AVZ Discussion 2022

Good call mate, i called their office and they said they generally cut it off for Shareholders with 1mil+ shares. I'm only about 60% of that but they said they'll email through an invite. Happy days
Nice one! I'll cya there 👍
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Hours and days is right when it comes to just keeping up with the volume of posts in this forum - being an AVZ shareholder has seriously eaten into my available spare time that could otherwise be spent watching porn.
That has more to do with proper time management mate.

Maybe asking one of these for Xmas might help.


One side for porn, one side for AVZ.
There has to be balance in life.
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PS. If all items were disclosed along the way, there would be no Boatman activist report, no cock sucker Tommy and the SP would not have been attacked by other shorters. The SP would be at a price that weighs up items in the courts against likely outcomes and overall project value. SP would probably be well over a dollar taking all into consideration. AVZ management have enabled Boatman and Tommy.

Cheers The Fox
Boatman and Tommy are just p1ssed because they are short and trapped . IMO
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Hours and days is right when it comes to just keeping up with the volume of posts in this forum - being an AVZ shareholder has seriously eaten into my available spare time that could otherwise be spent watching porn.
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DRC: UC SAS denounces a mining fraud of more than USD 10 million estimated at 60 tons of Coltan and Cassiterite, perpetrated in Manono and Malemba-Nkulu
Tuesday 25 October 2022 - 14:07

Mineral bags. Ph. NEWS. CD
A mining fraud of more than 60 tons of coltan and cassiterite, valued at more than USD 10 million, is allegedly perpetrated in the territories of Manono and Malemba-Nkulu, in the provinces of Haut Lomami and Tanganyika. This is what United Cominiere SAS denounces in its press release published on Tuesday, October 22, 2022.
This company accuses a certain Hadley Nathus and a Canadian subject named Eric Allard (chairman and CEO of the company TANTALEX) who, acting in complicity with the leaders of COMINIERE, would be in collusion with some authorities of the country, to cover up this large-scale mining fraud. UC SAS alerts the authorities to monitor this situation.

In addition, this company accuses by name the Ministry of Justice of having taken a decision contrary to the rule of law by instructing the Single Window for Business Creation (GUCE), through its letter number 2160/LW10130/APP/CAB/ME/MIN/J&GS/2022 of September 20, 2022, technical service under its supervision, to cancel a legal transfer of shares for the benefit of a Canadian subject "yet condemned on Congolese soil by judgments that have become final".
The company UC SAS notes that the instruction of the Ministry of Justice given to the GUCE "violates the laws of the country and proceeds from an abuse of power, insofar as it operates on the judgments that have become final about this assignment: RP19203, RCE 7495, RPO 10247/10267, as well as a pre-law under RAC 2942".

In addition, it deplores the "sabotage" of the efforts made by the President of the Republic Felix Tshisekedi, to establish good governance in the DRC, marked by, among other things, respect for the principle of separation of powers and the improvement of the business climate.
"The DRC must avoid being influenced by crooked individuals, so-called investors, while recognized speculators, at the risk of tarnishing the image of the entire country, and particularly the Sama Lukonde government...", deplores the UC SAS in its statement.
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This has been a tough suspension for AVZ shareholders no doubt about it. The silence from management juxtapositioned with the rolling 2 or 3 week extensions has made it feel like we are always close to an ending but it has just kept on going. Good to see many here are coming around to the idea that management should have been saying more, even if it was just to say they have been told to keep quiet for legal reasons in an official announcement.

It's been hard work to source information and the company definitely could have been more forthcoming with official updates especially when their DRC lawyer was spilling the beans in French all over Kinshasa. The most frustrating thing for me has been the feeling that shareholders have been having to fight the disinformation made by trolls on social media and the idiots at Boatman mostly by ourselves.

Particularly when management have made statements like we will be trading again soon and setting short deadlines for suspension to end. It has made shareholders that stand up to the haters look foolish when they use these points but then there is no official progress. No more excuses or promises will cut it at this point. It's been 6 fucking months. Either management have sorted the issues or they don't have a plan to get it done in a reasonable timeframe. One way or another it is time to get this show back on the road.
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Hi. I'm new here and a modest holder under the Roadshow invitation level. Will there be a Zoom or other internet stream option available? I have enjoyed reading all of your posts for some time. Kept me sane and entertained. Cheers

I emailed the company about this as I live overseas. There is no Zoom or stream option, unfortunately.. Only with the AGM
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"Voluntary suspension
The Company refers to its request for an extension to its voluntary suspension dated 10 October 2022,
in relation to the finalisation and release of an announcement with respect to its mining and
exploration rights for the Manono Project."

