AVZ Discussion 2022


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Maybe we all get an invite to attend the Fiji roadshow, if we can make it there.

Just a security move, baseball bats are banned on entry into Fiji. :eek:
What…..all that practice gone down the shitter 😢
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They have heaps of coconuts in Fiji, maybe a collection of them helps
Btw just for interested parties:

In Fiji there are three common varieties of pineapple. These include Ripley Queen, Smooth Cayenne and Waimama.

Take your pick
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Hates a beer
the fijian investor roadshow... not sure any investors attended... but, the BOD felt the need to go anyway :cool:

Found a photo from the Fijian roadshow ....

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Btw just for interested parties:

In Fiji there are three common varieties of pineapple. These include Ripley Queen, Smooth Cayenne and Waimama.

Take your pick
anyone taking the ripley over the smooth is a loose unit...
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Pre-Cop 27: "the future of the global ecosystem belongs to the DRC, country-solution to climate regulation", says Godard Motemona, Deputy Minister of Mines
Saturday 8 October 2022 - 07:02

Godard Motemona, Deputy Minister of Mines of the DRC. Ph. Third Party Rights.
As a prelude to the COP 27 scheduled for 7 to 18 November 2022 in Egypt, the Congolese government in partnership with Egypt organized in Kinshasa at the Palais du peuple the preparatory work to mark the way to this major event on the climate.
Speaking at this rostrum, Godard Motemona, Deputy Minister of Mines painted the picture of the mineral resources of the DRC, Country-solution to the global climate regulation while welcoming the commitment of the Head of State on climate issues.
"As a Country-Solution, it is up to me to recall that the vision of His Excellency Mr. Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, President of the Republic, Head of State, in the fight against climate change, is to promote a green, resilient and low-carbon economy by rationally and sustainably managing its important natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance, social and economic well-being."
He added:
"Like several nations around the world, the Democratic Republic of Congo has opted for migration to a green economy, highlighting the use of carbon-free energy sources, as part of an energy transition."
At the COP26 held in Glasgow, the President of the Republic, Head of State, presented the DRC as a "solution country" to the climate change that is currently raging in the world, thanks to its various natural resources, including its forest massif, its renewable energy potential and its green mineral reserves."
For the Deputy Minister of Mines, Godard motemona the soil and subsoil of the Democratic Republic of Congo are full of numerous and diversified mineral resources including non-ferrous metals, ferrous metals, precious stones, minerals of energy resources. Among these resources, those exploited to date include: copper, cobalt, zinc, gold, diamonds, tin and coltan.

He also said that the DRC has Lithium resources estimated at 400 million tons. This metal is used in the manufacture of electric batteries for the storage of wind, solar and geothermal energy. Metals such as nickel and manganese, whose mineral reserves are not known to date, are also used in the manufacture of electric batteries. The same is true of rare earths, including monazite, which are used in the manufacture of permanent magnets for motors and electric generators in wind and solar energy.
For her part, the VPM, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Eve Bazaiba circumscribed the context of the 27th Conference of the Parties while indicating that the DRC has the forests and minerals to deal with climate change. For her, we cannot talk about climate requirements now without including the DRC.

It should be noted that two distinguished guests took part in this session, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Simon Stiell, and the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Congo, Arlette Sudan Nonault. All welcomed the Commitment of the Congolese Government in the fight against climate change and the protection of natural mineral resources for the energy transition.
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Btw just for interested parties:

In Fiji there are three common varieties of pineapple. These include Ripley Queen, Smooth Cayenne and Waimama.

Take your pick
Fuck taking a pick …will use all 3
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Deleted member 1612

anyone taking the ripley over the smooth is a loose unit...
But what about smooth cayenne… a fucking big contradiction right there. Like Felix and his promises ‘it’ll be smooth but it’ll burn like hell’
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Happy Friday .....time to party! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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Happy Friday .....time to party! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Thats ... not what I expected from your usual posts.
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Lithium price jumps to fresh all-time high


Benchmark Mineral Intelligence reports lithium prices in China hit an all-time high on Wednesday as battery manufacturers scramble to secure supply amid booming demand from the electric car market.

According to the battery supply chain researcher and pricing agency, Chinese battery grade lithium carbonate rose by 1.7% in the past week to reach an all-time high of $74,475 a tonne, more than doubling so far in 2022.

