing bags, I know you're a hard ass.
I'd prob be too fuckin pussy to press them to the issue in a packed room, so us pussies rely on you hard blokes to carry us to victory! :D
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Could not agree with you more there Wombie, I tell you.

I mean let's get real. For months and months now nearly everyone one in this forum has had a go at Felix for traveling from one State capital to the next, spouting all the good the DRC are doing to bring on the next wave of renewable resources. Cleaning up corruption and lubricating the way for an easy business culture with the West. So the memes get piled onto him for being just a lot of hot air.

We've had the Blah Blah Blah meme. Frank's TALK - ACTION = SHIT equation and so many more. But somehow, once again after and little hand-me-round from Nigel at the latest Shitshow everyone comes backs saying, 'Yep, all good fellas. I'm happy".

How?!! How does this even happen? The irony... no the hypocrisy of it just leaves me agog.

Because really all Nigel has been doing is travelling from state capital to the next, spouting all the good thing that are going to happen, including the ML, which as you said Wombie, he's been saying that for what seems like an eternity. Years.

So if TALK minus ACTION really does equal SHIT then we've got shit. None of it is material and I've said this before, even with ML in hand I'll be keeping the champagne on ice until the caterers at Manono are cooking. Because you can bet your bottom dollar some other corrupt nonce is gonna try and pull swifty after it lands.
I agree Talk - ACTION = SHIT

But does anyone here honestly believe that Nigel & BOD are doing jack shit?

When you step back from the hysteria and noise of social media, slow it down a little and take an objective look at the happenings, things really aren't as ominous or out of control as the trolls, detractors and shorters (boatman) would have us believe. They want us to 'panic', an let's be honest in what situation is panicking ever helpful, they want us at the boards throats, at each others throats, it makes their job easier. Cut all the shit out and go over everything to date with a clear mindset.

We have dotted i's and crossed t's in all our business dealings to date, we know this via all previous announcements. Nigel and the crew are hardly novices in Africa, they would have had to have known owning the LARGEST known lithium deposit in the world was going to bring some of the worst scum out of the sewers. We have the best lawyers available. These people have no doubt given their opinion on our situation, and via the announcements to date it seems (via anns) their standing is - 75% is ours we negotiate for 15% and we work in the background on ML, Collab agreement, SEZ, finance, EPC agreement, 15%. This is a good sign IMO, nobody has stated we should back down in anyway i.e pay of Cong our case is weak, the announcements to date have clearly shown great confidence in the legality of our position on our holdings.

Our strategy has obviously been to keep quiet so the corrupt twats don't know what to expect or when its coming, an to be honest when we are up against Klaus, Cong, MOP, Mupande and more pigs with snouts in the trough, that seems a wise move.

Everyone has had a go at Felix for travelling and I still believe he should spend more time in country sorting out the shit. He needs more people he can trust in vital positions in my eyes, but I'm not exactly Abraham Lincoln so what would I know.

We have a Board that has experience working in Africa, we have the best lawyers behind us, best advisor, a DRC president in Felix that wants change, and 75% so far of the largest hard rock deposit known. This is black and white, the corruption needs time to sort out. Is the ML coming, without a doubt, when NFI

The whole everyone had pitchforks out and pineapples, nobody was actually ready to force feed a suppository pineapple (although Tommy Richardsons brother had a glint in his eye last night). It was more a metaphor for the growing frustration that is only to be reasonably expected from shareholders in a somewhat of a information vacuum, at least that's my take on it. Same with the Rants, I love em, lets me know people are human and once someone's had a pop they feel better and in a strange way I feel a little better knowing they needed to get it out. The jokes an banter too have been good for morale so to speak as it has been tough in the silence (while the pigs squeal).

TBH now I'm a little annoyed I missed out on a hand me-round
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Maja going to issue on the bird! (y)
@Nellie17 is that you?
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It's only two hours drive for you, MB - I assumed you'd be at the RS tomorrow night?