This just popped out to my attention, from the most recent announcement.

"... the finalisation and release of an announcement with respect to its mining and
exploration rights for the Manono Project."
"... the finalisation and release"

Hmm I think I'm clutching at straws...
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False clues......😲

View attachment 20032

Yes, many of which filtered down from AVZ management who's had little control of things these past 6 months. Obviously there has been a significant gap between what AVZ management expected to occur and when, compared to reality.

The articles published in Kongo Press are really one man's work, Kiki who appears independant. IMO he is doing a better job reporting current issues than AVZ management or Momentum put together. His early tweets are telling and show where he was getting up to speed on AVZ issues and then decided to be a voice on all matters Manono.

I doubt he is being sponsored by AVZ, yet he should be someone the company looks after in due course. Kiki would be an asset to AVZ over coming years as a press liaison officer or similar IMO. AVZ could do with a few more Kiki's.

Cheers The Fox

I for one appreciated all your efforts Fox and was amazed at the effort you put in responding to posters here, no need to respond to me, you definitely need some time to recover

Not to mention the time you’ll need to recover from the pineappling….

Just joking Foxy 😉 I genuinely am grateful for all your efforts!!!!
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Biding my Time 1971
DRC: UC SAS denounces a mining fraud of more than USD 10 million estimated at 60 tons of Coltan and Cassiterite, perpetrated in Manono and Malemba-Nkulu
Tuesday 25 October 2022 - 14:07

Mineral bags. Ph. NEWS. CD
A mining fraud of more than 60 tons of coltan and cassiterite, valued at more than USD 10 million, is allegedly perpetrated in the territories of Manono and Malemba-Nkulu, in the provinces of Haut Lomami and Tanganyika. This is what United Cominiere SAS denounces in its press release published on Tuesday, October 22, 2022.
This company accuses a certain Hadley Nathus and a Canadian subject named Eric Allard (chairman and CEO of the company TANTALEX) who, acting in complicity with the leaders of COMINIERE, would be in collusion with some authorities of the country, to cover up this large-scale mining fraud. UC SAS alerts the authorities to monitor this situation.

In addition, this company accuses by name the Ministry of Justice of having taken a decision contrary to the rule of law by instructing the Single Window for Business Creation (GUCE), through its letter number 2160/LW10130/APP/CAB/ME/MIN/J&GS/2022 of September 20, 2022, technical service under its supervision, to cancel a legal transfer of shares for the benefit of a Canadian subject "yet condemned on Congolese soil by judgments that have become final".
The company UC SAS notes that the instruction of the Ministry of Justice given to the GUCE "violates the laws of the country and proceeds from an abuse of power, insofar as it operates on the judgments that have become final about this assignment: RP19203, RCE 7495, RPO 10247/10267, as well as a pre-law under RAC 2942".

In addition, it deplores the "sabotage" of the efforts made by the President of the Republic Felix Tshisekedi, to establish good governance in the DRC, marked by, among other things, respect for the principle of separation of powers and the improvement of the business climate.
"The DRC must avoid being influenced by crooked individuals, so-called investors, while recognized speculators, at the risk of tarnishing the image of the entire country, and particularly the Sama Lukonde government...", deplores the UC SAS in its statement.
Ok Felix, sack, then arrest Princess Bitchface, the dickhead at COMINIERE, arrest Eric, Klaus, Simon, and that cunt from CAMI for good measure
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I for one appreciated all your efforts Fox and was amazed at the effort you put in responding to posters here, no need to respond to me, you definitely need some time to recover

Not to mention the time you’ll need to recover from the pineappling….

Just joking Foxy 😉 I genuinely am grateful for all your efforts!!!!
I'll second that MB, love your work @The Fox (y)
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Good call mate, i called their office and they said they generally cut it off for Shareholders with 1mil+ shares. I'm only about 60% of that but they said they'll email through an invite. Happy days
Nice. When I emailed I was told waiting list.


Biding my Time 1971
Nice. When I emailed I was told waiting list.
You need to be under 5ft 2" and not wielding a baseball bat
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Ok Felix, sack, then arrest Princess Bitchface, the dickhead at COMINIERE, arrest Eric, Klaus, Simon, and that cunt from CAMI for good measure
It would be a refreshing cleanup of the DRC and a signal to the rest of the corrupt scene, Zijin and China included that times have changed.

In other words modify your behaviour or fuck off.