Prices for lithium hydroxide, which is used in batteries with high nickel content is up nearly 150% this year, trading at $73,925 a tonne this week, according to the Benchmark Lithium Price Assessment.

Benchmark points out lithium prices have now trended upwards for 24 straight months as the EV market continues to expand with global sales of electric vehicles reaching one million for the first time in September, according to Rho Motion.



Food for thought on the Road to Manono, while AVZ is bogged down in the DRC :rolleyes:

C'mon Felix, pull your Fatshi Finger Out and get the Ball ( Mill ) Rolling ffs mate !!!

Every Day you Dilly-Dally ( waste time through aimless wandering or indecision )

Is a Day Lost in more ways than one :rolleyes:

Read the document from the NGOs dated 11th Oct with regards to the Mining Sector and the hold up within.

Then do something about it, but FFS do something other than Talk, because


Less Talk, More Action, It's Time to Walk the Walk when it comes to Corruption !!!

Food for thought :unsure:

Frank :mad:

The Clock is Ticking at $73,925 a tonne this week ⏰

Tick Tock Clock.gif
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Have a Cigar 1975
was that meant to be a camel toe?
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Ask @solo ...he started it
Geoff Ramsey Achievement Hunter GIF by Rooster Teeth
Hello Solo
Just how much protection does this DG of CAMI have??

from hot crapper.
Posted on twitter from account https://twitter.com/flore_kayala Some interesting comments about the power plant.

19:35 P

108 B/S55




AvenueLibenge, No. 216 C/Lingwala Rfc MUSHI KINSHASA

Phone:0994075131 Email: tmmball@gmail.com


Kinshasa October 11, 2022.



To HisExcellency the President of the Republic, Head of State City of the OAU,Ngaliema COURIER SERVICE

11 OCT2022


With theexpression of our most respectful respects.

Receivedon: Share

Subject:The COMINIERE SA, DATHCOM MINING and other public mining companies andestablishments file.

Excellencythe President of the Republic and Head of State,In our capacity as Congolesecivil society organizations and platforms specializing in mining issues(Justicia Asbl, LICOCO, RND Asbl, POM, MDR, GANVE, CDH, ESPOIR ONG, RCEN,CERN/CENCO, TPRDC, MAX IMPACT) making the monitoring on mining in theDemocratic Republic of Congo, we come to inform you about the subject on thesidelines.

Indeed,Excellency Mr. President of the Republic, we are in possession of credible andwell-documented information from the General Inspectorate of Finance on thesubject of the very poor management of national assets of which the interimDirector General of COMINIERE SA is guilty, as well as as well as denunciationsof poor management of SOKIMO (freezing of the Zani and Kodo, Kibali Sud andMoku-Beverendi deposits as well as the hydroelectric power station of Budana bythe recently dismissed representatives) by the trade unionists of this publicmining company.

The confusion maintained todayby the interim managers of COMINIERE around the Mplana Mwanga hydroelectricpower station in Tanganyika through a call for tenders for its rehabilitation,while the documented information in our possession provides information on thework that the Government of the Republic (Ministry and General Secretariat forEnergy and Hydraulic Resources) have been carrying out there since 2019 with aninternational firm, is a strategy ill-conceived by those who are blocking therevival of the mining industry in this province of the country rich in gold,coltan, cassiterite, lithium, petroleum and other natural resources, requiresyour discretionary instructions to the Government in the name of the higherinterests of the nation.

Whilesparing your august personality of the details that we will be able to sharewith your Director of Cabinet and your Deputy Director of Cabinet in charge ofeconomic and financial matters, this information taken from the technical andobjective report of the General Inspectorate of Finance which depends on yourcabinet provide information, in particular, on the incapacity for the GeneralManager of the company. of the COMINIERE Portfolio to ensure the protection ofthe mining heritage of the State in the exploitation of Congolese Lithium(exposed to the whims of the Chineseof Dathomir and Zijin as well as to the Canadians who fight awkwardly at UnitedCominière including a dispute over tons of coltan taken fraudulently by theCooperative "Cooproco" on the concessions of others in the provinceof Tanganyika is covered according to information in our possession) atthe time of the energy transition for which our country is positioned underyour leadership as a Solution Country .

