*Speaking of "Damage Control - Vomit Bags and Money Bags filled with Mushroom and Honey Sandwiches" for the taking, did you see where,
The Chinese government willing to support the economic and social development of the DRC
The Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, received on Saturday July 23, 2022 at the Primature, a Chinese delegation headed by Ms. Xu Jinghu, Special Representative of the Chinese government for African Affairs, who came to reassure him of the support of his country for the economic and social development of the DRC.
This delegation was led to the Head of Government by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs, Christophe Lutundula Apala pen'Apala.
In front of the press, Ms. Xu Jinghu praised the mutual respect, understanding and reciprocal support that have always characterized cooperation between the two countries, before recalling that the year 2022 marks the fiftieth anniversary of their diplomatic relations. 
“We had a very friendly, very content-rich and fruitful meeting, because China and the DRC are good friends, good partners and good brothers.
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the normalization of our diplomatic relations and over these 50 years, we have always worked together.
Politically, we have always lent each other mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual support.”
For example, Ms. Xu Jinghu pinpointed the fact that in international forums, the DRC always supports China on issues that affect the vital interests and major concerns of this country.
“We, on our part, at the United Nations, within the Security Council, we always plead the cause, the interests of the DRC. 
We always come out in favor of our friend. 
We are always at our friend's side. 
There you have it, really mutual support,” she said.
She also listed some of the achievements made within the framework of this cooperation.
To this end, she reiterated her country's commitment to always accompany the DRC in its march towards economic and social development.
“In terms of pragmatic cooperation, we have worked together and we have achieved a lot of projects, a lot of progress.
This morning, I went to visit the memorial of Mr. Lumumba.
It is also one of the fruits of the cooperation between China and the DRC", she said, before indicating that she had seen, "all along the road, palpable, tangible achievements of the cooperation between the two countries.
To leave an indelible mark on this visit, which marks fifty years of diplomatic relations between the DRC and China, the two personalities exchanged gifts as a souvenir, it is reported.
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Food for thought