For Felix to stay in power he has to make the move as soon as possible.
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Biding my Time 1971
Ok Felix, sack, then arrest Princess Bitchface, the dickhead at COMINIERE, arrest Eric, Klaus, Simon, and that cunt from CAMI for good measure
My humble apologies to Princess Bitchface, it's not her cited, it's MofJustice. But fucking arrest her as well please Felix, she's up to no good
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"Voluntary suspension
The Company refers to its request for an extension to its voluntary suspension dated 10 October 2022,
in relation to the finalisation and release of an announcement with respect to its mining and
exploration rights for the Manono Project."

This just popped out to my attention, from the most recent announcement.

"... the finalisation and release of an announcement with respect to its mining and
exploration rights for the Manono Project."
"... the finalisation and release"

Hmm I think I'm clutching at straws...
Translation : 'The CAMI prick refuses to hand over the surface rights and until he does we are f--ked '
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Lots of jungle drums beating in the Congo, I think we all hear most of them now thanks to Kiki and others. Not to mention AVZ being more on the front foot with sharing information etc. (Yet a little fuck’en late if you ask me)

Is Nigel warming up for a victory lap? Maybe. Very keen to hear the feedback from Perth meeting. Or read the AVZ announcements just prior.

To be honest I’m a little AVZ burnt out these days. Spent significant hours, days and weeks in the past trying to understand where things are at while communicating with as many connections as possible. All this has taken a toll, my motivation to seek out information at the moment is just about gone.

It is obvious things are coming to a head particularly with the Roadshows taking place. Since the first of these is within days, I’ll see what comes from the first meeting and if any motivation to dig around again returns thereafter.

AVZ management will have to step up and treat shareholders a little better IMO. Maybe all sins will be forgiven in the near future assuming all matters are sorted. I don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the reasons for the Roadshows is to appeal or win over larger shareholders to avoid any trouble coming up from the ranks regarding non-disclosure and other claims.

I’m pretty angry at management, and I use that word loosely. It’s hard to see what they have done right or wrong with the lack of information they provided, as such it doesn’t pass the pub test or smell test IMO.

Granted if there are legal or important strategic reasons not to disclose things that’s fine, or at least understandable. Yet the company could have stated same to shareholders along the way and made the usual “unable to comment when matters are before the courts as to avoid prejudice etc, adversely affect AVZ legal position etc, rights or claims etc. Yet it was almost like let’s ignore it all and hope the disclosure issue goes away.

It’s all well and fine to say other parties are full of shit and spreading lies and that’s all we are going to say. But when things are in the courts, even a low level local court, this should be disclosed to shareholders and the market, right back in 2021 etc.

If everything was disclosed in real time the fight could have been taken public and all the groups that have supported AVZ could have mobilised earlier, including reporters, shareholders, civil society groups and there would have been more political pressure applied earlier rather then later. The IGF would have moved the court case to Kinshasa many months earlier. MoP caught out earlier, Zijin tail between the legs earlier. Cong with his hand out earlier.

The outcomes would likely be the same, just completed earlier. Would the SP have suffered a hit earlier, of course. Would it bounce back earlier yes.

Who ever provided the strategy to AVZ to keep your head down and let’s just tread quietly has been wrong. All this shit including Zijin should have been hit with a hammer on the head in real time, meetings called with Felix immediately, not one year after Zijin try to steal part of Manono.

Who has benefited from this saga dragging out??? AVZ advisors? Certainly not shareholders I can tell you that.

Anyway, rant over. I’ve been invited but not attending Roadshows, I don’t like being lied to and provided false information and I’ve had enough of that from Nigel.

Tempted to hand back my VIP membership to the AVZ Sunshine and Lollipops group, however that would be a step to far. I’ll just sulk a little longer then bounce back when we are through this current bullshit, that should have been sorted months ago.

Love and Peace, The Fox 🦊


I’ve been invited but not attending Roadshows, I don’t like being lied to and provided false information and I’ve had enough of that from Nigel.

Tempted to hand back my VIP membership to AVZ :eek:

Jan de Jager - CFO & Joint Company Secretary


#Patience #.jpg

#Patience !!! .png

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Just to add into the mix.
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It would be a refreshing cleanup of the DRC and a signal to the rest of the corrupt scene, Zijin and China included that times have changed.

In other words modify your behaviour or fuck off.

For Felix to stay in power he has to make the move as soon as possible.
Problem is some these corrupt pricks probably helped get him into power. Does Felix have skeletons in his closet ?
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