AVZ Discussion 2022

Absolutely wild that some of you think that going along with corruption is okay as long as we get our licence. We have seen report after report about how China is pillaging the wealth of the DRC and it is made possible because of crooks like Mupande. This is the exact type of conduct that Tshisekedi is claiming to the world that he is getting rid of. It's put up or shut up time Felix.

I'd rather AVZ lose Manono than facilitate this dodgy prick snacking on the ill gotten personal gains of selling out his countrymen for a quick buck. The only problem I see is that this type of behaviour is more likely to be rewarded by Joe 'the big guy' Biden's administration than punished.

Potentital investors in the DRC deserve to understand what is happening in the country. It would have been nice to know this is how things work before we went into a 167 days and counting suspension after being 'a matter of days' away from starting mining. Sunlight can only be the best disinfectant when people have access to the information needed to make an informed decision.
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Cashy you are a funny man, though you’re grammar needs some checking!

While you’re here, can you tell me which buttons on my iPhone 8 to press and hold to cut and paste texts on these threads, thanks mate 👍

By the way, this is for you

View attachment 19395
Press and hold part of the txt you wish to copy, up should come select or select all then using select use the two little line markers to highlight what you want copied, once done it should have a copy tab pop up if not press the highlighted field and up should come copy. 👍
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What did I miss with Solo's post, another Tranny?

Was too busy derailing the LRS announcement thread on the crapper with a single throwaway post, I forget how sensitive people are over there.
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What did I miss with Solo's post, another Tranny?

Was too busy derailing the LRS announcement thread on the crapper with a single throwaway post, I forget how sensitive people are over there.
I couldn't resist

I had to go and read the post

Man you're right.......super sensitive over there on the Crapper! :ROFLMAO:
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Surely taking the piss …”Delivering some key milestones during the 2022 financial year “
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View attachment 19368

London: Félix Tshisekedi calls on economic operators to invest in the DRC

View attachment 19372

At the opening of the Financial Times Africa summit on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, in London, under the theme: “Investing in Africa”, the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi launched an appeal to investors to come and do business in Congo- Kinshasa.

“Investors are invited to come and do business in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has today created an attractive economic environment thanks to the efforts of the Sama Lukonde government, within the framework of improving the business climate, fruit of structural reforms”, launched the Congolese Head of State during his speech focused on the future of African economies and the opportunities offered by the black continent. 🍍

For his part, the Minister of Industry, Julien Paluku Kahongya hailed the determination of President Félix Tshisekedi in consolidating strategies to convince investors to come to the DRC, a solution country in the energy transition and the best destination in the world for energy, battery industry and electric vehicles thanks to its strategic minerals. :rolleyes:

Some members of the government are accompanying the Head of State to London, including the Ministers of Finance, Mines, Communication and Media, as well as his deputy chief of staff in charge of economic issues.

The work, it is reported, is focused on the opportunities to invest in Africa and the obstacles that hinder the flow of investments in the sectors of energy, art, technology, pharmaceuticals and the food sector. :unsure::rolleyes::(

This summit brings together senior African and foreign personalities, decision-makers, business leaders, start-ups and multinationals.


*Wish they were Focusing more on the Main Obstacles to AVZ / Manono that hinder the flow of Investments tbo :mad:

View attachment 19369

Hang in there Sam my Man, Try turning off the Mob Ph, Not looking at TSE or Hot Crapper for now 👍

Do some Meditation, Relax, Enjoy your time away / Holiday, Don't Stress about this Shit ffs ! Not worth it !

Now is not the time, It's not going anywhere and either are we, We will still be here when you get back

It's Not a Holiday if you're constantly on the "Crapper" feeling like :poop: at TSE my friend :(

After all, It will soon be Xmas ( Again ) and you know what that means 🙏 🍾 🤞

Now Fuck off and enjoy your Holiday and don't come back til you're relaxed to the Max ffs !!!

