Yea, very fucken sus Nells
Once again the weekend has come along and I find myself wasting another day on this fucken company…. So I’m going to try and summarise some points that I’ve tried to make as well as my point of view on other comments
Starting with the crap from r2d2 and modo
1) As far as class actions or AVZ not adhering to ASX Rules: Wake up dickheads. Nigel has done everything legally especially in regard to obtaining our ML. He had always maintained we had legal ownership and it’s only corrupt court decisions, paid for by Dathomir (Simon Cong) and illegal transferring of shares by Cominiere (as stated by the IGF) that try to imply Nigel has not complied with ASX Rules. He may have been aware of their actions but had always stated they were unlawful and spurious in nature. So nothing changed. What he has been slack about is updating us on the ongoing circumstances regarding ICC and court decisions.
2) Roadshow’s - my view as stated before, try and appease unhappy shareholders ahead of the AGM, and if they’ve got the guts, provide an honest update of our capital requirements…. Possible additional capital required for acquiring the extra 15% from Cominiere…. As far as that goes, not a fucken cent more from me Nigel. You and the BOD and other executives have been more aware of the corruption issues than us shareholders and decided it was risky putting your own money in so you can get fucked now and hopefully won’t get any bonus shares…. I haven’t even been looking at your bonuses because I’m too disgusted to fucken look.
So many of us have supported you with our money and research and put in more hours than the fucken BOD and their 10 meetings.
3) I had much more to say here but just couldn’t be fucken bothered anymore. Like a lot of other shareholders I just feel like selling up and moving on, only I know what Manono (Dathcom) will be worth in a couple of years.
4) No doubt if you get ML granted either by that slime bag Mupande or by other methods, I could envision the likes of BHP wanting in as they also have interests in the DRC. If that was the case I’d be wanting at least $5 in the short term as this project should be worth at least $10 when it’s up and running.
I had more to comment on but refuse to waste any more of my time here as it’s the shitbags running things that should be providing the information
So you can just fuck the fuck right off you fucken shitbag cunts….
Not you Nells (and genuine shareholders)
Mantle taken back