So Foxy Baby, are they all on radio silence at the moment? Always a good sign if so.
I agree, Kiki Kongo has picked up our baton, although Franck has gone quiet.
I also saw bombersmadd is trying to stir the pot on the bird with some long bow connections. Idiot. Another good sign
Lots of jungle drums beating in the Congo, I think we all hear most of them now thanks to Kiki and others. Not to mention AVZ being more on the front foot with sharing information etc. (Yet a little fuck’en late if you ask me)
Is Nigel warming up for a victory lap? Maybe. Very keen to hear the feedback from Perth meeting. Or read the AVZ announcements just prior.
To be honest I’m a little AVZ burnt out these days. Spent significant hours, days and weeks in the past trying to understand where things are at while communicating with as many connections as possible. All this has taken a toll, my motivation to seek out information at the moment is just about gone.
It is obvious things are coming to a head particularly with the Roadshows taking place. Since the first of these is within days, I’ll see what comes from the first meeting and if any motivation to dig around again returns thereafter.
AVZ management will have to step up and treat shareholders a little better IMO. Maybe all sins will be forgiven in the near future assuming all matters are sorted. I don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the reasons for the Roadshows is to appeal or win over larger shareholders to avoid any trouble coming up from the ranks regarding non-disclosure and other claims.
I’m pretty angry at management, and I use that word loosely. It’s hard to see what they have done right or wrong with the lack of information they provided, as such it doesn’t pass the pub test or smell test IMO.
Granted if there are legal or important strategic reasons not to disclose things that’s fine, or at least understandable. Yet the company could have stated same to shareholders along the way and made the usual “unable to comment when matters are before the courts as to avoid prejudice etc, adversely affect AVZ legal position etc, rights or claims etc. Yet it was almost like let’s ignore it all and hope the disclosure issue goes away.
It’s all well and fine to say other parties are full of shit and spreading lies and that’s all we are going to say. But when things are in the courts, even a low level local court, this should be disclosed to shareholders and the market, right back in 2021 etc.
If everything was disclosed in real time the fight could have been taken public and all the groups that have supported AVZ could have mobilised earlier, including reporters, shareholders, civil society groups and there would have been more political pressure applied earlier rather then later. The IGF would have moved the court case to Kinshasa many months earlier. MoP caught out earlier, Zijin tail between the legs earlier. Cong with his hand out earlier.
The outcomes would likely be the same, just completed earlier. Would the SP have suffered a hit earlier, of course. Would it bounce back earlier yes.
Who ever provided the strategy to AVZ to keep your head down and let’s just tread quietly has been wrong. All this shit including Zijin should have been hit with a hammer on the head in real time, meetings called with Felix immediately, not one year after Zijin try to steal part of Manono.
Who has benefited from this saga dragging out??? AVZ advisors? Certainly not shareholders I can tell you that.
Anyway, rant over. I’ve been invited but not attending Roadshows, I don’t like being lied to and provided false information and I’ve had enough of that from Nigel.
Tempted to hand back my VIP membership to the AVZ Sunshine and Lollipops group, however that would be a step to far. I’ll just sulk a little longer then bounce back when we are through this current bullshit, that should have been sorted months ago.
Love and Peace, The Fox