View attachment 19377

*To Remind,

View attachment 19378

View attachment 19380


Frank :cool:
:rolleyes: OK ok loud and clear Frank, I'll just stick to the 10am news check for the week:
giphy (7).gif

It's just taken a bit to wind down, first holiday since well before covid. I'm fine now, super relaxed. 🤗
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Sorry but on a bit of a SPIT ( not roast) at present .FFS if this is what’s representing us .... Have a fucking shave / haircut buy a decent suit not from the local op shop FFS your on $350K a yr PLUS expenses ...John Clarke looks a vagrant who escaped a dementor ward at the local nursing home ....FFS look professional
View attachment 19407

John, in my opinion he’s only there in hope that getting his photo taken will ensure his spot on the BOD, his $350K for attending 10 meetings and getting his bonus shares because he doesn’t want to buy any with his own money

I was fully behind our team until they decided to have a Roadshow two weeks before the AGM. I understand why they’ve done it, but it’s left a bad smell in the air as far as I’m concerned.

One of the best indications of a company’s success is when the executives and BOD buy shares. I’ve got a few secrets I can share from talking to Nigel at last year’s Sydney presentation…. I’ve kept most of them to myself but I may start letting a few out.

The first being…. I had invested twice as much of my own cash in the company than Nigel…. Around $500K at that time

Seeing how the company is aware of comments made on social media, that last paragraph refers to a direct conversation I had in private with Nigel and is not intended to in any way undermine Nigel or his efforts toward this projects success.

It’s probably important for the company to remember that other statements were made in front of several shareholders following the presentation that I do not intend to refer to.

Also, I think the company would be better to focus their attention on what’s happening in Africa…. but if they are looking into my comments at all…. My intention WAS to draw them to the company’s attention and I am happy to back my comments.

I would not be surprised in the least if they have only released an arbitration update today because of comments made here, and although the update isn’t necessarily great, at least it is an update, which is all shareholders on this forum have been asking for.

All along I have backed AVZ, I think it’s time they actually listened to what we shareholder’s have to say!!
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Ok ok ok ...just amusing myself .Waiting for a water delivery...YES that correct ...25,000 litres , no rain over here. I’m actually paying for water 😩
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Arbitration announcement out!
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My guess is ML by early next week.

IMO the date has been locked which is why the roadshow.

As others have said, they'd be insane to do a roadshow with nothing to show. Even a JV is not good enough for a roadshow IMO.
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Master of Quan
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Bit of a strange announcement but guess its just following continuous disclosure.
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Biding my Time 1971
Well it’s an update
It stated ruled in AVZI favor but then says it’s still to make a ruling on wether our ROFR was breached. So more waiting?

I guess they mean they succeeded in having one arbitrator. So much for Z caving in, in front of the Ministers
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At least the arbitrator/s have called bullshit on Zijin's claims. Now back to waiting I guess....
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ball puppet GIF
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"The Arbitrator has issued Procedural Order No.1-3 ruling in favour of AVZI" WTF does this mean - why don't they just tell us in plain english what is going on?
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I'm pretty happy with that announcement and I'm confident that it's 100% positive, imminently. :ROFLMAO:

Also, who was it that said Nigel had squinty eyes the other day? They coming for you

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Have we just essentially provided Dathomir and Cong/China et al a new channel to delay and frustrate the project proceedings further by intimating that they could initiate their own request for arbitration, as the only legal means to overturn the 15% purchase? Could hardly turn down arbitration proceedings with them now should they begin this process after we have issued this announcement...hopefully we haven't shot ourselves in the foot here.
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I couldn't resist

I had to go and read the post

Man you're right.......super sensitive over there on the Crapper! :ROFLMAO:

They are very salty towards me, I particularly like how they took half a second to look at my posting history to see that I hold AZL so now I'm "Brine Boy" and use the brine for my facials (salty pun intended).

I considered replying to the Brine Boy calls with those pictures of the AVZ core drill pictures that were posted here the other day but really CBF wasting my time getting into an AVZ debate at the moment.
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