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I'm not sure what to make of him personally, the information he kept pushing before the suspension was readily available from articles over the months prior. Nigel seemed to take the approach of dismissing it as rubbish even though it was an obvious concern and (hopefully) dealing with it quietly in the background. The culmination of geists tweeting the zigin news report and the boatman report made a negative impact at a time when everything was looking very promising.Not referring to you mate, but you’ll have to go back through the threads yourself like the rest of us do. You only need to go back a few pages. The biggest blow to us in my view wasn’t the attempted grab at the 15% by Zigin (which also in my view will be sorted), the biggest blow was boatman’s report and all the coverage it got spreading disinformation from Reuters, Bloomberg, the Financial Review etc and Der Geist did more to expose that lie than anyone, including our lawyers. I’m aware of the IGF report and Momentum Attorneys good work etc, but Der Geist made a great detailed contribution
With the suspension due to tenement issues the icing in the cake.
He did seem to switch from a very critical view of AVZ to a pro AVZ stance deleting his Twitter account in between (one assumes in a bit of panic that the situation became much bigger and more serious than he might have expected)
The situation obviously had to be dealt with at some point, just a shame it wasn't squashed behind the scenes and I can see why some seem to attribute some blame due to his incessant squealing.
On the other hand maybe it's given management a kick up the ass as there isn't much sign of them having dealt with any of the issues prior with any urgency, not on the public face of it anyway.