AVZ Discussion 2022


I’m really surprised none of you have asked for Cong’s number. He is on WhatsApp. Whatya fraid of?

Honestly so many gutless wonders looking for a Clue.

Jen’s says you’re all afraid.
Would you please let us know more about you, and your affiliation with AVZ. Don’t take this the wrong way but tell us who you are and in what capacity you are linked with any of this.

Someone somewhere said that AVZ has done you wrong in the past, is that true? If you are not a holder, you have spent a lot of time “uncovering” lots of things. Why spend so much of your time for something you don’t hold and doesn’t affect you, what’s in it for you ? 🙏
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The group won’t last, I can see by your temperament.

Have a look at Roon’s recent post. Quite capable of objective thinking.

Roon’s matter, same matter that offended you, continuous disclosure rules addressed with AVZ’s compliance. What you’re doing is online bullying. I do think you’re above that.
Whole moly the tag team is back.

Can't you take a hint?
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Whole moly the tag team is back.

Can't you take a hint?
Who are you to bully?

This forum lacks substance because of people like yourself wasting valuable time and space.
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Who are you to bully?

This forum lacks substance because of people like yourself wasting valuable time and space.
There is plenty of substance abuse around here old sport…

If anyone won’t last it’ll be you btw…..
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Can we get back to being the TSE forum instead of HC please?
I've just scrolled through 4 pages of mostly crap.
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At $3, we are all going to Wino’s house for the mother of all jam sessions.
I'm actually up for that :D

Everyone else might think our set up here is a bit av but we'll still upset the neighbours and I'll smooth everything over with a bit of vino and some crackin' food !

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Oh....and just quietly....that really painful bunch of holier than thou fun police rocked up again

Different agenda

Non genuine agenda

They know who they are and actually......to be honest .....for the record...... they're right

I can't choose who reads or doesn't read what's on this public forum.....or any public forum for that matter

How obtuse of me to think so?

Mi speda difasciao il meda offencio

Unbelievable really....:rolleyes:
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Who are you to bully?

This forum lacks substance because of people like yourself wasting valuable time and space.
In that case feel free to leave and find a forum with more substance, bye, bye.
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Der Geist

Would you please let us know more about you, and your affiliation with AVZ. Don’t take this the wrong way but tell us who you are and in what capacity you are linked with any of this.

Someone somewhere said that AVZ has done you wrong in the past, is that true? If you are not a holder, you have spent a lot of time “uncovering” lots of things. Why spend so much of your time for something you don’t hold and doesn’t affect you, what’s in it for you ? 🙏
all that matters is, understanding the matters for AVZ.

If people don’t want to contact Cong and find out *something* from the other side then you can’t be serious investors
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Der Geist

Would you please let us know more about you, and your affiliation with AVZ. Don’t take this the wrong way but tell us who you are and in what capacity you are linked with any of this.

Someone somewhere said that AVZ has done you wrong in the past, is that true? If you are not a holder, you have spent a lot of time “uncovering” lots of things. Why spend so much of your time for something you don’t hold and doesn’t affect you, what’s in it for you ? 🙏
all that matters is, understanding the matters for AVZ.

Would you please let us know more about you, and your affiliation with AVZ. Don’t take this the wrong way but tell us who you are and in what capacity you are linked with any of this.

Someone somewhere said that AVZ has done you wrong in the past, is that true? If you are not a holder, you have spent a lot of time “uncovering” lots of things. Why spend so much of your time for something you don’t hold and doesn’t affect you, what’s in it for you ? 🙏

If people don’t want to contact Cong and find out something from the other side then you can’t be serious investors
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You think I drink a lot

Then someone double posts this ..

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Morning all. Not sure about the general feeling out there about the behaviour of De Geist and R2D2 but happy to put it out there that I have reported it. Flaming, baiting, personal attacks and totally unwarranted criticism of AVZ holders with a positive attitude towards our stock is straight from the hotcrapper playbook.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread for it’s often robust conversation, excellent research by members and light hearted banter and ribbing. It has made a difficult trading period a whole lot more bearable.

I haven’t directly responded to any of their posts and won’t but it is difficult to watch others being attacked unnecessarily and unfairly.

Not sure if TSE can do anything about it but if not it will be very sad to see this poor behaviour destroy a thread with a healthy culture many good people have worked hard to create.

Good luck to all and have a good day.

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Whole moly the tag team is back.

Can't you take a hint?

Like clock work, Der Geist shows up in the middle of the night rattling his chains for a triple post then within 10-15 minutes R2D2 appears out of nowhere for a quick dutch rudder double post like the two aren't one in the same.

Guessing from their posting schedule their office/basement is based somewhere in the same green timezone as WA.


I found a family photo of DG and R2


Morning all. Not sure about the general feeling out there about the behaviour of De Geist and R2D2 but happy to put it out there that I have reported it. Flaming, baiting, personal attacks and totally unwarranted criticism of AVZ holders with a positive attitude towards our stock is straight from the hotcrapper playbook.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread for it’s often robust conversation, excellent research by members and light hearted banter and ribbing. It has made a difficult trading period a whole lot more bearable.

I haven’t directly responded to any of their posts and won’t but it is difficult to watch others being attacked unnecessarily and unfairly.

Not sure if TSE can do anything about it but if not it will be very sad to see this poor behaviour destroy a thread with a healthy culture many good people have worked hard to create.

Good luck to all and have a good day.


Isn't it funny how they post here trying to bait and and preach that TSE is becoming like the crapper yet they are the ones causing it.
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