AVZ Discussion 2022


I wonder if we'll get a please explain regarding this ... when I click on the tweet it's been deleted?

View attachment 14463
Hmmmmm yes deleted indeed. Sensitive information for sure, Probably something that should be released within the drilling update I can only assume.
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Hmmmmm yes deleted indeed. Sensitive information for sure, Probably something that should be released within the drilling update I can only assume.
She was the one doing the health survey on the artisinal miners correct? If so its possible they just asked her to take the posts down in an abundance of caution. Its not trading anyway and pictures of core arent price sensitive. What matters is the lab results.
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She was the one doing the health survey on the artisinal miners correct? If so its possible they just asked her to take the posts down in an abundance of caution. Its not trading anyway and pictures of core arent price sensitive. What matters is the lab results
Yeah it's possible that's the case.
For sure the lab results is where the juicy info will be.
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@MoneyBags1348 a very local place for me i love, what a coincidence! You guys have a lot more cred than me though (i'm 40ish), have a great John Stewert original hanging up at my folks place though.

A hello to everyone else on the forum, I don't often like to make a scene but in case you're getting likes off a random named Oz then there you go. For full transparency, i've been on a previous forum which has gone to shit. I'm a holder since 2017, not owning a gold mine, ~>500k shares, been through ups and downs, i'm a realist and love that this forum is actual discussion about the project and related issues.... not shorters, trolls, etc. Thanks for having me, and awesome to see a very few familiar names who were/are renowned for great info in other forums. Cheers guys
Great to see you here mate👍👍
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@MoneyBags1348 a very local place for me i love, what a coincidence! You guys have a lot more cred than me though (i'm 40ish), have a great John Stewert original hanging up at my folks place though.

A hello to everyone else on the forum, I don't often like to make a scene but in case you're getting likes off a random named Oz then there you go. For full transparency, i've been on a previous forum which has gone to shit. I'm a holder since 2017, not owning a gold mine, ~>500k shares, been through ups and downs, i'm a realist and love that this forum is actual discussion about the project and related issues.... not shorters, trolls, etc. Thanks for having me, and awesome to see a very few familiar names who were/are renowned for great info in other forums. Cheers guys
Hey ozmacca, nice to have a reply from you. My best boards were made by John, my best one snapped in half in a 3 ft surf at Moonie (unbelievable to have that happen in such a small surf) and I had a beautiful board with a full bottom spray of a barrel in beautiful greeny blue would be worth a fortune if I kept it but John experimented on the bottom curve and concaves and I hated that particular board and sold it. In the 70’s we used to jump of the Catho Pier when the surf was big, don’t think too many people have done it since and a few of those old local boys are dead now. If I can find an old photo of the pier at night fully lit up with a coal ship docked I’ll post it here, those days are long gone now. Good news this morning with Chris Bowen saying our Govt is moving forward with promoting and providing incentives for EV’s here as well as a battery manufacturing plant in QLD. Only other thing I have to say this morning is I lost a lot of sleep last night thinking I might have taken things a bit far teasing @Nellie17 The truth is perhaps I (and perhaps Wombat) aren’t quite in as much stress as many others here, and I think we both may have a wicked sense of humour and have been having a little too much fun with our jokes (I’m hoping Wombie feels the same way) It’s not nice ganging up on someone even if it’s meant in fun, and my personal opinion is that women should not have to compete against men…. Funny old world today, with women wanting to / or having to compete against men. Men can basically be arseholes, even good ones, and women should be allowed to be softer and feminine, that’s why we like them. So @Nellie17 I’m very sorry if I took the teasing too far (I think Wombie probably is too!) As BEISHA has said here (and Frank said to me privately) we are all part of the the AVZ family, and bullies aren’t welcome!
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She was the one doing the health survey on the artisinal miners correct? If so its possible they just asked her to take the posts down in an abundance of caution. Its not trading anyway and pictures of core arent price sensitive. What matters is the lab results.
I didn't know a rock licker was qualified to carry out a health survey.

In my eyes she served her purpose, lift the lid a tiny bit to piss certain people off, to follow with an oops, a delete and no more photos from drilling activities.

For Felix to think that $33 million is simply daylight illegal robbery and now purge the Chinese Cheap shots and get on with the job, crucify the cominière and CAMI bosses as part of the cleansing process.

Great job Nigel. 🤣
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Nice Biesha bring in that $$ ready for an AVZ top up.