Civil societyorganizations from the extractive sector of the Democratic Republic of Congoare wondering to this day the real contribution in technology and cash inDathcom Mining of the famous mining company Dathomir, whose Chinese commonlycalled Simon Cong (who would be the owner of the Fleuve Congo Hotel and thecompany managing major toll booths in part of the southern part of the formerprovince of Katanga) appears according to the official documents in ourpossession as one of the representatives. Excellency Mr. President of theRepublic, the facts charged to the interim Managing Director of COMINIERE bythe Report of the General Inspectorate of Finance since April 2022 are contraryto the Code of Ethics applicable to State officials, laws and regulationsgoverning mining in our country as well as the efforts that you and yourgovernment are constantly undertaking to improve the business climate and thesocio-economic living conditions of the Congolese through good governance ofour resources. The clumsy management of the country's mining and energy assetsby the outgoing Committee of SOKIMO and the current managers of COMINIERE arecontrary to your policy of developing our 145 territories from the base thanksto our natural resources, their management has frozen mining assets or has madethem available to speculators and predators who have never developed them whilerefusing or complicating those who can develop them according to norms andstandards international agreements for the benefit of the Republic and itspopulation. Our organizations are surprised that while there are investors inthe country with technologies, finances and expertise to develop miningprojects, some managers of public companies and sector ministries prefer toentrust deposits to commissionaires in a suspicious way and to the detriment ofthe general interest and of the DRC. The same is true for the mining companiesof KISENGE-MANGANESE, SODIMICO, SAKIMA and CAMI (Mining Land Registry) whoseofficials in office for more than a decade, for almost all these public miningcompanies and establishments, had to be replaced since your coming to power forthe good of the country. In view of the urgency and to save what can still besaved within these state mining companies and considering grassrootsdevelopment, totally crossing your vision of building without support orassistance from an outside expert was the UNDP or not, in the territories ofFaradje and Watsa found around Kibali Gold Mine in Haut-Uélé as well as in theLuilu Sector in Lualaba for example, our organizations ask you to instruct thegovernment of the Republic the urgent replacement of public officers ofCOMINIERE SA after selective recruitment as recommended by COPIREP (as much asfor other mining companies in the State Portfolio) and the immediate transferof the interim Managing Director to the General Prosecutor's Office of theRepublic in in order to answer for his actions before an instructing judge onthe basis of the 1GF Report.

The immediate notification ofthe Exploitation License to Dathcom Mining by the Director General of theMining Cadastre who blocks it in violation of the mining law by undermining thecredibility of your policy of good governance, as requested more than onehundred and sixty days ago by the Minister of Mines, in strict compliance withthe legal deadline, the prescriptions of the Mining Code and Regulations andthe laws of the Republic, will also reassure more about the good businessclimate in the country and will ensure the development of certain territoriesof the province of Tanganyika from from the grassroots according to your visionin favor of local communities and the ambitious plan of sustainable communitydevelopment instilled in this partnership by the Australian partner AVZInternational. Your only decision, as the sole guarantor of theinterests of the Congolese people and of the Republic, will bring order to thecountry's mining sector in the granting of permits and protection of the rightsof holders of mining rights, will deter other managers of public companies inthe Portfolio who take pleasure in managing them like property without a masteror personal property, and will also be a strong signal to serious investors whoare still reluctant to do win-win business in our country. Hoping that thiswill hold your particular attention, please accept, Excellency the President ofthe Republic and Head of State, our patriotic greetings with our mostrespectful tributes.

Forsignatory citizen organizations and platforms,

MeTimothée MBUYA


Copy forinformation:

-Excellency Mr. Prime Minister Head of Government - Mr. Director of Cabinet ofthe Head of State U - Mr. Deputy Director of Cabinet of the Head of State incharge of Economic and Financial Questions (All in Kinshasa/Gombe)
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Okay folks I'm back on the meds and normal transmissions will resume

I promise I will not correct anyone's grammar or punctuation (even if they really, really need it)

I promise I will not lose my shit when another post comes out of leftfield with some new weird crap concerning Manono and Koreans or Chinese or Aliens poking around our tenements

I promise I will not post after midnight if I have consumed any alcohol, chemicals, substances or shrooms

I promise I will not fill my posts with expletives or inappropriate language that may offend the kiddies (for the record I don't think I do it that often although my occassional rants can be somewhat colourful)

I promise I will be extra nice to all posters on the forum (except that Modo dude who was a complete wanker and thoroughly deserved to get whacked)

and lastly....

No that's it.....can't think of anything else

Thanks @Winenut for PM. It was pleasure to discuss the peculiarities of the grammatical structures in the English linguoculture with you.
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