Sorry Retro, I have other things I have to take care of. You and all the other shareholders here are pretty well informed to do the job…. I kept my phone on last time and took notes on it as the presentation went on, and used them to query all the questions I had already prepared…. Nigel still cut me off half way through them so I was lucky to corral him later and get what I could out of him.

These presentations seem different in that I think he realises he has to answer shareholders questions and seems to be doing so.

I’m personally quietly confident good news is coming even if others here aren’t. All I would add, is that you have to think of the money you have invested and let that thought override all other thoughts that may prevent you standing straight up and asking what ever you and others are concerned about.

Bye mate, I’ve got to get off these threads now
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Since no one has come out of the Perth/Auckland Brisbane Shit Shows swinging wildly ,i remain confident on what was relayed out of Perth ….We’ve had some switched on holders attend these shows with nothing negative …honestly after nearly 27 weeks in suspension it wants to be good shit …below Shit/chocolate almost same colour View attachment 21525
Exactly, nobody who has attended is swinging.
Also more importantly as you wisely state the switched on characters have had nothing negative to say, they are cool as a cucumber. I personally have been in the markets since 2016, that's nothing, I'm here to learn.

What I learned last night was from @obe wan @Deboss @FilthyRich2 @Roostar there were some wise heads in Brisbane yesterday and I was paying attention to them all, what they had to say and how they feel. Not ONE I spoke to was negative or unhappy after the presentation.
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Exactly, nobody who has attended is swinging.
Also more importantly as you wisely state the switched on characters have had nothing negative to say, they are cool as a cucumber. I personally have been in the markets since 2016, that's nothing, I'm here to learn.

What I learned last night was from @obe wan @Deboss @FilthyRich2 @Roostar there were some wise heads in Brisbane yesterday and I was paying attention to them all, what they had to say and how they feel. Not ONE I spoke to was negative or unhappy after the presentation.
But if we still have zero answers for ALL shareholders then the AGM is the last chance to try and finally get some for those of us not privileged enough to attend the drinks and canape Roadshows.....
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Exactly, nobody who has attended is swinging.
Also more importantly as you wisely state the switched on characters have had nothing negative to say, they are cool as a cucumber. I personally have been in the markets since 2016, that's nothing, I'm here to learn.

What I learned last night was from @obe wan @Deboss @FilthyRich2 @Roostar there were some wise heads in Brisbane yesterday and I was paying attention to them all, what they had to say and how they feel. Not ONE I spoke to was negative or unhappy after the presentation.
Jesus titts ….you were amongst AVZ royalty last night ….thats why im quietly confident coz these fellas wouldnt have rolled over for a Nige tummy rub SPIN
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But if we still have zero answers for ALL shareholders then the AGM is the last chance to try and finally get some for those of us not privileged enough to attend the drinks and canape Roadshows.....
Agree mate. Certainly not arguing that point.
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Jesus titts ….you were amongst AVZ royalty last night ….thats why im quietly confident coz these fellas wouldnt have rolled over for a Nige tummy rub SPIN
haha well the royalty needed someone to clean up 😉 agreed on that
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Master of Quan
Jesus titts ….you were amongst AVZ royalty last night ….thats why im quietly confident coz these fellas wouldnt have rolled over for a Nige tummy rub SPIN
You didn’t see the after party and who actually rolled over…..
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A lot of talk but no action.
ML can only be issued when surface rights to the tenement is paid.this
Have they been paid ?
If yes then an ASX ,announcement should follow.
The DG of Cami is responsible to work out the appropriate surface rights but it appears he wants a % to be directed elsewhere.
The issue is can anyone in the DRC such as Minister of Mines step in with a Presidential decree and over ride his decisions .
Otherwise in my opinion a compromise needs to be reached to get ML and move to production .
I’ll bet any amount of money that the surface rights have been calculated and issued to AVZ - for a portion of the tenement…
If we pay it we get the ML, but we would literally be conceding ground and giving in to the shit-fuckery. Change my mind.
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