Now state with the dunning kruger effect in all encompassing influence claim to know too much about charts, unlike some special friends on the crapper !!!
However do my eyes see trends broken and Higher highs in both those charts posted ?
So we are to expect both higher lows on both charts yes ?
Dont you mean lower lows / highs...........;)

Yes, the trend is turning to the bear side ..........imo
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Hey ozmacca, nice to have a reply from you. My best boards were made by John, my best one snapped in half in a 3 ft surf at Moonie (unbelievable to have that happen in such a small surf) and I had a beautiful board with a full bottom spray of a barrel in beautiful greeny blue would be worth a fortune if I kept it but John experimented on the bottom curve and concaves and I hated that particular board and sold it. In the 70’s we used to jump of the Catho Pier when the surf was big, don’t think too many people have done it since and a few of those old local boys are dead now. If I can find an old photo of the pier at night fully lit up with a coal ship docked I’ll post it here, those days are long gone now. Good news this morning with Chris Bowen saying our Govt is moving forward with promoting and providing incentives for EV’s here as well as a battery manufacturing plant in QLD. Only other thing I have to say this morning is I lost a lot of sleep last night thinking I might have taken things a bit far teasing @Nellie17 The truth is perhaps I (and perhaps Wombat) aren’t quite in as much stress as many others here, and I think we both may have a wicked sense of humour and have been having a little too much fun with our jokes (I’m hoping Wombie feels the same way) It’s not nice ganging up on someone even if it’s meant in fun, and my personal opinion is that women should not have to compete against men…. Funny old world today, with women wanting to / or having to compete against men. Men can basically be arseholes, even good ones, and women should be allowed to be softer and feminine, that’s why we like them. So @Nellie17 I’m very sorry if I took the teasing too far (I think Wombie probably is too!) As BEISHA has said here (and Frank said to me privately) we are all part of the the AVZ family, and bullies aren’t welcome!
Here’s the Catho Pier day and night. Took these back in the 70’s so no digital cameras back then which is a shame because it would be good if you could make them clearer and blow them up


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Here’s the Catho Pier day and night. Took these back in the 70’s so no digital cameras back then which is a shame because it would be good if you could make them clearer and blow them
Great shots

Get them high quality digitially scanned

The clarity could propably be cleaned up with a bit of digital editing and you could blow them up any size you want

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No Wombie, but here’s a photo of one of my mates smoking a bushy top riser (BTR). This mate and another mate used to compress the mull so you could pack it three times the height of the cone, it took three of us to light it 🤣 If you knocked the bong over in the night (often the result of a setup) you had to have an icecream cone as punishment in the morning, it used take about 20 minutes to smoke! Of course everything had to involve an official cone in those days
i will have.gif
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Here’s the Catho Pier day and night. Took these back in the 70’s so no digital cameras back then which is a shame because it would be good if you could make them clearer and blow them
Cheers mate, great photos, definitely makes me a bit homesick!! The jetty jump was very popular back in the day, well it was until someone looked down once and saw a big white the size of a submarine! Moonee still my favourite place to surf on a NE swell, and ghosties beachie always has a surprising amount of power on a small day. I remember seeing some really old shots of south catho bombie before they dynamited the reef to protect the coal ship. That was well and truly before my time though.
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What is our old mate talking about now????

And they say. Leopard never changes their spots…..

Won’t be long now - just not this week..



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Here is a song about people having a difference of opinion .

Hey Wombie, my first impressions of you on here and the crapper were that you are looking to sell up and move on (and no doubt there have been a few good opportunities like LTR and CXO that a quick dollar or two could have been made on recently without the sovereign risk etc etc) but my main impression of you was that you knew what you were talking about and I agreed with a lot of what I saw you post on the crapper, though you didn’t seem to get much acknowledgment. I’m trying to change my hardline approach, I ran away from home twice growing up, the first time I was about 7 and only got as far as the bus stop across the road (and my mum let me know what an pathetic effort that was), the second time though, it was a bit longer than that and she had to report me to the police as missing, nothing like having a mum who when you manage to grab the belt out of her hand she starts throwing punches…. don’t even get me started when she found all the undies I had hidden because I was too scared to show her the skid marks, generally caused by having an old shitter 50 metres up the back yard with no back fence, no street lights and just a candle to burn in the blackness of it all aged anywhere between 4 and 7…anyway it’s thanks to her that I learned a little about toughness and now I’m learning about kindness, big change for me. What I’m trying to say, I’ve never really been able to disagree with anyone without wanting to knock them out. Plenty of disagreements on here I’m sure, just as I’m sure you’re willing to move on to the he next subject same as me, I only ramble on here because it’s the only social media I use, I’m waiting for information on AVZ, CAMI etc and I think Jag wants me to. I like your sense of humour but I’m starting to worry about your fruit fetish. PS I know you’re there, if you reply, bear in mind I won’t reply for some time, I’m just about to start my speedball training
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Obe wan the fruit bowl is staring at me .
Might as well start spreading the Vaseline on that pineapple, Friday arvo news isn't likely to be good anyway. :D
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Par-tay at Jag's Shack!!

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Would probably look like this...:oops:

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Linda has morphed again for those that are compelled to read utter drivel and unresearched shite on the Crapper and enjoy copping abuse from a monstrous psychotic tranny

Look out for none other than....


Yep so here's the list I know of so far...

IBruce401, Tradingirl, Retrogirl, BikieNut2, SunnyBoy1, cruisingtime and now mustangrider

Wonder what the next one will be?????

More identities than an asylum for schizophrenics.......
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