AVZ Discussion 2022

The Fox

Until I hear it from The Fox or Nells this is just BS .
Maybe you should dust off your maracas Wombat 😀

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Dow Futures levelling out at this stage

Interested to see what else the macro has in store for us...
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Maybe you should dust off your maracas Wombat 😀

View attachment 17574
Stand back everyone - I’ve got this…

When my baby (lovely lithium)
When my baby smiles at me I go to Rio
De Janeiro (ministry of mines), my-oh-me-oh (my-oh-me-oh)
I go wild and then I have to do the Samba (environmental impact statement)
And La Bamba (BFS)
Now I'm not the kind of person (I’m actually a company, but carry on…)
With a passionate persuasion for dancin' (happy to dance a little jig, but let’s get into it)
Or roma-ancin' (We don’t want to spend too long with sweet talk - drill me!)
But I give in to the rhythm (the rhythmic sound of money changing hands is dizzying…)
And my feet follow the beatin' of my hear-eart (it’s nearly given out)
Woh-ho-oh-oh, when my baby (an expensive white powder)
When my baby smiles at me I go to Rio
De Janeiro (didn’t we do this already - surely we’re done?)
I'm a Salsa fellow (I can’t wait to dance with the minister of portfolio)
When my baby smiles at me (the Prez likes the cut of our jib)
The sun'll lightens up my li-ife (woo hoo, we have ministry of mines approval)
And I am free at last, what a blast (we’ll soon be mining!)
Woh-ho-oh-oh, when my baby (lovely lithium)
When my baby smiles at me (they gave me a look - ML must be imminent!)
I feel like Tarzan, of the Jungle (drill me baby)
There on the hot sand (it’s heating up in here)
And in a bungalow while monkeys play above-a (Zinjin plots a plot)
We-ee make love-a (pineapples abound and my arse hurts. There’s a fine line between pleasure and pain)
Now I'm not the type to let vibrations (spidey sense is a-tingling)
Trigger my imagination easily (Zinjin misinformation will do that to you)
You know that's just not me (Is it just me, or are we fucked?)
But I turn into a tiger (Erection has subsided so now im looking at bike porn)
Everytime I get beside the - one I love (ministry of mines - you complete me!)
Woh, oh, woh, woh-oh, Rio - Rio (Faark, can you shove that thing in any harder?)
Yeah Ugh - Rio - Ugh (ok, ok. It hurts, but lay back and think of the divvies)
Woh-ho-oh-oh, when my ba-a-aby (lithium, I love thee)
When my baby smiles at me I go to Rio
De Janeiro (again? Shouldn’t we make friends with CAMI?)
I'm a Salsa fellow-ow (I’m aroused again)
When my baby smiles at me (she might let us see her entire surface (rights))
The sun'll lightens you-up my li-ife (we’ll pay said surface rights and we can drill, baby, drill!)
And I am free at last, what a blast (yeah, fuck off Zinjin. Let’s mine!)
When my baby (sweet lithium)
When my baby smiles at me I go to Rio (wait, what? ministry of mines playing hard to get again, this is getting silly now)
That's when I go to Rio (ministry of mines, i’m tiring of thee)
Rio - Rio De Janeir-eiro (just singing it doesn’t make it easier. CAMI, can you hear me?)
Rio, Rio, Rio (ministry of mines, ministry of mines, ministry of mines, repeat forever).

TLDR: Peter Allen will sing a jaunty tune while we get screwed. Every day, forever.
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Master of Quan


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in australia, do you all drink all day long?
Depends, when I have to trade, drive my car, sail my boat, give the kids, or the missus the eye.
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in australia, do you all drink all day long?
in these times of shit fuckery I'm adhering to a pretty strict drug regimen to keep my mind, you know, limber,,,,,

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in australia, do you all drink all day long?
I have a rule . I only drink from dusk until bedtime . That way you give your body a good 18 hours recovery time . Plenty of water and healthy food during the day and you're good to go again . I refrain from hard liquor except for special occasions .
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Damn you whoever posted that link to the landcruiser trip in Congo.
Currently 28 pages deep, a paragraph I thought was interesting….

The road is Chinese made. You can recognize the chinese from a distance by the big straw hats they wear. Everywhere in Congo people, especially kids, would shout "Chinois" (Chinese in French) to us. For many Congolese everybody who is not black is "Chinois". That is due to the large community of Chinese living in Congo.

The relationship between China and Congo is worrying to say the least. I will not bore you to death with the details, but if you are interested, do a google search on the deals regarding the mining concessions and you will find plenty to read.
In short: China has lend Congo many billions for rebuilding their infrastructure. Almost all infrastructure works are then outsourced to.. Chinese companies. The chinese companies bring their own - underpaid - workforce and provide little to no employment to the local population. In return for the loan China gets huge mining concessions. Astronomical 'signature fees' were appointed to the officials who signed the contracts ofcourse. The whole deal is immensly beneficial for the Chinese, but the question is what is in it for the Congolese?
And what happens when the 5 billion is spent? They'll have a few nice roads and bridges. But what about maintenance of this infrastructure?”

We know something of this kinda shit hey 🤔
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Would be nice , but my first instinct is he's making a frustrated gesture . His intel would be the same as Fox and Nells . About as useful as a condom full of holes . Or a pineapple with no lube . IMO
Thanks 🙏
Went to PPQ’s website to check and those license plates from DeBoss are still available.
In Queensland , “AVZ” is taken, and so are few other good combination already gone .
I ❤️ AVZ is still up for grabs. But at this stage the relationship is like one way traffic, more like we harassing a selfish lover who wants nothing to do with us, no loving back from the beast of Manono. So current situation is more like

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in australia, do you all drink all day long?
No of course Not, Ok, well maybe :rolleyes:

But Only while we're in Suspension

🍺🍷🥃 🍻 🍷🍹 🥃🥂 🍷🍾

Why, because

#BabyGif !!! .gif



Bottoms Up ;)

Cheers 🍻

Frank :cool:
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in australia, do you all drink all day long?
Don't judge us, FFS! Some of us have medical conditions 🤪

Q. What's the difference between alcoholics & pissheads?
A. Alcoholics have to go to all of those stupid meetings.
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in these times of shit fuckery I'm adhering to a pretty strict drug regimen to keep my mind, you know, limber,,,,,

movie quote boys,,,, cmon
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I think number plates are lame, I'm getting some custom toilet paper rolls. They say:


It's all good until you get shafted
up the port of banana.
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